Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 was promoted to the Chair in Accountancy and Finance and a number of vacancies in have been filled or are in the process of being filled .
2 An hour later , when the board had been filled and emptied a hundred times and the duster was whiter than Rose 's hair after a day under the machines , the children sat back , dazed by the splendour of Miss Harker 's academic prowess and not a whit the wiser for it .
3 I think there was a corner in the market that had n't been filled and we were there to do it .
4 Inside there is a piscina and in the bedrooms can be seen the outline of old windows that have been filled and plastered over .
5 The Preamble to the new recommendations acknowledged the changes : " Some important gaps in knowledge have been filled and new issues have emerged to challenge the international community .
6 More than 400 district council seats have been filled and although support for Alliance has improved , the anticipated fall in support for the DUP did not materialise .
7 It will not rest until the death has been avenged and the murderer punished , when it will fly to the Afterworld and inform the victim of his murderer 's fate .
8 In muscles receiving delayed innervation , or muscles innervated at aberrant synaptic sites , both receptor clustering and receptor synthesis are delayed or redirected , consistent with the new pattern of innervation .
9 Living on income support is for many a very negative experience — the intrusive questioning about income and about personal relationships ; the difficulties of queuing with young children ; the problems when benefits are delayed or lost ; the lack of control over income as more and more direct deductions are made — all these and more contribute to the difficulties of bringing up children alone on a low income .
10 10.1 If either you or we are delayed or prevented from performing our obligations under this order , by circumstances beyond the reasonable control of either of us , ( including without limitation any form of government intervention , strikes and lock-outs relevant to this order , breakdown of plant or delays by sub-contractors concerned ) such performance shall be suspended , and if it can not be completed within a reasonable time after the due date as specified in this order , this order may be cancelled by either party .
11 Yesterday police were still combing the area for any similar devices which may have been hidden and for further clues .
12 The scratches had been hidden and it now shone like new .
13 But , being , a cunning old devil and a bit of a peeping tom , ( a purvoyeur ) , he knew where every valuable had been hidden and late one night he removed everything leaving the holes empty .
14 The appearance in the Tripoli courtroom of the two suspects , Abdel Baset Ali Mohammed al-Megrahi and al-Amin Khalifa Fhimah , disproved persistent US suggestions that they had been hidden or even executed by the Libyan authorities .
15 ( In the police and civil service an estimated 80 per cent of Albanian employees had been dismissed or had resigned . )
16 A few days later the sergeant called to say that the fingerprints on the envelope were not those of the gardener who had been dismissed and that the poor , wronged man had been given back his job .
17 Second , other employees who had gone to the canteen on commencing a shift had not been dismissed and none of them knew that they risked that penalty .
18 Many of them have had their terms and conditions reduced , some have been dismissed and they now have no one to turn to as they have turned their back on the Trade Union which is their only guarantee of protection ’ .
19 Gen. V. Dovgan , a senior military-industrial administrator , had been dismissed and stripped of his rank after it had been revealed that he informally approved the sale of the tanks to ANT , and Deputy Aviation Industry Minister Anatoly Bratukhin had been dismissed for gross violation of arms export regulations .
20 Ung Phan , Minister of Communications , Transport and Posts , had been dismissed and arrested along with five Army and Foreign Ministry officials .
21 Another unexpected disappearance from the scene was that of the defence minister himself , Adnan Khairallah , the President 's cousin , reported early in 1989 as having been dismissed and later to have died in a helicopter crash .
22 The specific social relations of such privilege are of course derived from the social order as a whole ; it is there that the patron 's powers and resources are enrolled or protected ; in the crudest terms , he is doing what he wishes with his own .
23 It is the responsibility of students enrolled on a programme of studies to ensure that they obtain , read and understand both HCIMA and Centre regulations relating to the area(s) of study on which they are enrolled and abide by these regulations .
24 apply to the centre where they are enrolled and obtain written confirmation that they are prepared to liaise with and forward examination paper(s) to the selected examination centre .
25 Now that the Apple Computer Inc v Microsoft Corp lawsuit has been defanged and the only thing standing between Bill Gates and world domination is the Federal Trading Commission — see page three : there may be more truth than not in the observation that Microsoft wants IBM to have OS/2 so they ca n't be accused of being a monopoly .
26 It also appears that as the low variants are replaced by higher ones , the relevant vowels are lengthened and sometimes diphthongized : thus , as the rules are applied , conservative variants such as [ rant , raent ] : ‘ rent ’ , are replaced by [ rΕnt ] ( raising and lengthening ) and [ rΕ ? nt ] ( diphthongization ) .
27 At San Vicente Hospital , when I went to give birth , I met a young woman who had been coerced and she only had three children .
28 WATER STORAGE : - In which the stems are swollen or the leaves are fleshy , i.e. succulents , e.g. cactus , stonecrop ( on dry walls ) , grasswort , saltwort ( saltmarsh ) .
29 Caution : Do not apply pressure if the sinuses are swollen and painful ( see Fig. 13 ) .
30 Ian 's knees are swollen and a large blister is developing under his big toe .
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