Example sentences of "[noun sg] only to " in BNC.

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1 In Britain , caste is not really relevant in the same way , it usually gives rise only to petty jealousy ( except where intermarriage is concerned ) .
2 In Raman spectra totally symmetric modes are uniquely identified in that they give rise only to Q-branches , whereas vibrations of any other symmetry give , ± 1 and ± 2 branches .
3 However , where there is a breach of any term which is not a condition , that breach could be either repudiatory ( i.e. equivalent in effect to a breach of condition ) or a mere breach of warranty ( i.e. giving rise only to a claim to damages ) .
4 Advances of capital and determinations of interest during the life of the beneficiary which have taken place before 26/3/74 can give rise only to a claim for duty or tax in connection with the beneficiary 's death ( a ) If the death takes place before 13/11/74 any claim for estate duty must be made under Section 2(1) ( b ) ( i ) or ( ii ) of the Finance Act , 1894 , and all the present estate duty rules apply .
5 As a result , banks want to lend money only to the most creditworthy .
6 To such people the world abroad too often resembled a sewer down which credulous Americans were persuaded to pour money only to be surprised when it disappeared without trace .
7 In June his mother enquired about progress only to be told ‘ Why , he is not even thinking of it … so far we know nothing either about the cast or about the libretto ’ .
8 Under such circumstances characteristics of adult language input would be reflected in differential rates of progress only to the extent that they coincided with the child 's existing ‘ style ’ of learning language ( Gleitman et al .
9 Stop schooling sessions three months from foaling , resort only to gentle ambling .
10 But all Anselm 's actions , both under Rufus and Henry I , suggest that he thought that too much importance was being attached to the disputed ceremonies , and that the real problems of religious life were at the level of personal attitudes and motives known in the last resort only to God .
11 An exclusion clause in a contract of sale can provide a defence only to the seller and only against a claim by the person to whom he sold .
12 Except in those cases where contracts are population-based , which is not apparently envisaged in the new proposals , providers will have a responsibility only to the patients they treat and will have no responsibility for any particular population .
13 He regrets that ‘ language , which adapts itself for the most part only to the common uses of life , has provided us with no single-worded or immediate designation ’ for the impression .
14 The bank provided finance for our client to exchange contracts , this the deposit , and then subsequently the attempt to obtain full security over their proposed lendings by including security over a property at Frinton on Sea which had been left in part only to our client upon his father 's death .
15 She was out every evening , sometimes staying away all night and coming back in the afternoon only to tart herself up for the next evening away .
16 C , lacking an association with X , will be able to evoke the test response only to the extent that , without any special training , it holds elements in common with A. Now , for acquired distinctiveness to occur , for the generalization between A and C to be reduced , it is necessary for the training procedures to reduce the extent to which these common elements acquire strength .
17 This magnificent constellation is arguably second in splendour only to Orion .
18 In this way justice is done mot only to its Hebrew origin , where it was called the " Torah " ( Law ) or the " Five fifths of Moses " , but also to its own inherent unity .
19 It is that our knowledge surely starts from what our five senses tell us and can extend beyond this direct experience only to generalizations of what we know by experience .
20 ‘ I enjoy it ’ and ‘ It hurts ’ testify of course only to awareness of the immediate stimuli , and will always be outweighed if enlargement of awareness changes the response .
21 It 's of course only to be expected that people should moan about the tax they 've got to pay and people always complain that it seems to go up every year .
22 Genentech says that once the company gains approval from the food and Drug Administration it will distribute the drug only to hospitals .
23 The recruitment of members of both groups into the Police Force of the Interior was also covered by the treaty , an important consideration given the hostile response by Tucayana to the July 1989 Kourou peace accord [ see p. 36811 ] which afforded this provision only to the SLA .
24 Where courses are offered at only one teaching centre , it would be possible to make significant progress by initially devolving responsibility for assessment only to the college , while maintaining for the time being central control of the course content .
25 It was in any case only to be expected that a serious move by the Community to advance further through a reduction of national sovereignty and freedom to act independently would generate a nationalist opposition .
26 Some went further and stated that the press must be free to say whatever needed saying ; not surprisingly , opponents of this school of thought pointed out that this gave freedom only to those who had a newspaper at their disposal .
27 It explicitly reversed the accepted Catholic teaching which related freedom only to truth and not to persons , claiming that error had no rights .
28 A few did succeed in reaching the border , however , and on Aug. 13 at least 15 dissidents cut through a barbed wire fence only to be arrested as they rushed towards the Demilitarized Zone which divided the two Korean states .
29 To the extent that activities are spontaneous it appears that they belong to the realm of the caused ( which in the case of biological process is obvious enough ) , and that he is a free agent only to the extent that he learns to direct them .
30 In 1863 , Manet 's Déjeuner sur l'herbe was rejected at the annual Salon only to be exhibited at the Salon des Refusés .
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