Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pn reflx] the " in BNC.

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1 Not only were there more 40s. men and fewer at £1 or less , but in the borough itself the poorest class was much smaller than on the land , implying that the more skilled , more remunerative trades were carried out there , while poorly paid weavers and the like lived and worked in Speenhamland .
2 We know very well that during your time in Glasgow you became familiar with the secret and unlawful society styling itself the ‘ United Scotsmen ’ .
3 I , I can remember all the activity and er when it was erected there was a fella from the First World War , he lost a leg in the war and he was in charge of the billiards room and the tables , when they built the club itself the front part used to be devoted to card games and then they installed a billiards hall and the tables and as I say a chap named he used to live in Street , but he was , a lost a leg during the war and they found him the job of looking after the tables and marking
4 There is a great deal of competitiveness between the sections , sometimes not always friendly , with each thinking itself the most efficient and ‘ best ’ at policing .
5 As for the former chairman himself the greatest pity of all is that he found it necessary to go without finding a successor for himself .
6 Similarly in the vast residential and commercial areas of Enderby , Norborough , Homkirk , Cosby , Watchton Croft , parts of Broadstone and Meridian itself the delays have become unacceptable .
7 Er but the plan itself the DOPACS units have n't been actually completed and therefore they could be running at a loss .
8 Because the rules for the generation of the various phonemes are built into the equipment itself the user is usually able to give the system a list of the phonemes which are then spoken .
9 The part you require is 560794 ( Genuine Parts ) This is equivalent to GTRIII which is a Unipart number As you have fitted two of these to no avail I would try the gauge itself As your Land Rover has been fitted with a non-original switch to work the glow plugs and this has caught fire , there may have been a short circuit which damaged the voltage stabiliser and temperature sender unit and has probably damaged the gauge itself The colour of the sender unit is not significant
10 Fresh water gastropods are different from marine ones , and within the marine habitat itself the gastropods are strongly zoned ecologically , so that even on the same shore different species will be found in different areas according to their relation to the tide marks , degree of exposure , their diet , and so on .
11 In Parker 's case itself the plaintiff found a gold bracelet on the floor of the executive lounge at Heathrow Airport and was held entitled to it as against the occupiers .
12 On the walk from the village station to the camp itself the mousy man finally collapsed .
13 J. Percy Bruce chose for his equivalent ‘ law ’ , and so incorporated into the Neo-Confucian terminology itself the wrong answer to the question ‘ Are there laws of nature in China ? ’ , a misunderstanding which Joseph Needham in elucidating the concepts of Chinese science had to analyse at length .
14 in Kings North Trust v. Bell [ 1986 ] 1 W.L.R. 199 , 123 : ‘ if a creditor , or potential creditor , of a husband desires to obtain , by way of security for a husband 's indebtedness , a guarantee from his wife or a charge on property of his wife and if the creditor entrusts to the husband himself the task of obtaining the execution of the relevant document by the wife , then the creditor can be in no better position than the husband himself , and the creditor can not enforce the guarantee or the security against the wife if it is established that the execution of the document by the wife was procured by undue influence by the husband and the wife had no independent advice . ’
15 It had been Mrs. Bidwell 's arrival at Howarth 's house in obedience to the call which had given the Director himself the excuse for arriving so early .
16 In Crime and Punishment itself the Petrine reforms get the merest glancing reference , and only one , when Raskolnikov 's friend Razumikhin speaks of ‘ us ’ ( compare the ‘ we ’ of the Drunks fragment ) as ‘ divorced from practical affairs of every sort for nearly two hundred years ’ .
17 In the forest itself the streams became roaring torrents and the Swamp , doubled in size , became overnight a lake .
18 In the bathing establishment itself the operation was long and often complicated .
19 Out in the Waste itself the body of a dead rider might be lying but if so it would be hidden by the inequalities of the ground .
20 It 's a bit fourth-form biology , but then you were a little fourth-form biology yourself the inst time I saw you .
21 He would come round on his cycle just lean up against the er lamppost and push a long pole u underneath the , the lights the lamp itself the glass , and of course the lamp would come on off this pole
22 Parsley is hardy and can be sown outdoors in March , but takes several weeks to germinate if sown at that time in cool temperate regions , hence , it has earnt itself the reputation of needing " to go to the Devil seven times and back " before it will sprout .
23 On the actual day itself the reality is , well , sort of different .
24 Although the metaphor whereby perception is equated with movement towards the object perceived is commonplace , the effect of making the eye , rather than the observer himself the subject of these verbs is to disassociate the observer , as if in contemplative detachment , from the eye , which is restless and energetic .
25 Within government itself the practicalities of administering controls in peacetime became increasingly difficult and , in the process , exposed the crucial lack of any coherent and comprehensive theory of planning .
26 This view has also received support from the Joint Nature Conservation Committee and from the environmental directorate of the European Commission , although in the UK government itself the Department of the Environment failed to acknowledge receipt of the FoE reports .
27 Interestingly , it has been argued that within the Soviet Union itself the key date in terms of the development of socialist realism was not 1934 but 1936 , the moment at which Stalin finally acceded to full power , the moment of the Stalinist " purges " , the moment when the " nationalist " theses of Zhdanov came to the fore , coinciding with Stalin 's own preferred thesis of " socialism in one country " .
28 Several young boys were racing each other across the open expanse , leaping and shouting , and from the abbey itself the voices of monks chanting the noon office rose on the air .
29 What he says about the king 's own explanation for his forwardness in battle is one of a number of examples of d'Ayala 's perception of the Scottish kingdom : ‘ He ( the king ) said to me that his subjects serve him with their persons and goods , in just and unjust quarrels , exactly as he likes , and that therefore he does not think it right to begin any warlike undertaking without being himself the first in danger . ’
30 Education is used to support current social differences , since it claims to generate distinctions based on merit rather than birth or wealth , being itself the means by which differential ability is identified .
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