Example sentences of "[conj] more [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This was in marked contrast to the situation in some other European countries where more formally theoretical disciplines came to be placed at the curricular core of the nation .
2 Accordingly I ought to be able to say that at this stage his comments seem to me beside the point , or more exactly in excess of it .
3 He was simmering down , or more exactly , getting a little tired as they stood on the sidewalk waiting for a street-car .
4 To forge that strange blend of protoplasm and the fluidium of the warp — or more exactly , to quicken it , since its ultimate origin must surely lie elsewhere , in some dire biological crucible .
5 Thus , the customs or more exactly the usages , on formal markets — for example , the London Corn Trade Association , the London Stock Exchange , and the London Tallow Market — as well as those in particular trades and professions , were recognized and given effect to .
6 Saussure 's answer is that the function of the sign depends exclusively on its relationship with , or more exactly its difference from , other signs .
7 Or more exactly , while he does stress the difference between poetry and referential language , he also stresses that the experience which poetry produces differs only in degree , not in kind , from other types of emotive experience .
8 I do n't think they 're Swedish , more like from Brighton ( Whatever you call people from there ? ) , or more exactly Burgess Hill , and it seems what 's happening down there is very interesting , or so my sources lead me to believe : - ) .
9 At Luxor the cruise ships often lie four or more deep at their moorings so that their passengers ' view can be of the side of the next ship instead of the river and the Theban hills , and the desert air is replaced by their neighbours ' diesel exhaust .
10 Watch the traffic outside for things that move fast or more slowly ; the cars might be counted and compared for size , shape or colour .
11 Having fixed these ‘ volume ’ targets at the beginning of its period of office , a government would seek to hold to them even if the economy expanded faster or more slowly than expected , or if prices or wages rose .
12 They felt that with the Emperor 's death , their Christian God had deserted them , or had proven incomprehensibly capricious ; or more positively they felt that Allah suddenly was shown to be more powerful and
13 But while the United States , France , the UK and Germany still find themselves in similar league positions to a hundred years ago , there is now a growing challenge from a dozen or more previously dependent nations , especially in Asia .
14 John Hales of Coventry , a bitter opponent of enclosures , wrote in 1549 that the bulk of them had occurred before the accession of Henry VII , and the Italian historian Polydore Vergil ( probably writing about 1530 ) , said of the proceedings of 1517 , that for half a century or more previously , sheep-farming nobles had tried to find devices to increase the income of their lands , and that to this end they had destroyed dwelling-houses and filled up the land with animals .
15 In all of Delhi 's history , at no period was that thin dress of civilization more beautiful — or more deceptively woven — than during the first half of the seventeenth century , during the Golden Age of Shah Jehan .
16 But people love SM58s for the way they interact ; the way the tone and dynamics change when you sing closer , more powerfully or more softly .
17 Such a pan usually arises at a depth of about six to ten inches , caused by digging ( or more frequently rotovating ) always to the same depth .
18 Evening meetings , weekly , or more frequently … should be held ; and , every year , the transactions of the college , including those of the school , should be published …
19 Half or more frequently also helped children with dressing , administered first aid , made and maintained teaching aids of various kinds and helped the class teacher with the general management of behaviourally difficult children .
20 In support of this contention he quotes research done by Thorpe , who found in a study of long-term foster-children that only 27 per cent had contact with their parents every six months or more frequently and that over 60 per cent of natural parents did not know where their children were living , with only 21 per cent feeling encouraged by their social worker to maintain contact .
21 The other sizeable group of offences reported on is where the case involves someone well known ( e.g. Bronski pop man fined for sex offence or more frequently there is either fame by association ( e.g. GAY-SEX SHAME OF ESTHER 'S ‘ BROTHER' , where the inverted commas in the headline indicate the rather more tenuous link with television star Esther Rantzen than the headline immediately suggests ) , or the actor who was said to make £12,000 a year from impersonating Prince Charles , or someone who sounds from the headline to be well known ( e.g. CASTRATE ME SAYS GAY OPERA SINGER : He preyed on children .
22 The majority of finds consist of objects , or more frequently fragments of objects , that have been lost , thrown away or deliberately buried .
23 Reapply thickly every hour , or more frequently if they are in and out of the water .
24 4.6 Safety representatives may inspect the workplace or part of it once every three months or more frequently under certain circumstances .
25 The longterm results are impaired , however , by turmoral overgrowth or more frequently by ingrowth through the metallic mesh into the stent , resulting in recurrent jaundice or cholangitis .
26 Because methodology is fully exposed , genuine defects may be revealed , or more frustratingly , discussion sidetracked away from implications .
27 In linguistics , " creole " is a technical term referring to a class of languages which originate through contact between two or more already existing languages .
28 According to this view the space opened by figural language is not that between metaphoric and proper terms , but that between two or more equally figural terms , which , in Brooke-Rose 's case , are two or more discourses .
29 Some people have two or more equally strong primary addictions , for example anorexia and addiction to tranquillisers .
30 An indication , perhaps , that Jeanne , or more particularly her mother , wanted Modigliani to marry in the Catholic Church .
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