Example sentences of "[be] [prep] long " in BNC.

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1 The trauma underlying religion , which has been for long periods of time forgotten , remaining latent in the unconscious , was also a mixture of sexuality and aggression .
2 She ai n't been for long while has she ?
3 The documents that they want to produce will , therefore , determine the software that they will select ; most people , for example , would choose Ventura if they are after long , regularly structured documents as opposed to PageMaker with the reverse being true for free-form material .
4 As the Committee emphasised , however , the acoustic problems are of long standing and can not be attributed to television .
5 These variations in health and educational attainment are of long standing and appear to have defied attempts made under the Welfare State to obtain greater equality in access to services .
6 Two used coffee cups and an ashtray full of cigarette ends suggested that the two men who awaited their arrival had been in long and deep discussion .
7 Caution is therefore needed when interpreting the results of these investigations in coeliac disease patients who are in long term treatment .
8 Some of these may be of long standing , an example being improving the standard of fire precautions in places of public resort .
9 The Commission refused to characterise the demilitarisation as an international servitude , but held that a territorial arrangement made in the general European public interest and intended to be of long duration , would have this objective effect .
10 The changes in Eastern Europe were recognised in last year 's survey to be of long term importance only .
11 ‘ Me grandfather , aye , I can remember me grandad ’ , a Durham railwayman 's son recalled , ‘ A very old man he looked to be with long white whiskers .
12 Most of the ladies would be in long dresses , and men in dinner jackets .
13 Right , I hope , we wo n't be to long now , perhaps if we could just bring up the item you wanted to mention .
14 That 's the end of the shipping forecast but just to remind you that Radio Four long wave in Northern Scotland , Orkney and Shetland is off the air as the bulkhead transmitter has been affected by the bad weather but as soon as it 's repaired we will repeat the shipping forecast for the areas affected that 'll be on long wave only and F M will continue with scheduled programmes .
15 Erm t th certainly it makes me really angry that people have to struggle for the basics and I you know I I just do n't see how people who are on long term benefits , erm state benefits , can survive without getting into serious debt .
16 Immediately after the war , the Department of Antiquities in Baghdad compiled a four-volume list of missing objects ; many of these had been on long term loan from the Baghdad Museum to regional museums in Iraq .
17 You now have to get , in er er , because there was a sort of erm gradation from being off ill , which was n't familiar , to being off long term sick which you ca n't have any experience of to erm early retirement on health grounds and you just ca n't have any experience of that either erm to being retired and it 's , i i it 's , it 's quite interesting
18 This is not the most Basque part of the Basque country because it is too built-up and , in the case of Biarritz , too chic ; but everyone should go at least to Saint-Jean-de-Luz , emphatically a Basque town and still in living touch with the ocean of which , as fishermen or on occasion as pirates , the Basques were for long leading citizens .
19 By early in the seventeenth century several of the states of Europe — France , England , the Dutch republic , Venice — already had permanent diplomatic representatives more or less securely established in Constantinope ( though the English and Dutch ones at least were for long concerned above all merely with the fostering of their countries ' trade : the former continued to be paid not by the British government but by a group of merchants , the Levant Company , until as late as the 1820s ) .
20 In any case many rulers were for long reluctant to send ambassadors to foreign capitals if a lower-ranking representative would suffice .
21 In contrast , when the laser is inhomogeneously broadened , the experiments were for long in advance of the theory , as we shall see below .
22 Both families were of long standing in Norfolk .
23 Soon , however , we were into long stretches of powder and spring snow where Andrew videoed us in action .
24 tell me what arrangements have you got your with your employer if you were on long term sickness ?
25 It 's a problem that shows no sign of disappearing — while we were at Long Lartin there was another skirmish which left two prisoners seriosuly injured .
26 Council house rent arrears amounted to over £1m , though they are at long last being reduced .
27 One of them had only been at Long Lartin for three weeks …
28 With Charles 's appearance , Walahfrid 's tone becomes more specific , warmer and more personal : I saw too how lovely Rachel led forward Benjamin , comfort of his ancestors , with her right hand , in due order : His great well-being is for long to nurture someone 's holy old-age .
29 Oh I think that occurred about erm , I mean now the , the trend is for long erm chromium stems you know with lights coming out of all different angles and they are very decorative in a very modern house and that will be
30 If the subject is a " classical " one — one that changes little and is of long standing — you may find old editions of early textbooks on the library shelves but , if the subject is a developing one , you have n't a hope of borrowing the right texts , because they are all out on loan : give up the idea .
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