Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 At first sight , the picture of word-meaning given by patterns of affinity and disaffinity is , at least in some respects , different from the picture given by semantic traits .
2 But the highest value was put on just being there , the willingness to sit by a bedside and to do more listening than talking , the patience with inconsistencies and sudden reversals of mood and the readiness to come back , week after week .
3 In addition to the services of every kind asked by the voters , effective management would also involve the politician in substantial expenses , for any major political figure owed it to his position in society to give generously for any public concern .
4 Russia , for her part , was possessed of almost limitless manpower , but this was in large measure negated by her chronically inefficient rail system , so large numbers of men could be transported across country only with difficulty and by laborious stages .
5 What do you see as the role of Government in promoting UK exports and how do you feel this compares with the support received by other European businesses ?
6 Details of EC support received by overseas farmers and information regarding the prices paid and received for their various commodities .
7 Hares that can not avoid areas with huge fields under monoculture compensate by establishing very large home ranges .
8 The consequence is a realization that it is precisely the hierarchical and cybernetic attributes of living organisms that enabled evolution to acquire the direction emphasized by Hobhouse at the start of the century .
9 A checklist completed by teachers will give a measure of the use of over two hundred activities in computer education lessons .
10 From these expressions it is clear that , for specific choices of initial data , the curvature singularity formed by the interacting waves degenerates to a coordinate singularity .
11 The baby had rejected milk given by the foster mother .
12 The British Isles became , in 1941–43 , a giant aircraft-carrier punished by German raids but giving more than was received as the air war was intensified by 1943 .
13 He found it hard to believe that the 3 per cent of allegations of racial discrimination sustained by the authority could reflect the true picture , and he supported an independent investigatory agency to handle all aspects of complaints against the police .
14 I have just done her a return kindness by getting invitations for her and her mother , to the Alumnus of the Year award given by Royal Bank as holder of Chair of European Governmental Studies .
15 Richard Huxley Jones , 72 , is this year 's recipient of the Aelwyn Morgan memorial award given by Rhuddlan Town Council to those who contribute most to the community .
16 John Redding , 21 , picked up a trophy donated by former Teesside County Borough engineer Jim Radcliffe , while 18-year-old John McGuckin received an award given by Garth Drabble , retired county surveyor and engineer .
17 Thirty-five teachers attended a special course given by Veronica Portmann , a lively young teacher from the Gymnastickschule in Bern .
18 She found it in Medau Rhythmic Movement when attending a course given by Molly Braithwaite at St. Andrews in Scotland , and decided at once to study at the Medau Schule in Coburg .
19 On this assumption , all is not lost , as the expenses of a training course undertaken by a self-employed person are allowed as a business deduction under general principles when the training is undertaken for the purposes of the trade .
20 I also ask you to monitor an any unilateral decision made by your employers and document any changes .
21 The impetus behind this increase was probably provided by a decision given by the United States Supreme Court in 1954 which declared forced segregation unconstitutional in all public educational institutions .
22 The Fenari clan seem 's not to have forgiven or forgotten this slight , for Molla Fenari 's sons later challenged a decision given by Molla Yegan as kadi of Bursa and caused him to be examined by a of the ulema .
23 The recurrence of Gough 's injury looks , if the reaction of his team-mates was a reliable barometer , to be a serious one and is the latest blow sustained by the Ibrox captain in a season that has been punctuated by mishaps .
24 Outside stood a young man in oilskins , the hood blowing back from a soaking tangle of brown hair blackened by the rain , and one hand gripping a duffel bag .
25 Replanting woodland ravaged by storms and disease , coppicing , hedgelaying and pond clearance to maintain a rich variety of wildlife habitat .
26 Everyone , however conditioned by family and society , still retains the dignity and freedom given by God , of exercising their own will and choosing good or evil .
27 The cynic may perhaps be forgiven for commenting that the freedom given by the Use Classes Order and the GDO is so hedged by restrictions , and frequently so difficult to comprehend ( though he may note with relief that painting is not subject to control , unless it is ‘ for purpose of advertisement , announcement or direction ’ ) that it would be safer to assume that any operation constitutes development and requires planning permission .
28 Differences between the studies include the fact that Canadian workers ‘ receive a substantial proportion ( 20–40% ) of their total exposure as an internal dose ( largely due to tritium ) , ’ that workers in Ontario did not have the types of chemical exposure received by the Sellafield workers , and that some of the control fathers with high doses were uranium miners .
29 THE Court of Appeal yesterday quashed a suspended sentence received by a man convicted of indecent assault and incest with his 15-year-old daughter , despite submissions by the Attorney-General , Sir Patrick Mayhew , QC , that the sentence was too lenient .
30 The eye which seems able physically to perceive as it ‘ stares ’ but unable to appreciate what it sees links the modern hybrid , a world of complex cross-breeding inhabited by ‘ Chicago Semite Viennese ’ , with the most primitive , ‘ protozoic ’ level of life .
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