Example sentences of "[be] [art] part " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are the part that allows them to retain their customers , ’ Heggie says .
2 You 're a part of that — part of the solution to a problem I badly need to solve , and I need you , and you 're going to stay here until we 're finished , and you 're going to do what I tell you to do .
3 Do n't they realize we 're a part of the same movement ?
4 They 're a part of our lives and so is the future and some time soon — ’
5 In you ; I am a part of you .
6 There was no escape : ‘ I am a part of all that I have met . ’
7 And whatever I try to tell them , they seem convinced I am a part of it .
8 This is what seems to have been behind the ‘ skinhead ’ or ‘ boot-boy ’ phenomenon that has been a part of football hooliganism .
9 The boys talked nostalgically about the way fighting had been a part of their fathers ' world ; ‘ about the time old man MacIlroy , half-pissed , had taken on ali the men folk of his very extended family , at his sister 's wedding , and stili had time to call for more beer .
10 A few of the imported cattle were shipped wig-Holstein ( on the Jutland peninsula ) , which has never been a part of the Netherlands , rather than from Friesland or North or South Holland like the majority of the exported black-and-whites , and the Americans named their Dutch cattle ‘ Holsteins ’ almost by mistake , though for half a century from 1852 95 per cent of the black-and-whites imported into North America came from the Netherlands .
11 The beauty of the flower is transcendent , and it has been a part of man 's heritage since the beginning .
12 I have always been exclusively attracted to girls and wimmin in any sexual or deep emotional way ; it has always been a part of me as grey eyes or dark hair .
13 He would n't have been a part of G9 otherwise .
14 Speech has been a part of our inner being ever since early childhood .
15 Although homoeopathy has been a part of the British National Health Service since its inception in 1948 , it has never been taught as an undergraduate subject in any of the medical schools in Britain .
16 Homoeopathy has been a part of the NHS since its inception in I948 .
17 His voice has been a part of pop music almost since the beginning .
18 Looking immaculate in a bright red suit she said : ‘ I have been looking forward to this moment for a long time and I am glad to have been a part of it . ’
19 He was a short man , barrel-built , and his physique was suited to the paratroop unit he had been a part of before his transfer from the active service troops of the Red Army , to the mind-twisting boredom of Ministry of the Interior camp supervision .
20 Belgium had been a part of France till just a year before , and many folk in this part of the province resented being made a part of the Netherlands .
21 And , as we noted , the movement of which Jesus and his followers seem to have been a part regarded the Maccabean regime as a prototype for their own aspirations .
22 Apart from these two central institutions of the court , the Chamber and the Household-below-Stairs , there were several offices , known later as ‘ the standing offices ’ , which had once been a part of the royal Household and had now moved to its fringes .
23 Previously , lib-lab trade unionists had merely been a part of a bourgeois-led radical coalition directed mainly at contesting parliamentary elections .
24 THE OPINEL pocket knife has been a part of French life for years ; it 's even featured in movies alongside Jean Gabin .
25 Where was all the self-assurance , the sophisticated enlightenment of the classical world , of which Egypt had been a part since the time of Alexander ?
26 She clung to the picture of Mrs Rundle at home , for she had been a part of her home and the children had moored for a short while in the black harbour of her lap .
27 At one time , when she and Eric first met , Jackson had been a part of their life .
28 Stopping outside , he checked his watch , and was rewarded with a sudden sharp blast from upslope , followed by a rain of small pieces of wood and clay brick which had once been a part of the Bagi .
29 Such imaging centres have always been a part of the American scene , another reason why they are so much more advanced in their presentations technology than we are , but until very recently the only major European one was in Brussels .
30 Fergus , lying sleepless and alone in the Prison of Hostages , could still feel the pain and the bewilderment , and the terrible knowledge that he , who loved Ireland beyond measure , had been a part of her doom .
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