Example sentences of "[noun sg] she feel " in BNC.

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1 Ursula 's concern for Samantha 's safety seemed to eclipse any grief she felt on Maurice 's account .
2 So how could she possibly tell her friend about the almost wild grief she felt at the prolonged absence of her husband ; the deep , stabbing pain in her heart when she remembered their wonderful night of passion ?
3 Xanthe chattered and could be heard telling Daffodil she felt snug and safe behind her curtain .
4 She said this flatly , hiding all the emotion she felt .
5 She was standing on the drive , reaching the end of a discussion about a kitchen order with Leif , and as Vitor climbed from the car she felt herself grow tense .
6 As the thought sprang into her mind she felt her entire body flood with heat even as she shivered in the chilly air .
7 Her face conveyed none of the confusion she felt .
8 But under her assumed indifference she felt interest sparking into life .
9 The arrival of the Brownings and her husband in Florence at the beginning of June was the beginning of what she felt to be a softening of her self and she was glad to find the hard crust she felt encasing her crack and dissolve .
10 The disgust she felt almost paralysed Comfort for a moment , before she started to fumble in her bag for a handkerchief .
11 Faced by Constance 's distress she felt utterly at sea and did n't know how to help her .
12 The parents needed not only extensive marital therapy but also to realize that Suzy needed sympathy and understanding about the distress she felt when her parents argued .
13 After her third attempt she felt quite secure and rather smug .
14 It was a small back room at the back of the house , little more than a box , but when she pressed down the switch of the low-voltage nursery light she felt again a glow of maternal , proprietorial pride .
15 The anger he saw in her eyes was camouflage for the fear she felt .
16 He looked sideways at her ; saw how she opened her eyes , fighting against the fear she felt ; battling with it ; trying to see the beauty there in that desolate place .
17 He did n't deserve it , yet she could n't stop the cold sick waves of fear she felt at what might happen to him .
18 And yet the vulnerability she felt seemed strangely inward — as though danger lay within her own body , and not in the raw strength of the man before her .
19 He smiled again , but Theda could not respond to an overture she felt to be false .
20 Until , under the mirror , after many a circle and feint , after many a playful retreat and renewed approach , Ivan at last cornered her , and even before he opened his mouth she felt the smell of fear from herself : her pores broke open , she stood there panting slightly , her hair rising on the back of her neck in terror , her heated skin covered in icy sweat : ‘ And when , ’ asked Ivan pleasantly , ‘ are you two going to make the announcement ?
21 He stepped further away from her and she was shocked at the sudden , inexplicable sense of loss she felt .
22 But now as she closed her eyes and remembered the scene she felt an old tugging sensation in the pit of her stomach .
23 Her body felt stiff and awkward , as if the cold she felt had been physical enough to stiffen her muscles , as well as freeze her heart .
24 Under his dark , quizzical gaze she felt as if she were under a microscope as she forced her legs to move , glued a polite smile on her lips .
25 He stared at her and as she met his shocked gaze she felt tears squeeze out over her lashes with hot , blinding intensity .
26 ‘ Yesterday Margrida was saying that when she saw us together at the lunch she felt we shared an affinity , ’ Ashley recalled .
27 Rachel was about to protest — this sounded like dangerous ground — but somehow it seemed the lesser of two evils and as she turned the key in the ignition she felt a flutter of excitement and she knew , deep down , that she wanted to go with him .
28 But even in this tumult she felt that Mark was the sane , controlled life-guard , trying to calm her .
29 Artemis said nothing , struggling to get out of her coat and gloves , hiding the panic she felt .
30 He leaned up on one elbow to gaze down at her and instead of Ruth feeling a rush of panic she felt incredibly calm .
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