Example sentences of "[noun sg] to life " in BNC.

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1 It 's no accident that Svidrigailov is the only one in the novel to handle yellow paper money , just as it 's no accident that children are frightened of him and run away ‘ in indescribable terror ’ because ( so we understand in our bones ) they smell death on him , or rather the unattachment to life which defeats even Sonya Marmeladov .
2 It is always possible that some ingenious modification of its protective belt will lead to some spectacular discovery that will bring the programme to life again and set it on a progressive phase .
3 It is an openness to life as it is , without falsification and without cosmetically touching up the serious flaws in human nature .
4 Humans , with their openness to life and their profound sense of incompletion , are in sharp contrast with the instinctive , closed world of the animal realm .
5 Though purists may object , the performances of all four concertos on the disc spring to life , fast movements as well as slow , and will equally delight those who would normally choose an account on modern instruments .
6 Apart from the lightning that brings Frankenstein 's monster to life , I can think of no other appearance of physics in films that incidentally have science in them .
7 This Reformed or Calvinist doctrine of grace and salvation was clearly reflected in Cranmer 's Forty-Two Articles of Faith issued in 1553 ; Article Seventeen in particular declared : ‘ predestination to life is the everlasting purpose of God ’ , and it went on to imply that individual salvation and damnation had been decreed at the beginning of creation , even before the Fall of Adam and Eve .
8 Common Law treated a contract as voidable if made under duress , i.e. threats of violence to life or limb ; it took no account of more subtle forms of pressure — the unfair advantage taken of a man in distressed circumstances , the influence exercised in certain relations , such as that of a guardian and his former ward , or solicitor and client .
9 I 'm at the centre of a giant trapezoid monument to life : poised between dumb gravity and my senseless urge to struggle on .
10 If self-knowledge is the key to life then verily might Mr Bowen change his name to Mr Yale .
11 But the full-page pictures brought the heroic figure to life .
12 Right , the only comment I have is members will remember that we got slapped in council last year because we issued a permit to LIFE for a flag day application .
13 Yet there are also brief moments of recovery , moments of gratified desire and a coming to life : ‘ on this abandoned divan , I shall inhale for a long while still the earthy , vegetal smell which the faun left behind ; then , in the morning , wakened at dawn , I shall fling myself into the delicious air ’ ( p. 104 ) .
14 Occasionally he finds a transcendence of ardour , an equilibrium beyond desire — ‘ the disappearance of desire and the renunciation of everything ’ , a time innocent of hours , a perfect inoccupation in which boredom becomes impossible , a coming to life which is a loss of consciousness : ‘ I dissolve , I evaporate into blue air ’ ; a being alive in a world where ‘ death itself is less difficult ’ ( pp. 101 , 105 , 107 , 111 ) .
15 [ On ] our hypothesis the ego instincts arise from the coming to life of inanimate matter and seek to restore the inanimate state .
16 The concern at Cosmeston is not simply to present static displays but to attempt to bring the village to life with living history events , with crafts-men working in the buildings and with more animals added to those already living at the village .
17 it effectively gives you the content of your drama work it brings the topic work to life it facilitates continuity within a drama project it makes it easier to do drama in other spaces than the school hall .
18 Larry 's return to life is recounted most extensively in the second part of the novel .
19 In their time there was a general recognition of an ultimately important spiritual dimension to life that is lacking in our own — a sense of the universe given meaning by God so that man 's words interpenetrate with the Word , that whole transcendent meaning so fragmented and distorted by the Fall .
20 All this would have fostered among lay people awareness of a spiritual dimension to life .
21 impact of science in increasing knowledge ; 2. achievements of technology in reducing drudgery ; 3. more widespread opportunities for enjoyment of life ; 4. revolution in communications ; 5. increased pluralism of society ; 6. concern for human rights ; 7. stress on the importance of individual integrity and personal responsibility ; 8. renewed interest in the spiritual dimension to life ; 9. impact of the " Green Movement " ; 10. awareness of and concern about global evil and suffering ; 11. acceptance of religion as a phenomenon and some resurgence of religious feeling .
22 God is banished and the spiritual dimension to life , if there is one , is simply an aspect of human personality which human beings create for themselves .
23 Matthew and baby Jonathan ‘ he has given his brother an added dimension to life ’ Picture : JASON ROBERTS
24 In those days she had likened the climb to life : she had dared to hope that there might be wonderful things over the horizon .
25 ‘ You 've got the right attitude to life , Dorothy .
26 It is a spiritual community which owes its unity to common beliefs and a common attitude to life , far more than to any uniformity of physical type .
27 Isolation and wilderness travel require a special attitude to life .
28 Frankly , I believe that It begins in an attitude to life which is almost mystical , if not religious , in its orientation and approach .
29 Their humour did not consist of mere jokes ( though they could make those too ) but in their whole attitude to life , as the violin runs through the Benedictus of the Missa Solemnis like a golden thread from which all else rises and falls ; an unforced humour which has known tragedy , and learnt to surmount it .
30 Your attitude to life should be far more positive and your self-esteem justifiably high .
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