Example sentences of "[be] [adv] at " in BNC.

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1 We are rather at the point of arguing that the state , and in particular its bureaucracy , may be free from subordination and manipulation by the ruling class in order to preserve its interests in the long run and as a whole .
2 Images of parties and party leaders are right at the margin between perceptions and attitudes .
3 For example , the Eskimos , who as hunters and fishermen are right at the bottom of Marx 's and Engels 's technological scale , have a kinship terminology which does not classify relatives any more than the English system does — a sign for Morgan of the presence of monogamy — while the Malays , who have possessed for a very long time highly advanced agricultural techniques , use a kinship terminology which Morgan and Engels associated with the earliest stages of evolution .
4 These are the rhyolites , which are right at the other end of the spectrum from basalts ; that is to say they are acid , contain a lot of silica and have the same composition as granite .
5 And the French are right at the forefront of design again .
6 So I think I made this point before that the people who are right at the top of politics are the ones who are very good at flattery , duplicity , manipulation and so on and these , are these really the qualities we want in our government ?
7 You see those two are right at the end , and those I do n't know whether those ought to be together before XX .
8 We do the same for the submatrix bordered by the first row and column , and so on , so that finally we reach the unit matrix as the canonical form for A. It is to be observed that , since in using elementary operations I ( i , j ) , I(k) , I(l) on A we are effectively at each stage multiplying together determinants neither of which vanishes , the reduction of A to I must be possible when A is on-singular .
9 He 's been dead at least eighteen hours , more likely twenty-four . ’
10 It is sufficient to realise that you , and all your fellow men , are rarely at full stretch .
11 However , it is perhaps important to point out that there are presumably at least two distinct stages in planning what to say next .
12 The soft and acid water areas of Scotland , and north-west England are most at risk from lead , and the East Anglian and Staffordshire areas from nitrates .
13 The Employment Training Programme , set up in 1988 to help the long-term unemployed , gives a low priority to workers over the age of 54 who are regarded as non-mainstream ( indeed those over 60 are not eligible to participate ) , even though it is older workers who are most at risk of experiencing long-term unemployment .
14 In contrast , school-age children are most at risk to hazards in the outdoors environment , particularly in the roads and in the school playground .
15 If nurses are to attempt to prevent avoidable accidents to patients , they need to be aware of what and where the hazards are ; when accidents are most likely to occur ; and which patients are most at risk .
16 Observation suggests that young people are most at ease and most open with adults who treat them ‘ casually ’ and as equals , who do not indulge them , act in a condescending way , or look upon them as something ‘ special ’ .
17 As children are those that are most at risk from impact by vehicles in housing areas , any search for safer streets should focus principally on them ( Figure 2.5 ) .
18 Oxygen depletion will affect Orfe before other pond fish species , therefore on hot still nights when they are most at risk , ensure there is good water movement in the pond ( via a waterfall , venturi or fountain ) .
19 Although it is probable that the same applies to established onshore centres , the fact is that it is the offshore centres , especially those in the Caribbean , that are most at risk from drugs money .
20 It 's the older designs with low-grade locks that are most at risk : these should be reinforced with special key-operated patio door bolts .
21 However , contrary to popular myth , it is n't heroin injectors who are most at risk of contracting HIV .
22 If you have a fair , sensitive skin , your genetic capability of tanning may be limited and you are most at risk from burning and all the nasty effects of too much sunlight , including skin cancer .
23 You are most at risk if you strip off to bask in blazing sun after a year covered up .
24 As with bites from other venomous animals , young and elderly people are most at risk ; and even if a bite is not fatal , it may cause massive tissue damage , so that hospitalisation is often necessary .
25 The short-nosed ( brachycephalic ) breeds such as the bulldog are most at risk .
26 The challenge is to identify at an early stage those who are most at risk of developing serious complications so that appropriate treatment may be given .
27 Within the elderly population , it is the very old ( i.e. those aged over 80 ) , women , those living alone , those from manual occupations and the disabled who are most at risk of experiencing poverty in later life ( Victor 1989a ) .
28 It is serious , and children are most at risk , but there are only about two cases per million people each year .
29 Patients , especially those with poor vision or mobility , are most at risk but so are staff and visitors to the hospital .
30 4 Identify and explain which patients are most at risk of pressure sore development .
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