Example sentences of "[be] [that] such " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Maureen Howie , head teacher of La Retraite School , in Lambeth , south London , said : ‘ The real disappointment for us would be that such a move would be made without looking very carefully at what grant maintained schools have achieved , and at what the pilot movement has done for children . ’
2 The universal feeling used to be that such books belonged in the libraries they came from .
3 Once personal information gets into such a network it will be difficult if not impossible to restrict access to it ; it could be that such an open system could be justified to the data subject as the latest desirable addition to the role of consumer in the acquisitive society — why not order one 's claret from one 's fireside by the keyboard direct from the château , with instant payment by electronic fund transfer at point of sale , debiting one 's bank account instantaneously ?
4 The ultimate situation would be that such as Rank Xerox are now operating on a small-scale experimental basis whereby some senior staff work for the company from home on a free-lance sub-contractor basis .
5 Now , of course , it may well be that such a vision exists in your church , and that to insist on the importance of spiritual warfare , some of you might say , is only to preach to the converted .
6 It may well be that such an approach is incommensurate with the difficulties presented by international disagreements and internal conflicts but it does suggest a way of looking at law which enhances its potential as an instrument for peace .
7 It may be that such moves towards a willingness to detach comment from political allegiance and dogma is a passing fad but it does also suggest that many journalists are uneasy about blind , albeit volunteered , political commitment .
8 It may also be that such service would be regarded as valid on the ground that it amounted to service on the defendant in accordance with the law of the country in which service is effected .
9 A third view could be that such investment is not an element in a zero-sum game : investment abroad is not a simple net loss to UK plants but , instead , creates productive facilities which complement and are integrated with UK production .
10 It may be that such historical exemplars , rather like foreign comparisons , are largely used to legitimate a particular contemporary point of view , rather than constituting a real and unbroken tradition .
11 It may also be that such employers were , at least in the early 1970s , less prepared to make the organizational adjustments which make it feasible for mothers to combine paid work with responsibility for young children .
12 Either supposition leads to a contradiction , and the conclusion must be that such a class can not exist in any conceivable universe .
13 The answer appears to be that such was the traditional day for the ploughman from time immemorial when his team was made up solely of oxen .
14 It could be that such pupil cultures were sexist ; but an interesting dilemma emerges .
15 If there is any iron law of bureaucracy it must be that such organizations will not willingly do anything that may be against the organization 's perceived long-term interests and that , on occasions , this will lead the organization to ignore its nominal masters .
16 We may like to think that such changes enable the organisation to be more efficient and effective in achieving its goals and yet it may well be that such changes arise as a result of trying to satisfy an individual 's political ambitions or to undercut the ambitions of a rival .
17 The question in the DBQ refers specifically to multi-level car parks , the assumption here seems to be that such memory failures are particularly likely in this context because of the similarity in appearance of different floors in such a car park , however , there has been some work looking at memory for car parking in situations where more information is available .
18 Nevertheless , it may well be that such birds are conditioned to this colour and it has been shown that nectar quality can overcome colour prejudice .
19 Although it has rarely been the subject of judicial pronouncement the conceptual basis of the " conventional " sums awarded by the courts in respect of non-pecuniary losses appears to be that such sums are what are considered fair and reasonable compensation in the social , economic and industrial conditions which prevail in England and Wales .
20 It may be that such an individual has created an overseas trust or is the beneficiary under an overseas trust and the income is taken out from the trust and used to pay the interest on the overseas loan outside the United Kingdom .
21 The real problem is that such research reveals modes of thought and practice which are well known and constituted , but which are necessarily concealed .
22 The cold truth is that such captures are all too rare and it is a daily influx of petty offenders and successfully detected trivia that makes up the major part of the detective 's world .
23 The consensus is that such technologies will require international standardisation , long-term planning and organisational coordination .
24 For present purposes the point is that such passages , which because of the name ‘ Anchises ’ may seem Virgilian , are nothing of the kind .
25 The key to ethnomethodological and phenomenological interpretations of ‘ doing ’ routine ( qua ordinary ) police work , is that such interpretative processes and practices are employed in a routine ( qua taken-for-granted ) manner .
26 One is that such policies produce an extension of economic freedom and , thereby , political freedom .
27 The good news for Labour from a comparative survey is that such features as wider home ownership , affluence , and the embourgeoisement of the working class are not necessarily electorally adverse .
28 The truth is that such huge figures have a hypnotizing effect on the victims and arouse a defensive incredulity among those supposed to provide the money .
29 The trouble is that such verities are no longer enough .
30 The received wisdom is that such people are more likely to be Labour supporters , but their ‘ disappearance ’ also makes it harder to lend them money .
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