Example sentences of "[be] [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 I do not know , but I do know that many homosexuals have not chosen to be homosexual but simply are that way .
2 Of course , not all dealers are that way inclined .
3 Do n't worry about the purple prose ( unless you are that way inclined ) , as the programme editors will be amalgamating all the information into one article , which we hope will be of interest to all Society members whether or not they are able to come to the Fairfield Hall .
4 You get your wardrobe , its feet are that way on , you get each side of it , you put it on there and its bottom of the wardrobe rests on top of the ladder .
5 But life had not always been that way with Moby .
6 The reason I cover my head is difficult to explain , because it 's always been that way .
7 ‘ She has always been that way , ever since she was a little girl , ’ says another of those close to her , Kylie 's great aunt , Mrs Thomas Riddiford .
8 I imagined Perkin threading along that trail at night , following the paint quite easily as he 'd been that way already in daylight , and being secretly pleased with himself because if he had inadvertently left any traces of his passage the first time they could be explained away naturally by the second .
9 Their relationship was civilized and uncomplicated , and she wished it could have been that way too for Vi and Jane .
10 But it 's always been that way .
11 And it has been that way for five seasons .
12 Unacknowledged , it 's been that way for several years , as we have regularly tried to point out here as others wrongly gave the crown to Digital Equipment Corp , but both the Wall Street Journal and Datamation magazine have at last come round to agreeing that Fujitsu Ltd is the world 's second-largest computer company — with NEC Corp and Hewlett-Packard Co both now challenging DEC for the third place .
13 There was the usual bawdy banter , of course , and it had been that way ever since she first put on her white apron and began serving behind the counter .
14 It had n't always been that way .
15 I I 've always been that way inclined , I mean my dad was er he he was a miner , he was a lovely dad , he was lovely man .
16 It 's been that way ever since I can remember .
17 It might have been that way for a while , Scum argued , but after a couple of weeks the Boroughs shitkickers moved in , and the game was up .
18 She had not been that way before .
19 Oh aye Well I 've never been that way see .
20 The pure white drifts of snow against the door of the hut convinced me that nobody had been that way recently .
21 Been that way all along with you two , ai n't it , Miss Theda ? ’
22 A man with unfashionably long hair — it had probably been that way since his own undergraduate days , Loretta guessed — was stabbing the air with his fork .
23 For as long as I can remember it 's been that way . ’
24 I mean , she 's always been that way nervous and
25 Oh , well I have n't been that way yet .
26 yes , and I , I do n't know whether I 've been that way , I honestly do n't know right then , so you 're all systems go , that 's the main thing
27 According to the last good book I read , this means that I am half way through my time travel , my travel through time .
28 OST students do n't wake up till they are half way through the second year , ’ said Paul Davies with the weary air of a man staring post-graduation penury in the face .
29 Once you uncover the cause , the theory goes that you are half way to solving the particular problem that concerns you .
30 Try to give the impression you are half way through doing a domestic chore .
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