Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hares that can not avoid areas with huge fields under monoculture compensate by establishing very large home ranges .
2 The gastritis patients were given 50 mL of platelet concentrate at gastroscopy .
3 It is appropriate in this case that there should be an interim residence order , and there should be directions attached to that order that A. be returned forthwith to the care of his father and that G. , R. and M. remain in the care of their father and that there be an inter partes hearing with service of the application as quickly as the Portsmouth County Court can make it possible to be heard , which means within a matter of days not a matter of weeks , because it would be quite wrong for this matter to die down once the child is returned .
4 Problems of this kind tend to be more pronounced if the left side of the visual field in each eye is affected .
5 The truth , I fancy — and the discovery that letters of this kind tend to be written in oddly similar terms ( the writer invariably shudders to think , the mixtures are always revolting or barbaric ) does something to bear out my theory is simply that reference to some particular ingredient has , subconsciously , touched off a painful nerve in the reader .
6 Does dismissal of God 's existence make for greater openness and enquiry , or does it have the effect of closing the door on trying to understand what is strange or threatening to itself which might be , for example , the claims of other religions ?
7 Privet and yew combine in an effective two-tone design
8 She watched her bare toe rub against the whitened concrete of the balcony .
9 Left : All five of the brightly coloured villages in Disney 's Caribbean Beach Resort sit on the edge of a huge lake , with beautiful sandy white beaches .
10 However , the capacity and temptation to take back this decision remain throughout the whole of recovery .
11 There may , after all , be something to be said for allowing the communes to retain their sales taxes , which at present account for about 60 per cent of their revenues .
12 ( 2 ) Directing that the money remain in court , that , where solicitors sought payment out to them of money belonging to a foreign state , if the court was not satisfied that the solicitors had authority to act on behalf of that state , it should , of its own motion if necessary , require them to obtain that authority and ensure that the money remained under the court 's control meanwhile ; that the factors to be taken into account in deciding whether a regime existed as the government of a state were whether it was the constitutional government of the state , the degree , nature and stability of administrative control that it exercised over the territory of the state , whether Her Majesty 's Government had any dealings with it and the nature of any such dealings and , in marginal cases , the extent of its international recognition as the government of the state ; that on the evidence , M. 's interim government did not become the constitutional successor of the former government and was unable to show that if it was exercising any administrative control over the territory of the Republic of Somalia ; and , accordingly , the instructions and authority the solicitors had received from the interim government were not from the Government of the Republic of Somalia , and no part of the proceeds in court should be paid out to the solicitors without further order of the court ( post , pp. 750G–H , 757E–G ) .
13 Finally , these two characteristics of the artefact — its extreme visibility and its extreme invisibility — may also , through their relationship , in large measure account for our difficulty in appreciating the importance of material culture for social relations .
14 The guilty man was to be drawn on an ox hide to the gallows , where he was hanged .
15 If there is an incongruous response sit in the light to assist lip reading , and repeat the question more slowly and loudly , facing the client , but without shouting or exaggeration .
16 Roman and Saxon heritage combine in GLOUCESTER , a city of great antiquity , famed for its magnificent cathedral .
17 The markets in options that are deeply in or out of the money tend to be rather thin , and such options are not actively traded .
18 IT has taken a year for the new formula to be agreed — at a time when ITN was coping with a budget squeeze in the wake of the crippling cost of covering the Gulf War .
19 The result of this substitution is of course change in the meaning of the sentence .
20 A preoccupation common to all the papers in the book springs directly from the difficulties involved in reassessing how the ‘ facts ’ of one 's experience correspond to the descriptions of them offered by others .
21 If expectations of the price level remain at P then the economy will move up the line SS since this is the relevant short-run supply curve .
22 As you approach your selected wave concentrate on getting up as much speed as possible and unhook from your harness .
23 Majority tend to be budget models
24 These contested cases where there is considerable media coverage tend to be those where the defendant(s) can attempt a claim that the victim consented to intercourse .
25 Writings of this kind concentrate on presenting a visual image or impression of a person , idea or event .
26 The Guest Speaker was KBE , Chairman of the Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland and Chairman Designate of Scottish Natural Heritage .
27 Painting and innovative photography predominate in work such as Helen Chapman 's illuminated portrait of her brain , and Paul Graham 's probing analysis of the destruction of the Berlin Wall .
28 For our part , we have learnt a considerable amount about the world beyond school , made many friends , and seen our school and its curriculum develop in a positive healthy way .
29 The list of possible influences on supply is , is exhaustive , erm , and as a result any models of agricultural supply response tend to be very , very simple , and it 's very easy to get a complicated model simply by looking erm , at why , one of these factors , disregarding er , any other , any other of these complications .
30 Firstly , individual trade unions raise the real wages of their members at the expense of non-unionised workers — in practice wages obtained by collective bargaining tend on average to be about 20 per cent higher than other wages .
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