Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] when " in BNC.

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1 The affair seems to him to belong to the town , to have no future , and they are parted when the town comes under fear and hazard .
2 Some protestors demonstrated against her Dresden visit ; wartime bitterness had earlier been aroused when the Queen Mother on May 31 unveiled a statue in London to Sir Arthur " Bomber " Harris , wartime head of Bomber Command , and when German plans were disclosed ( but subsequently cancelled ) to commemorate officially on Oct. 5 the 50th anniversary of the development of the V2 rocket technology on the island Oie off Peenemünde on the Baltic coast .
3 Ironically , Narozhilenko is the reigning world indoor champion , and suspicions had been aroused when she did not turn up in Toronto with the Russian team to defend her title .
4 By consequentialist he means that the moral value or justification of any action is to be found in its consequences , and by eudaemonistic he means that actions are justified when , as a consequence of those actions , people get what they want or what they prefer .
5 Increases are given when the husband or wife Teaches 65 , with a bigger increase still at 75 .
6 We know that both strategies are favoured when rare , therefore there must be some proportion at which they do equally well .
7 A postal survey of a national sample of 250 managers of large hotels found that of the alternative strategies which are favoured when faced with new competitors a change in prices is regarded as relatively unimportant whereas non-price strategies , such as sales promotion and refurbishment of premises , are .
8 On the day I came up here , there were no workmen and the deserted new village was occupied only by horses , wandering at liberty between the half-finished buildings , the machinery and the piles of materials — hardly the setting for which they had been intended when set loose for the summer to forage for themselves .
9 Of course that should have been altered when inflation became serious , but it was n't .
10 This libretto is based on the revised version published in 1961 but there were many phrases which had been altered when set to music , and the final text has been preferred here .
11 He said the figures , ‘ implied that everyone removed from a hospital waiting list has been treated when blatantly that is not the case .
12 Although the average working week was still forty-eight hours , most men at that time had been reared when toil used to start at six o'clock in the morning and carried on until eight each evening .
13 These daily lies of politeness are compounded when we face major difficulties and problems .
14 deictic : a. gestural b. symbolic 2. non-deictic : c. non-anaphoric d. anaphoric These difficulties are compounded when the phenomenon of deictic projection , or shifts from the egocentric centre , are taken into account ; and they are further multiplied by the interaction of the semantics of non-deictic categorizations of ( especially ) space and time with deictic modifiers .
15 The problems this has given rise to are compounded when one examines our import record .
16 Pursuant to s 73 of the 1984 Act and the Register of County Court Judgments Regulations 1985 ( SI 1985 No 1807 ) ( as amended ) judgments for whatever amount are registered when entered .
17 No cam buttons are pressed when weaving , as they are for Fair Isle , tuck , and so on .
18 Elderflower buds become black if they are pressed when still green , and you could use these , or Clematis montana tendrils to fill in the design .
19 ( All leading spaces are stripped when the line is originally entered . )
20 The other ‘ road ’ had been developed when in Avon Finance v Bridger [ 1985 ] 2 A11 ER 281 the court envisaged the extension of the protection previously given to wives to elderly parents , and in the present case Scott LJ saw no reason why the ‘ protection ’ should not extend to all cases where the relationship between the surety and debtor was one in which influence by the debtor over the surety and reliance by the surety on the debtor were natural and probable .
21 We find that it is every bit as effective as the natural service , in fact , though I have n't seen the figures , it might just be slightly better because the mares are inseminated when they are at their most receptive . ’
22 I taught drama in an original and compassionate way , as I would like to have been taught when I was at school .
23 She counted to ten as she had been taught when about to deliver a big speech , but when she tried to force some words of outrage from between her teeth her tongue clove to the roof of her mouth and the most she could do was make a small cry of protest deep in her throat .
24 If it is true that public goods and services are oversupplied when benefits are concentrated and costs ( revenues ) dispersed , should they not by the same argument be undersupplied when benefits are dispersed but costs concentrated , or when both costs and benefits are dispersed ( Goodin 1982 ) ?
25 A strike by a majority of Bulgaria 's 21,000 miners , some of them fasting underground , appeared to have been halted when , on Aug. 22 , the men 's representatives agreed to negotiations after nine days ' action .
26 Vincent Piedboeuf , computer systems project leader for the international organisation , revealed that vital research into the disease had been halted when the computer became overloaded and crashed and said EORTC had been saddled with a gigantic phone bill .
27 The Manet had been painted when the painter was in England in 1867 , and had some things in common with his portrait of Zola .
28 In theory , guidelines for open systems are formulated when a committee of vendors come to some sort of agreement over architectural definitions and create a standard .
29 There is bo fixed loan period and items are recalled when requested by another member of staff and at twice–yearly intervals for stock–taking purposes .
30 The reasons are the same ; the valleyside torrents are checked when they reach the main valley floor and aggradation takes place , the fan shape usually resulting from the stream shifting its course from time to time .
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