Example sentences of "[be] [det] thing " in BNC.

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1 It might have been that thing that er that bloke puts in them .
2 It should have been that thing squared and now we then having worked it out that far ,
3 There are few things worse than being bludgeoned into reading a book you hate .
4 There are few things in the human condition more likely to create intrigue and speculation than the person who manages to progress through life without marrying , and those who have avoided a close relationship of any kind with the opposite sex arouse special interest .
5 There are few things more obstructive to the composing impulse than those word books children queue up with , or those erasers they use to correct the first spelling mistake , often in the first word .
6 There are few things better than the reluctant black smile : worth a hundred dollars .
7 As many of you will know , from first hand experience , there are few things which have a greater impact on morale and productivity , than the working environment and associated facilities .
8 And that 's been another thing that 's been worrying me over the weekend .
9 The the options seem to me , as Mr Mr said that the thing had got so convoluted and confused that the simple option seemed to be close it all down and I I would imagine that groups , other than ourselves who 've had people like me in the group who 've said why are this thing coming up again , let's close it down and have done with it .
10 ‘ Edith 's very good but there are some things that need watching . ’
11 There are some things which no one would wish to know for their own sake , some subjects which have no possibility of being endowed with general significance .
12 It 's just that there are some things the mind-set is not adjusted to and I was tuned in for bracing winds , long place names and snatches of Tom Jones .
13 It can still be said , he suggests , ‘ that there are some things capable of being known , though they are still not ones that can be known with an Aristotelian knowledge , but only experientially , or according to appearances ’ .
14 Though there are some things which ‘ human agents are concerned in producing ’ , it is plain that ‘ the works of Nature , that is , the far greater parts of the ideas or sensations produced in us , are not produced by , or dependent on , the wills of men ’ .
15 There are some things I 'd like to write down — ‘
16 There are some things I need to explain .
17 I have shaken hands with a great many friends , but there are some things I want to know which no-one seems able to explain .
18 Heseltine 's vision was of ‘ partnerships which recognise that there are some things that only governments can pay for , but also that the ingenuity and flexibility of the private sector is indispensable ’ ( p. 156 ) .
19 Lord Denning explained that ‘ There are some things which may be required to be disclosed in the public interest , in which event no confidence can be prayed in aid to keep them secret . ’
20 Although , you could view it as a bad contract , as there are some things in there that are slightly ambiguous . ’
21 He seemed to be saying , ‘ Listen Geoff , there are some things I can do for you and there are some things I ca n't .
22 He seemed to be saying , ‘ Listen Geoff , there are some things I can do for you and there are some things I ca n't .
23 F. These are some things most people think about when they are choosing where to go for a holiday .
24 There are some things that apply whatever reporting method you use .
25 There are some things best left alone — some things it 's better not to know . ’
26 What are some things you could do or habits you could develop which would make your partner feel glad he or she has a relationship with you ?
27 There are some things you just keep your mouth shut about and one of those is when sex is n't much good .
28 There are some things that God has not told us , and therefore we do not know .
29 There are some things we have to assume in order to know anything .
30 On one side there are some things , such as human creativity , which were once completely good by virtue of God 's creation .
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