Example sentences of "[noun sg] and to do " in BNC.

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1 Further , it agreed to form a club and to do so in accordance with a ‘ sub-committee ’ report on the rules governing bondholders .
2 Twelve weeks over the time that is allotted in the programme and to do that we 're gon na have to produce the twice the rate that we 're doing now .
3 He had to make a living and to do this , in common with many other painters , he painted ‘ postcards ’ , which were numerous , repetitive , and dull .
4 Our decision to give the assessors that responsibility reflects the views put to us during the consultation which persuaded us that they were best placed to undertake the work and to do the job well within the timetable allowed .
5 You must first seek to interest the editor and to do this you must make certain that the essence of the story is contained in the first few sentences .
6 You see when committees are meeting at two o'clock usually have a much shorter agenda than this committee discussion but to enable to this committee and to do its job properly , I would think we 'd be looking where possible to be able to discuss items properly and to get start at a reasonable time like we do .
7 On present thinking , it would be more logical to treat it as revision and to do it at the later stage .
8 ‘ It is my wish that my Clerk Mr. Prince who is well acquainted with my business and affairs and in whom I place great confidence should continue in the management and conduct of the same … to sell and dispose or exchange all or any of my works on Ornithology and specimens of Natural History in the manner I have been accustom to do … to continue or complete as far as practicable the publication of any work or works of mine on Ornithology and to do all other [ illegible ] by issuing a Prospectus advertising the same … to purchase all necessary materials articles and things fit and proper for the carrying on of my business … to borrow for a temporary period any money from my Bankers , Messrs Drummond and Company … and if there by any surplus available for the purpose to invest the same in purchase of Stock … to pay the rent and taxes … make up , adjust and settle all and every or any Accounts … [ and generally ] to do perform and execute all and every or any other acts deeds matters and things whatsoever are necessary to be done in all other my concerns engagements affairs and business whatsoever during my absence from England as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as I myself might or could do if I were personally present and did the same . ’
9 It is common for a Member who has asked a question on an important matter but who is dissatisfied with the answer that he has received to give notice that he wishes to raise the matter again on the adjournment and to do so .
10 find out what they actually need which is the second part and to do that once you do that it 's quite easy , as I say once you 've actually made contact with them and you are on a friendly basis , you then , you can hold very very useful conversation and let them come over quite naturally .
11 Toby Weaver , Deputy Secretary at the Department of Education and Science and a merciless private critic of successive Ministers , found in him ‘ the first person to stop talking about comprehensive reorganisation and to do something about it ’ .
12 Terrestrial amphibians respire through their skin and to do this must keep it moist with mucus .
13 Most of the third year is spent on placement with a variety of agencies , in order to gain course-related work experience and to do fieldwork for the dissertation in the fourth year .
14 The Corporation constructed a concrete paddling pool for children in the bed of the stream and to do so they had to alter the course of the stream and obstruct the natural flow of the water .
15 The overriding concern of the populists , however , was to free the peasantry from poverty and to do so before Russia had irrevocably embarked upon capitalist development in agriculture and industry .
16 For example , if you are catching the ball in front of the body , then you have the freedom to throw the ball in any direction but if you catch the ball behind the body , you still have to come back to the position to the front of the body and to do this takes more time .
17 A wide variety of things could be construed as ‘ approaching ’ violence but to use that expression while condemning the violence of the previous day and to do so in a critique of Paisley while failing to mention the Cromac Square rioters is to exaggerate .
18 That Peel , leading the Tory opposition , recognised that the Whigs ' Bill would in the short run unite the middle and lower classes in support of the Government is one thing ; to infer from this that Grey and his team deliberately set out both to counter the threat of revolution and to do so in a way which would ultimately isolate the working class , quite another .
19 Unless the parties agree otherwise , he has the right to take delivery upon payment of the price and to do so irrespective of whether property has passed to him .
20 ‘ I want to fight for the world title and to do it against a fellow Brit would be just great .
21 Comfort left Venice two days later , promising to write to Julia every week and to do her best to put the house in order for their return .
22 You have to decide how much dialect will go into your writing and to do this you must be sure of your subject and of how wide you want your audience to be .
23 But if you 're prepared to learn how to do the wiring and to do the ‘ building ’ work ( and redecorating ) involved , it 's not difficult to improve the lighting arrangements in your home by fitting new permanent lights , and by doing something about the switching set-up .
24 Eternity as the sound of endless babble : one could of course imagine worse things , but the idea of hearing women 's voices forever , continuously , without end , gave her sufficient incentive to cling seriously to life and to do everything in her power to keep death as far away as possible .
25 This at least gives him the freedom to go out for air and to do errands such as visiting local shops or going to the hairdresser .
26 He returns to his familiar theme of the need to study issues in depth and to do all the necessary homework .
27 Now the plot actual and fitted , right , so we try to explain the actual block of textile consumption as the blue line and to do that we are using our model with those fixed estimates , the incoming elasticity and the price elasticity .
28 The letters must have been at least two feet in height and to do this job from a ladder , with only a young apprentice to hold it steady was quite a feat .
29 it should be a flowing version and to do a capital K like that is not exactly join
30 To get out was a considerable achievement : to go on to etch his own personality on the world was so rare as to be wonderful : but to do it on his own terms , in his own way and to do exactly as he wanted was astounding .
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