Example sentences of "[noun sg] between the " in BNC.

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1 In Conterchi take the concealed right-turning between the church and the supermercato , then left under the bridge , following signs to S. Pietro in Crespi .
2 The silicone rubber will fill up the gaps , creating a cushion between the saddle and the pickups and helping to even out the response — at the expense of a slight reduction in overall output .
3 The position of the DBMS , acting as a cushion between the logical views of the data structure and the physical schema , is shown in Figure 4.1 .
4 One is obliged to note , however , that Dame Sirith does very little else to support the case that the Anglo-Norman fabliaux stand between the French tradition and English fabliaux .
5 In such a small group the special sympathy between the two boys was obvious to all their companions .
6 He saw it break its flight over a dell between the dunes , soar vertically and then head off at an angle .
7 The vague and confused distribution of powers in relation to the curriculum between the various partners — the individual school , the LEA , and central government is noted .
8 To avoid the waste of pupil time which arises from duplication of teaching in differing phases of schooling when the gap itself creates discontinuity , a variety of organizations have been used by LEAs to make sure that primary and secondary schools make clear to each other , first , what is being provided and later , as achievements and the needs of learning change , to help them to plan together to create a complementary or continuous curriculum between the phases .
9 Buthelezi was said to be angry that the ANC had alleged connivance between the security forces and Inkatha in killing ANC supporters .
10 Despite a major stratigraphic gap that includes most of the Jurassic and the Lower Cretaceous , there is little angular discordance between the shaly limestones and shales of the Rhaetic and Lower Lias and the overlying glauconitic sandstones and limestones of the Upper Cretaceous .
11 Justice Foster said of the discordance between the evidence of the epidemiological witnesses called by the Australian Federation of Consumer Organisations and the Tobacco Institute of Australia , ‘ It was not a disagreement which the learned primary judge or this Court could reasonably resolve . ’
12 Discordance between the CDAI and the scan score was observed on 10 occasions .
13 I tell the young people joining us that the great division in their lives , if they climb in the business , is the division between the company and their family .
14 Their essence — setting up a division between the buyers of health care ( usually health authorities ) and its providers ( often hospitals ) — represents a huge improvement in the running of the NHS .
15 Paternal authority was basic to the Zuwaya image , for loyalties depended on ancient domesticities : it was because your ancestors and his ancestors lived in the same household , under the same authority , that you owed another loyalty ( unless , as happened , you were in dispute with him , in which case those old fraternities marked the division between the two of you ) .
16 The gaping division between the settled , Christian , treaty Nez Perce , and the ‘ heathen ’ , non-treaty faction was further widened at this time by the appearance of the Dreamer religion , introduced by a hunch-backed Wanapum holy man named Smohalla .
17 The idea of an important division between the ‘ young old ’ and the ‘ old old ’ in today 's terms was thus already accepted .
18 The system was still one of equal division between the children .
19 Its outcome is still a division between the sheep and the goats .
20 But the division between the permanent staff and new prisoners persisted .
21 — ‘ Any idea what the squadron 's doing now ? ’ ) but from that moment there was a clear cut division between the sheep and the goats .
22 This sad , artificial division between the theoretical and the empirical is quite unnecessary , but reflects the structure of the sociological profession itself , affected as it is by its history and its own peculiar form of development in Britain .
23 In addition to this general point about theory placing empirical practice into pre-determined boxes , there seems little historical rationale or evidence for this particular division between the types of functions and types of politics which characterize the local and the national state .
24 The division between the headquarters and the College responsibilities is shown as occurring between sub-systems 4.0 and 5.0 in the system model .
25 Within the Christian religion , the division between the two great branches , Protestantism and Roman Catholicism , is deep and almost unbridgeable .
26 We feel there is little division between the players and the images of fact .
27 The division between the sleeping and run sections is fitted at floor level with a hole just large enough to allow the ferrets easy passage but small enough to prevent them dragging food carcasses from the run section into the sleeping quarters .
28 Hallucinations occur when the division between the subconscious and conscious mind is blurred , producing a form of psychosis .
29 Although there can be no clear-cut division between the use of language in literature and in everyday life ( and it would not be fruitful to attempt to make such a division ) , we can recognise that some of the most arresting , innovative and enriching uses of language come from the poets , novelists and dramatists who practise the craft of writing .
30 They highlight the division between the localised and widespread types of distribution pattern .
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