Example sentences of "[conj] to have been " in BNC.

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1 These influences , however , would appear to have receded , or to have been digested .
2 It was kicked around like a football from family to family , none of whom seemed to have loved it or to have been able to hold on to it for long .
3 Actually , I am not sure that I was there on that night of his arrival , and I do n't claim to remember all the details or to have been as impressed by his appearance , framed in the doorway , as some people I drink with do ; I think they just want to talk about their witnessing his first appearance that way — as if he was an angel or something extraordinary — because of what went on to happen later .
4 The conduct had also to be intended to provoke a breach of the peace or to have been of such a nature as to have been likely to have occasioned such a breach .
5 Mr Chapman was prosecuted under s 37 of the 1974 Act , which states that where an offence under any of the relevant statutory provisions committed by a corporate body is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of , or to have been attributable to any neglect on the part of , any director , manager , secretary , or similar officer , or a person who was purporting to act in any such capacity , he , as well as the corporate body , shall be guilty of that offence .
6 In the case of psychoanalytic theory , there needs to be an understanding , first , of an undistorted version of the theory as stated by Freud , and then various changes in the theory can be seen as either having been made to attain greater rational consistency , or to incorporate new ‘ findings ’ which refute some of the previous assumptions , or to have been made as a result of social pressures on theory-makers eager to find a role for their theories in the society .
7 Girls who become pregnant by their 16th birthday are likely to have parents who are divorced , separated , alcoholic , or in gaol , or to have been themselves in care or in a special school .
8 It may be noticed also , first , that no actual misrepresentation seems to have been made by Duval to his wife , notwithstanding that he had concealed from her material facts and , second , that the pressure he exerted on her to persuade her to sign does not seem to have been excessively overbearing or to have been accompanied by the threats or false promises or intimidation that are sometimes the hall marks of undue influence .
9 We have seen that a defendant , to be convicted under section 14 must be proved to have known that the statement was false or to have been reckless as to its falsity .
10 This means that one of the following people must be proved to have had the necessary knowledge or to have been reckless : the ‘ directors , the managing director ’ or perhaps ‘ other superior officers of the company , ’ Tesco Supermarkets v. Nattrass ( 1972 H.L. ) .
11 At least 20 of those extradited were reported to have died in prison or to have been executed , including Guët himself .
12 Our people deserve better than to have been treated like this , and the general quality of our society will not rapidly improve unless they are .
13 The timing of this rejection was unfortunate for Franco , for nothing would have suited him better than to have been able to announce Spanish membership of the international winners ' club on the morning of the ninth anniversary of the 18 July rising .
14 Statistics up to 1971 showed it as having an old-age structure and to have been in continuing decline , though there are recent signs of improvement ( Census of Ireland 1981 ) .
15 If Nathan Cohen — some years older than his wife — had known the dangers of battle as a young lieutenant in the army , then Masha Cohen had known its civilian equivalent , what it was like to have been humiliated , to have lost everything , and to have been forced to flee from one 's country and kindred .
16 Designated children had to fall within the age ranges 3–4 years or 16–18 years and to have been under the care or formal supervision of the local authority for at least six months .
17 It was made , but it was also found to be known already and to have been patented in the USA , along with Sontochin , by Winthrop .
18 This policy assumption seems to have been naive , and to have been built on the extravagantly high hopes of the public health model of intervention .
19 Emmanuel Levinas , for example , whose career has been long enough to have introduced Husserl to Sartre in the thirties and to have been able to reply to Derrida in the seventies , proposes a rather different critique of such models of knowledge to those which we have encountered so far .
20 To be eligible for the study women had to be white , British , married , aged 25–39 years , and to have been taking oral contraceptives for at least five months , or using a diaphragm or intrauterine device for at least five months without previous exposure to oral contraceptives .
21 Many have seen this apparition , some claim to have hit her with their cars and to have been astounded to discover no evidence of a body on further investigation .
22 The earlier text is believed to have been written originally in Syriac and to have been found at a Christian monastery in Khuzistan , south-west Iran , near the Iraqi border .
23 l9 Moreover , the kairos approach can not speak to the fact of an all-male priesthood ( which God is supposed to have given to His church and to have been adequate in past ages ) precisely having been one of the factors making for the secondary position of women in society .
24 While she worked she told Sara how fortunate she was to be going to Portugal and to have been found a husband and how , when she was married , it would be her duty to obey him and remain utterly faithful to him , taking the Blessed Virgin Mary as her model and guide in all things .
25 Since then Cyrano is estimated to have been put on more times than any other French play and to have been General de Gaulle 's favourite theatrical work .
26 Mr. Collins 's primary submission was that , at any rate so far as the eliciting of information from the applicant himself was concerned , the investigative process contemplated by sections 1(3) and 2 of the Act of 1987 must be taken to have come to an end at the time of charge , and to have been replaced by the process of prosecution pursuant to section 1(5) . …
27 Howard is relieved and pleased that his younger self could pass such a test ; to have been in his own company for fifteen minutes or more , and to have been so opaque and convincing that he 'd seemed to be like anyone else .
28 Little is known of his activities there , but he seems to have resumed the preaching of similar views and to have been forced to leave the town .
29 This fact , together with the facts mentioned above , that Fahreddin Acemi appears to have been the first to hold the office of Mufti without an accompanying kadilik and to have been the first to receive a salary specifically in respect of the Muftilik , makes it a reasonable assumption that he was the first Mufti in the sense commonly understood in later times .
30 Pauper apprenticeship , like child labour in general , was not a particular novelty of the factory system , although its use in coal mining seems to have developed only in the nineteenth century and to have been largely localised to the Black Country .
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