Example sentences of "[conj] though the " in BNC.

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1 The Royal Humane Society have a number of other awards where though the deed did not warrant a medal , some recognition was appropriate , and for this , they issue in descending order of importance , Testimonials on Vellum , Testimonials on Parchment and Certificates of Recommendation .
2 The most demanding would be one I have previously raised : namely , that though the successful encounter with a poem may result in a unique aesthetic experience , academic practice demands that it be turned into non-aesthetic discourse .
3 I have tried to show in this book that though the academic institutionalizing of vernacular literary study which began about a century ago had good , even inescapable reasons in its origins , its later progress has not had the effects the founders hoped for .
4 His enormous hands dwarfed the elegant menu which he was studying in apparent disbelief , and Peter Yeo noticed again , as Barton without rising extended one massive paw , that though the fingers were an ordinary length it was the width of the palms that made the hands so large .
5 It was a black and white photograph which had been partially tinted with pastel colours so that though the young man 's face was paper-white , his eyes were sky-blue and his medal ribbons bright as a rainbow .
6 The curious thing is that though the facts are the same as they were in the Fifties and the risks are higher , the level of anxiety about them has markedly fallen .
7 But I suggest that though the problems are no worse , they are not much better either .
8 The main criticism of transcendent philosophies is that though the ideas are beautiful and those who live by their precepts can be happy , yet men ask what relevance the philosophies have for our modern world of materialism where we must make progress and raise humanity out of starvation and ignorance .
9 Galileo 's comment was that though the Bible was the word of God it must not be taken too literally , word for word , being written not for intellectuals but for common people .
10 Robert Perks , deputy director of the NLSC and the nation 's first curator of oral history at the NSA , says that though the City is well documented in company records , City Lives places it in a human context by showing how individuals and institutions interact .
11 But he will give us the feeling that though the character has not been explained , it is explicable , and we get from this a reality of a kind we can never get in real life … .
12 While it may be very pleasant to eat strawberries in December , it is perhaps worth remembering the energy used to transport these luxuries from abroad , the extra fungicides and pesticides used to ensure that during the journey they do not deteriorate , and the fact that though the strawberries may appear fresh , they have probably been shipped thousands of miles and kept in cold storage for months .
13 Of particular interest here is the fact that though the play itself died out , the characters from it continued to appear at the annual feast .
14 But the demonstration projects in West Germany have shown above all that though the public might be sceptical at first , they will quickly become enthusiastic supporters .
15 Mr Coe feels that though the recession is still strong and unemployment high , those in employment have a much higher disposable income to spend on a holiday .
16 The way this works has been once more illuminated by Mr Frye , who notes that though the line from Charles Kingsley 's ballad about the ‘ cruel , crawling foam ’ ( which swallows a girl drowned by accident ) could be censured by rationalistic critics as the ‘ pathetic fallacy ’ — thinking nature is alive — what the phrase actually does is to let realism aspire for a second to higher modes , to give to the drowned Mary ‘ a faint coloring of the myth of Andromeda ’ .
17 Ed Douglas looks at the continuing controversy surrounding plans to bolt parts of Land 's End and suggests that though the idea may be dead , it 's a long way from being buried
18 A proliferation of pentecostal and evangelical sects , and the success of the Salvation Army ( founded in 1878 ) seemed to show that though the masses could still be moved by religious fervour , they could not find it in the established churches .
19 Deaux ( 1976 ) , for example , asserts that though the conventional , male-derived psychology of attributions should study women and women 's interests more , its theories will only need extending , not reformulating .
20 All one can say at present is that though the process is difficult , time-consuming , and at times very unsatisfying , it is at least an improvement over those processes we have followed in the past .
21 The trouble is that though the fibre content may be the same , the fat content , which furs arteries , is eleven times higher .
22 This information suggests that though the initial cost is reasonable , the maintenance of the unit will be more expensive than some others with media that are more easily cleaned and re-used .
23 He submits that though the wording of section 8(2) of the Act of 1986 is at first sight difficult , there can be persons , for example , who have voluntarily agreed to abide by the rules of a recognised S.R.O .
24 He estimates ( using parameters derived from the brain damaged population ) that though the probability of left sided speech given a right ear advantage is 97 per cent , the probability of right sided speech given a left ear advantage is only 10 per cent .
25 Hughlings Jackson ( 1874 ) was of the opinion that though the left hemisphere was responsible for what he termed propositional speech the right hemisphere could undertake " the automatic revival " of words , particularly under conditions of great emotion .
26 It may have been a sign of things to come that though the strike led to a long lasting respect between Havelock Wilson and Tom Mann , no such relationship developed with Ben Tillett , who in his recollections of the strike refrains from making mention of Wilson at all .
27 Wilson recognised the problems , admitting that though the list might be impressive , very little real progress had been made .
28 It can , however , be claimed that though the expansion of employment in the public sector was not directly responsible for the decline in the number of people employed in the manufacturing sector because it did not use the same labour sources and because there was no labour shortage anyhow , it was , nevertheless , indirectly responsible because it led to a decline in private profit and hence to a shortage of capital for investment in the manufacturing industries .
29 The NUWSS on the other hand warned that though the bill deserved general support , the clauses extending police powers needed careful monitoring , ‘ lest they should lead to further harrying of the unfortunate women ’ .
30 Reports pointed out that though the act had been passed for women 's protection , it seemed it was being used almost exclusively to punish poor women .
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