Example sentences of "[conj] about the " in BNC.

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1 There are jests about administrative gaffes ( 'overtrousers ' mistyped as ‘ overt rousers ’ ) or about the craziness of bureaucracy ( the staff have no order forms because they have run out of order forms with which to order them ) .
2 But I knew nothing at all about Tohoku University , or about the city of Sendai .
3 More pressingly , it depends on how much one knows or cares about the detail of Irish nationalist politics or about the practicalities of occultism .
4 They also remarked on the frequent riotous assemblies that seemed to take place in or about the city of Glasgow .
5 But the Act exempts some information from all its provisions , and exempt information includes information about a particular pupil or about the education of a particular person .
6 In June his mother enquired about progress only to be told ‘ Why , he is not even thinking of it … so far we know nothing either about the cast or about the libretto ’ .
7 When Professor Tidy sat down , worse was to come for the defendants , as a plethora of witnesses placed every permutation of the four in or about the vicinity at various times that evening .
8 Or about the Macleans , either ? ’
9 Or about the Campbells , then ? ’ her husband sneered .
10 Inevitably the analysis is relatively crude since it is difficult to gather data about the financial circumstances of dementia sufferers or about the total amount of care provided for them in the community .
11 It then compares the costs incurred for control samples with those of action sample clients , and finally examines the most important question as far as this project is concerned : whether those who were sustained at home with project support for six or l2 months after their referral to the psychogeriatrician cost more , less , or about the same to keep at home compared with the cost of institutional care ( taking into account the probability of their being in an institution were it not for the project support ) .
12 Finally we examine in detail those who were sustained at home with project support for six or l2 months after their referral to the psychogeriatrician , and ask whether they cost more , less , or about the same to keep at home compared with the cost of institutional care .
13 As you get older , and your age group moves up the pyramid , getting slightly smaller , do you think that your group will need more , less , or about the same number of houses , hospitals and other services as those who go before you ?
14 Is the natural gas found in rocks which are younger , older or about the same age as the Coal Measures ?
15 Apparently , the owners of the ranch bungalow were suspected of being involved in the exhumation of bodies at two local churches when skulls and other bones were removed , and also the disappearance of three goats on or about the thirteenth of each of the previous three months .
16 Thus evaluation can be used for decisions about whether to continue or terminate a given course , about the modification necessary for an existing programme , about the use of various teaching methods to achieve a pre-specified goal , or about the adoption of an innovation .
17 At or about the same time as the 2D was announced , Philips unveiled the PL lamp .
18 Contrary to your account , there has never been a disagreement between the National Radiological Protection Board and the Ministry of Defence about this or about the general form of possible surveys .
19 You know little about Scotland , Master Corbett , or about the sea .
20 If he did not understand about the unicorn or about the many and the one he understood Marian still less when she talked about simple things being difficult .
21 The fraudulence of many of the basic policy tools implemented in the inner city immediately raises questions about the nature of either constructive engagement with flawed institutions , as seen in the consultancy work of Ladbury and Mira-Smith in chapter 7 , or about the monitoring role adopted by the Docklands Consultative Committee , which has aided the campaigns of those whose interests the London Docklands Development Corporation has consistently ignored ( see chapter 2 ) .
22 It was generally held on or about the feast day of the patron saint to whom the church was dedicated .
23 Both the official and non-official élites believed that many charges were not true , but there was no agreement about the proportion of false cases , or about the number of crimes which were never reported .
24 These she defines as ‘ background knowledge about the content area of a text — for example , a text about washing clothes , celebrating New Year 's Eve in Hawaii , building a canoe , or about the economy of Mexico , the history of Canada , problems of nuclear breeder reactors , etc. , ( Carrell 1983 : 84 ) .
25 He accepts unquestioningly that both sensation and reflection are modes of observation : he refers to ‘ our observation , employed either about external sensible objects , or about the internal operations of our minds perceived and reflected on by ourselves ’ .
26 In the book itself he carried through this programme by asserting that theology could not be dictated to by another discipline either about the nature of its object or about the methods appropriate to its study .
27 I do not intend to say much about how he proposes to do this , or about the background in nineteenth-century intellectual history which accounts for his finding the picture attractive .
28 As much as the mite on the bee 's mouth parts knew about the rest of her body , or about the throbbing hive .
29 In particular , there is almost always the problem of determining whether the ‘ findings ’ are findings about crime and criminals , or about the assumptions , beliefs and stereotypes of those who ‘ label ’ people as criminals .
30 Earlier monarchs had spent very little on such things and had not done much about the world outside Europe or about the development of their colonies .
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