Example sentences of "[be] [adv] at " in BNC.

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1 We are rather at the point of arguing that the state , and in particular its bureaucracy , may be free from subordination and manipulation by the ruling class in order to preserve its interests in the long run and as a whole .
2 Images of parties and party leaders are right at the margin between perceptions and attitudes .
3 For example , the Eskimos , who as hunters and fishermen are right at the bottom of Marx 's and Engels 's technological scale , have a kinship terminology which does not classify relatives any more than the English system does — a sign for Morgan of the presence of monogamy — while the Malays , who have possessed for a very long time highly advanced agricultural techniques , use a kinship terminology which Morgan and Engels associated with the earliest stages of evolution .
4 These are the rhyolites , which are right at the other end of the spectrum from basalts ; that is to say they are acid , contain a lot of silica and have the same composition as granite .
5 And the French are right at the forefront of design again .
6 So I think I made this point before that the people who are right at the top of politics are the ones who are very good at flattery , duplicity , manipulation and so on and these , are these really the qualities we want in our government ?
7 You see those two are right at the end , and those I do n't know whether those ought to be together before XX .
8 I 've been on at my husband to get a fitted carpet in this room because this lino drives me mad .
9 I have been on at Desmond about it , as a matter of fact , which I suppose is what she wanted .
10 Oh and you used to let us stop up and watch him , it must of been on at about nine o'clock or something
11 A friend of mine Dave who wrote half the album with me and produced the album has been on at me for five years , come on let's make an album , let's make an album , let's make an album , making a , let's make an album er and a few record companies have come on and they 've always wanted me to do an album like maybe , let's prepackage old sixties ' songs and revise them , or let's do love themes from T V shows and which would never have interested me , so I said to Dave , you know when a record company comes with an offer to make an album , to do the album I wan na do then we 'll do one .
12 We do the same for the submatrix bordered by the first row and column , and so on , so that finally we reach the unit matrix as the canonical form for A. It is to be observed that , since in using elementary operations I ( i , j ) , I(k) , I(l) on A we are effectively at each stage multiplying together determinants neither of which vanishes , the reduction of A to I must be possible when A is on-singular .
13 He 's been dead at least eighteen hours , more likely twenty-four . ’
14 It is sufficient to realise that you , and all your fellow men , are rarely at full stretch .
15 However , it is perhaps important to point out that there are presumably at least two distinct stages in planning what to say next .
16 I do n't want to turn round cos the lights are on at the moment .
17 Landscape , of course , is his forte and a show of recent works in this department ( oil paintings and graphics ) are on at Marlborough starting 6 January and continuing until the end of the month .
18 Francois Morellet is showing ‘ Relache ’ , a series of recent works whose title pays homage to Picabia , at Liliane and Michel Durand-Dessert ( 16 January to 20 February ) while Vera Rohm 's ‘ Foto-tele ’ , monumental sculptures , are on at Nikki Diana Marquadt until the middle of January , together with large panels by Horst Haack , taken from pages of one of his albums , covered with sketches , quotations , poems and newspaper cuttings .
19 Recent abstractions by Cora Cohen are at McCoy until 20 March and , until the same date , the ever brighter , ever quirkier biomorphisms of Carroll Dunham are on at Sonnabend .
20 New works by her are on at American Fine Arts from 6 to 27 March ) while Michael St John , also smitten with folks from ‘ toon town , paints cartoon characters in the act of doing double takes against vast white backgrounds ( at Amy Lipton until the end of the month ) .
21 I think it 's fair to say that with this new computer erm the box office that we 've got a lot of information can be stored on that and in future we 'll be using a much more erm sophisticated in a scientific way for instance if you came here and book that seat that your sitting in tonight we would know on that computer what type of show that your discouraging coming to erm we can say to you we can send you out a leaflet saying the kind of er things that you 'd like to see are on at the playhouse on such and such a date and we could even say to you would you like the seat that you normally sit in .
22 David Bates 's concisely bold figure studies Marsden Heartly often seems to haunt his work are on at Cowles and Susan Rothenberg 's nervous-making fractured figurations are at Sperone Westwater ( both shows from 2–30 May ) .
23 New black-and-white prints by him are on at Arthur Roger until the 24th .
24 Meanwhile Davies has been busy with the camera and his latest 16 x 20 inch black-and-white prints of sharply-shadowed New York store fronts are on at Sonnabend through to the end of the month .
25 They have fairly regularly staged , what you might call bigger bands who play the university circuit as such and they 're always , you know , dying for people to come along so there 'll , th there 'll be lists published at what time , what events are on at these places if you wan na go and do that and if you wan na go to the top notch bands , Birmingham 's a good venue for that with the Leisure Centre , the M I A the N E C , the K G B etcetera etcetera all that stuff there so there 's always plenty to do , do n't , do n't feel restricted just cos we 're in er the middle of the city centre in this college and there does n't seem a lot to do , there 's a lot going on .
26 The soft and acid water areas of Scotland , and north-west England are most at risk from lead , and the East Anglian and Staffordshire areas from nitrates .
27 The Employment Training Programme , set up in 1988 to help the long-term unemployed , gives a low priority to workers over the age of 54 who are regarded as non-mainstream ( indeed those over 60 are not eligible to participate ) , even though it is older workers who are most at risk of experiencing long-term unemployment .
28 In contrast , school-age children are most at risk to hazards in the outdoors environment , particularly in the roads and in the school playground .
29 If nurses are to attempt to prevent avoidable accidents to patients , they need to be aware of what and where the hazards are ; when accidents are most likely to occur ; and which patients are most at risk .
30 Observation suggests that young people are most at ease and most open with adults who treat them ‘ casually ’ and as equals , who do not indulge them , act in a condescending way , or look upon them as something ‘ special ’ .
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