Example sentences of "[noun sg] and to make " in BNC.

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1 By notice of appeal dated 12 February 1991 Mr. Pierson appealed against that refusal on the grounds , inter alia , that the Divisional Court had erred ( 1 ) in ruling that it was not unlawful for the Secretary of State to increase the tariff recommended by the Lord Chief Justice and the trial judge for the purposes of determining a prisoner 's first parole review date and ( 2 ) in ruling that Mr. Pierson was not entitled to know in advance the factors which the Secretary of State proposed to take into account in fixing the tariff and to make informed representations in the light of that knowledge .
2 The terms of reference for Sir Douglas Black 's investigation were to examine the evidence concerning the alleged cluster of cancer cases in the village of Seascale , to consider the need for further research and to make recommendations .
3 The second year of the course is spent on industrial placement which helps students to relate theory to practice and to make more informed career choices .
4 We need to keep them within the national health service work force and to make better use of their additional skills .
5 Croatia officially severed relations with Yugoslavia as of Oct. 8 , in a move designed to identify the JNA as an invading force and to make Yugoslav law null and void on Croatian territory .
6 So what could be done both to protect us from crime and to make us less fearful ?
7 The challenge now is to spread the exporting ethos throughout our industry and to make exporting a normal part of business here .
8 In 1981 , the Conservative Government , influenced by the collapse of four licenced dealers , commissioned Professor LCB Gower to undertake an inquiry into the degree of protection afforded to investors in all areas of the financial services industry and to make recommendations for legislation .
9 We have been retained by the board of Acquiring Client plc ( ‘ Client ’ ) , a client of KPMG [ Office ] , to act as lead financial adviser and to make an offer on behalf of Client to the holders of shares in Target plc ( ‘ Target ’ ) .
10 Some of these new Jacobean pulpits were raised to a great height and topped by impressive sounding-boards in order both to emphasize the importance of the sermon and to make the preacher visible above the rows of high-backed pews .
11 provide that : This bold attempt both to exclude private international law and to make ULIS applicable in Contracting States even if there were no point of contact with a Contracting State had its supporters but attracted such fierce criticism that no organization concerned with unification has had the temerity to repeat the experiment .
12 As described by Friedgut ( 1979 , pp. 249–56 ) , these were an attempt to give social norms the force of law and to make citizens accountable to each other .
13 The model is so named because it describes a mechanism designed to compel managers to act in the shareholders ' interests which depends on vesting owner-like rights in the shareholders , as mentioned , to appoint , monitor , and replace the most senior tier of management and to make certain other fundamental decisions .
14 Another way of extending everyone 's view of a school and of diminishing the opposition to change within it , is to acknowledge one of the less fashionable aspects of management and to make a virtue of it .
15 Although the courts might be willing to imply terms , for example that the licensee or " purchaser " of such systems owns the copyright in any output , it is obviously more sensible to recognize the difficulties associated with this part of the Act and to make suitable contractual provision for ownership ( as opposed to authorship ) of computer output .
16 A committee was appointed to consider the plans , to choose a site for the infirmary and to make other recommendations ; it included the Duke of Bedford , Mr. Osborn , Mr. Pym , Mr. Higgins of Turvey , Lord John Russell , Samuel Whitbread and Dr. Yeats — the latter a local physician .
17 Gaviria stated that the economy needed a " shake-up " in order to increase its size and competitiveness and to make it attractive to foreign investors .
18 Announcing the changes , Lacalle stated that he was creating a " special cabinet " , comprising de Posadas , Ache , Braga and Agriculture and Fisheries Minister Alvaro Ramos Trigo , to supervise the restructuring of Uruguay 's industrial sector and to make it competitive in the planned 1995 four-member South American common market , Mercosur [ see p. 38096 ] .
19 In practice it has involved efforts to cut the size of the public enterprise sector and to make the remainder more efficient and more attentive to financial rather than public service criteria of viability .
20 Physical activity and natural light Light exercise and brisk walks taken at your accustomed time by the new local time will help to adjust you to the new time zone and to make you feel ready for sleep at bedtime .
21 Does my right hon. and learned Friend agree that the best way to raise standards in our schools is to provide more testing and to make the results of those tests publicly available — both of which the Labour party opposes ?
22 I also began to understand general relativity and to make progress with my work .
23 The more people a man could interest in his quarrel , the more serious it was , the greater the pressure on the other side to reach a settlement and to make peace .
24 The manager 's task was to remain up to date with the changes , to encourage a confident understanding of the purpose and methods of assessment and to make sense of the ambiguity which surrounded questions of parental and governors ' access to the assessments .
25 Crossing sets of stitches tend to draw the work in and to prevent this in part and to make crossing the sets of stitches easier , it is usual to run at least one stitch at either side of the cable down to form a ladder .
26 When this was fed back to the operators , they were quickly able to see how their actions were contributing to the effluent and to make substantial reductions in the amount of ammonia leaving the plant .
27 If there was a widespread desire to alter the degree of influence exercised by Parliament and to make the life of a backbench MP an attractive prospect in its own right for public-spirited men and if this could only be done by the acceptance of some new countervailing powers , this would be no harder for successive governments than , for example , accepting the limitations involved in joining the Common Market .
28 The intention of this project was to review the existing literature and to make a series of pre-pilot studies in order to provide the material for a conspectus of the subject .
29 For variety and to make a longer walk you can try the three circular walks which leave the towpath at various points .
30 The funds would support a programme to reduce inflation , to increase investment and per capita income and to make progress towards financial stability .
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