Example sentences of "[noun sg] too has " in BNC.

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1 The water level in this loch too has probably been artificially raised .
2 The adoption of this model of pedagogy means that the teacher is necessarily engaged in research as an aspect of teaching and this research too has its own character and its own criteria of relevance and success .
3 It hit sectors and people who largely escaped before , the skilled , the clerical workers , the managers and the professionals who 've been badly mauled this time , and where last time around er the service sector was expanding to mop up some of those who 'd lost their jobs in manufacturing , this time the service sector too has been in deep trouble .
4 This question too has had a long history though it is only quite recently that it has become a precisely defined issue of zoological theory .
5 Sun too has chips in development , he says — seven of them in fact .
6 Sun too has chips in development — seven of them in fact .
7 The business and industrial community too has always relied on public libraries to provide a service to meet their specialist needs .
8 Another revealed that the last of the Callanish eagles was gone for ‘ that place too has been taken over by Men who put to death what eagles they find .
9 The process of retirement too has a differential impact on men and women , but the experience of women has remained obscured because old age has been regarded , in Simone de Beauvoir 's ( 1977 , p. 101 ) terms , as ‘ a man 's problem ’ .
10 Chrysler too has focused on management change to increase its competitiveness .
11 Nature too has to be respected .
12 That content too has always been felt to be linked to the aesthetic in some way — though again as of late , in theoretical studies this has not been examined .
13 The Theodosian Code too has little to say about trusts .
14 And suicide too has something important to tell us .
15 So , submits Mr. Browne , inviting analogy first between discovery in civil and in criminal proceedings , and then between the implied undertaking on the one hand and public interest immunity on the other , this court should now conclude that the immunity too has lapsed : in other words that there no longer remains any public interest in withholding these documents from further dissemination .
16 Employment policy too has been directed overwhelmingly towards this group .
17 The Transport and General Workers Union too has been active In the industry , and its latest recruitment drives is also aimed at casuals .
18 But Marxism too has its roots in humanism .
19 Man too has a mechanism of mimicry which goes back to the baby in the cradle answering its mother 's smile , older than any utilization for learning how others feel or how to pick up skills or even for play , and which can get out of control in neurotic echolalia and echopraxia .
20 But the past too has to be claimed .
21 Initially , a majority of these reluctant long-distance movers commute back to their metropolitan jobs , but in the longer term many take up more local jobs — a feature that has grown as employment too has decentralized ( Herington , 1984 ; Congdon and Champion , 1989 ) .
22 In the General Prologue the Reeve is thus described : and : and the Host responds to the serious reflections of the Reeve 's Prologue accordingly : But the Host too has appropriated a character , as judge and ruler of the tale-telling game , that takes him beyond the predictable attributes of his normal station in life : while in the fiction of the Tales , the Miller has just been attributed with the strengths of the court poet Chaucer as a narrator .
23 The garden too has been saved from neglect .
24 Melia too has intriguing links with the story .
25 Relieved of its weight of ice the land too has risen , but many former coastal areas , including sites of human settlement , remain under the sea around present-day northern coasts .
26 Although this conversation too has sequences of opinion and justification , it does not proceed in a linear fashion .
27 Labour history too has developed into a recognizable historical research area and women 's history is following suit .
28 Séguin too has contributed to books on the subject of the Community 's future , the latest being De l ‘ Europe en général et de la France en particulier ( Le pré aux Clercs , 1992 ) .
29 Gysin too has his disciples in avant-garde rock .
30 Of special interest too has been the question of the effect of growing unionism on the professionalism and commitment to patients or ‘ clients ’ of public sector workers in the field of health and welfare .
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