Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Accidental Damage is self explanatory and limited by exclusion of damage due to breakdown , explosion or collapse which in effect excludes damage from any inherent defect in the plant .
2 Furthermore a strong case can be made for arguing that religious commitment is the only way to understand the depths of religion which from the outside may remain sheer enigma .
3 Particular religions are true in so far as they succeed in expressing the primordial form of religion which in turn is comprehended only in the depths of particular religions .
4 It also takes part in the ecumenical National Retreat Association which through its National Retreat Centre offers resources , information and an annual magazine called Vision which gives information about retreats and retreat houses .
5 Other allegations of torture came from a New York Bar Association report released in November 1989 and the Turkish Human Rights Association which on Feb. 1 , 1990 , cited evidence of 37 alleged cases of torture in 1989 , 10 of them involving women , in police custody .
6 The measures attracted criticism from the National Magistrates ' Association which on June 12 issued a document arguing that a more wide-ranging " cleaning-up of politics and the administration " was needed .
7 306 , the Court of Appeal had held that a trade association which by its constitution had power to put the name of a person infringing its rules on a stop list , could instead lawfully ask the person concerned to make a money payment by way of compromise .
8 Some local societies which had previously formed branches of that organisation may have survived as benefit clubs but nothing of substance is known about these , nor about such non-affiliated organisations as the Liverpool based British Mariner 's Association which in 1857 was to be found at 6 , Columbian Buildings at that port .
9 What happened was a mixture of biochemical hubris and technical muddled thinking which between them were to confound memory research for more than a decade .
10 Another example is from region rail which is a totally independent system but over the years the five local authorities have ploughed millions of pounds of investment into improving a system , the stations the track and the rolling stock which in accordance with the Rail Bill will be put out of franchise next year but will anyone have to buy it ?
11 This will be the case where an offer is made by one side which during the visit is accepted by the other .
12 Although the decent instinct of many was to support the weaker side in a wholly legitimate quest for independence , their public utterances , alas , were to support the side which in their view was the more important to British interests .
13 Fielding , Amis once remarked , showed that fiction can uphold a moral seriousness ‘ without evangelical puffing and blowing ’ ; his Take a Girl Like You ( 1960 ) has been aptly called a modernised replay of Richardson 's Pamela ; and when asked by a journalist which of the great novelists of the past he felt the closest affinity with , he replied reverently : ‘ With Fielding , though it seems a gross impertinence … ’ .
14 So that I think the situation affecting the Greater York area is that there wis there is a requirement to accommodate within the ring part of the needs of the city , and on our best estimate that er I apologize for the word overspill , but it it is descriptive , is of the order of three thousand three hundred dwellings to be accommodated in the ring which after the needs of York .
15 Euphorbia " Robbiae " , with dark green foliage rosettes for winter use and lime green flower spikes in Spring which on an orangey tint late , is another essential .
16 Yet another element was added to the civilization of Palermo ; and at the very end of our period , in the late 1140s , King Roger II , greatest of the Norman rulers of south Italy and Sicily , created the monument which above all others links us to his world , the royal chapel , the Capella Palatina , Norman Romanesque in architecture , Byzantine in its mosaics , Islamic in its strange and fascinating ceiling .
17 An ancient monument is ‘ any scheduled monument ’ and ‘ any other monument which in the opinion of the secretary of state is of public interest by reason of the historic , architectural , traditional , artistic or archaeological interest attaching to it ’ .
18 Community investment which without modesty , er , I can say is a phrase coined by I B M , is seen to be of strategic importance to many leading companies .
19 ‘ The council provides the site , I take care of their £400,000 investment which in the current economic climate they ca n't find , and the LTA gives me their £200,000 grant to run it .
20 Here are the real facts : Crane Holdings was in fact a highly speculative investment which in the event performed very badly .
21 A further factor responsible for injecting money into the economy had been an increase in foreign investment which in 1989 had more than doubled .
22 The Chinese democracy movement also demolished , though too briefly , the barrier of orientalising misperception which for so much of the European Left as well as for the ruling establishments has consigned China into the category of the separate and different .
23 Those wanting to spot the more unusual wild flower would appreciate the Autumn Gentian which like the Chiltern Gentian has been successsfully cultivated here .
24 In coeliac disease , patients with abnormal histology have increased intensity of epithelial staining which in some cases now extended into the crypts .
25 A Warsaw based European holiday coach company were supposed to pay seven thousand four hundred and fifty pounds as a toll which in itself was an illegal act of discrimination .
26 ‘ In a dependent society the media demonstrate the imperialist system 's concept of change — a conception which in fact ends up being the denial of change . ’
27 In Delhi the high summer is enlivened by the advent of the Lu , the hot desert wind which in May begins to blow in from Rajasthan , bringing with it much of the Thar Desert .
28 In the actual examination all the figures are provided and it is only necessary to infer from inspecting the graph or drawing which of four alternatives is the correct one .
29 More research will be needed into the problem which causes a progressive degeneration of the elephant 's trunk which in turn means problems with feeding and drinking .
30 For at about the same time I was approached by the secretary of Edinburgh 's New Club which as a member of Brooks 's Club in London I was entitled to use on a reciprocal basis , and which I did use for lunch perhaps a dozen times a year .
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