Example sentences of "[noun sg] now show " in BNC.

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1 Then , buttonhole stitch into each stitch now showing , both layers together .
2 In the event , Wesley Smith 's portrait WO N'T be hanging next to Sean Connery 's in an exhibition of Peter 's work now showing at the Link Centre .
3 Lot thirty five is the French phonograph now showing , Lot thirty five a hundred is offered for this , one hundred pounds and ten , one twenty , one thirty , any more at one thirty ?
4 Dr Clarke 's painstaking scrutiny of the record now shows that Keynes was even more changeable than we thought .
5 Lot seven is the Andia Cockatoo loudspeaker now showing , there it is , thank you , Lot seven and two hundred is offered for this , two hundred pounds and twenty , two twenty forty , sixty two sixty now any more at two sixty , all done ?
6 ‘ You obviously enjoy walking , ’ he countered , and looked over to her , to where a hint of lovely colour now showed in her normally pale porcelain-like skin .
7 No doubt you enjoy the effect of the exposed sock , the way the bum-freezer jacket now shows the waistband of the trousers — not to speak of the exciting way the buttons strain across my chest . ’
8 one hundred and nine the English chamber barrel organ now showing , thank you and I have eight hundred pounds offered for this fifty , nine hundred and fifty nine hundred and fifty pounds one thousand one hundred one thousand two hundred on my right now at one thousand two hundred pounds , any more ?
9 I think the evidence now shows that that is simply not true , so there was correctional work to do there .
10 But there is enough evidence now to show that the bad image is totally justified .
11 But satellite pictures received by the weather centre at the Falklands military base now show the iceberg moving straight towards the Falklands .
12 Lot thirty four another horn gramophone now showing , thank you and I have two hundred offered for this , twenty , two forty , two sixty , any more at two sixty ?
13 Lot a hundred and twenty one fine musical necessaire now showing , thank you , Lot one two one for which I have eight hundred pounds offered , fifty , nine hundred and fifty , one thousand , one hundred one thousand one hundred pounds two hundred three hundred one thousand three hundred and fifty , any more ?
14 Lot a hundred and thirty nine snuff box in tortoiseshell case now showing initials W B D on the top and I have four hundred offered for it , four fifty , fifty , four hundred and fifty now , any more ?
15 and Lot fourteen is the cabinet now showing , thank you , Lot fourteen , fifty for it fifty pounds anywhere at fifty at fifty pounds fifty at fifty pounds fifty pounds , anywhere at fifty unwanted then at fifty pounds fifty pounds .
16 But the party which has always claimed the revolutionary role now shows no signs of fulfilling it .
17 Rediscovering Pompeii is a fascinating exhibition now showing at the Accademia Italiana London .
18 Rediscovering Pompeii is a fascinating exhibition now showing at the Accademia Italiana London .
19 I then overlaid the same area with marker 420 flesh , flatly , so that the white areas of paper now showed a peach pink and the grey areas appeared as neutral shadows of pearl grey pink .
20 The punchcard now shows the second row .
21 In many key directions the new radicalism now showed itself in full .
22 One hundred and thirty five a small box by Capt , snuff box by Capt now showing er I have er four hundred pounds offered , four fifty , five hundred and fifty , six hundred , six hundred and fifty , seven hundred and fifty , eight hundred and fifty on my left at eight fifty now , any more ?
23 The distinctiveness now shown , combined with a penchant for dub-style work-outs , has come to full , almost jazzy , fruition with ‘ Eva Luna ’ .
24 Lot one hundred and eighteen singing bird box now showing , Lot one hundred and eighteen for which I have five hundred pounds offered and fifty , six hundred and fifty , seven hundred and fifty , eight hundred and fifty , nine hundred at nine hundred on the right there , any more ?
25 Lot a hundred and nineteen singing bird box now showing , Lot a hundred and nineteen for which I have six hundred offered and fifty , seven hundred , any more at seven hundred pounds ?
26 Lot a hundred and twenty five thank you another snuff box now showing , Lot one two five for which I have two offered and twenty two fifty , two eighty , three hundred three hundred pounds , any more ?
27 Lot a hundred and twenty eight is the snuff box now showing , thank you , Lot one two eight and I have six hundred pounds offered , fifty , seven hundred and fifty , eight hundred eight hundred pounds , any more ?
28 Er Lot one hundred and twenty nine three airs snuff box now showing , Lot one two nine for which I have five hundred offered , five fifty , six hundred six hundred pounds , any more ?
29 Lot a hundred and thirty tortoiseshell box now showing , Lot a hundred and thirty and I have four hundred offered for this one , four twenty , fifty , four eighty , five hundred , and fifty six hundred and fifty , seven hundred and fifty and fifty nine hundred at nine hundred pounds fifty , one thousand one hundred two hundred one thousand three hundred four hundred , five hundred , six hundred , seven hundred , eight hundred , nine hundred , two thousand , two hundred two thousand four hundred two thousand six hundred two thousand eight hundred , three thousand three thousand pounds it 's your bid at three thousand any advance on three thousand pounds , are you all done then at three thousand pounds ?
30 Lot thirty eight is the mahogany Monarch with brass horn now showing , thank you , I 've five hundred pounds offered , any more at five hundred ?
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