Example sentences of "[conj] then for " in BNC.

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1 Natural selection is no tautology , because there is no a priori proof , from its definition alone , for its existence , nor then for its prevalence , or its adequacy or its responsibility for evolution .
2 I do believe that then for the first time it dawned on people that Northern Ireland was a series of Catholic and Protestant ghettoes .
3 He is insistent that the only students who should work at doctoral level are those of first-class ability , who are independent of mind and inner-directed , so that they can work without much supervision , apart from ‘ a standing relation with a congenial senior to whom he can go now and then for criticism and advice . ’
4 The economy grew steadily for 11 years from 1946 until 1957 , and then for 15 years from 1958 until 1973 .
5 Liverpool inevitably became the centre for disputes about rate-capping for excessive expenditure , and then for surcharging when it tried to defy the government over expenditure cuts .
6 I ai n't in any real hurry and I stop every now and then for a look round .
7 Apart from these cases , the entire property , other than that in which the deceased 's interest ceased at his death , is held by the executors or administrators on trust for sale , in the first instance for the payment of his debts , and then for distribution as laid down in the Intestates ’ Estates Act 1952 , which has replaced the relevant provisions of the Act of 1925 .
8 I stayed there only a few days , and then for some reason I was removed to the Colegio Fray Luis de Leon , where I was given a somewhat larger and more comfortable room .
9 I asked , as we plodded back up the hill , she clinging to my arm , pausing now and then for breath .
10 Alloys of gold and silver with baser metals have long been controlled by established standards , first for coinage and then for plate , such as the English sterling standard guaranteed by a hallmark .
11 She was to travel the twenty miles by train , into the city , and they were to meet , in the restaurant of Marshall and Snelgrove , to have coffee and talk , to shop together for this and that , a new spring suit , some curtain material , a lampshade and the Ceylon tea nobody would stock in the village , and back for lunch , and then for tea , with aching feet and happy conversation , until their trains home .
12 One is secret and compartmented , and another is sort of boyish and boastful , and it would be in character for him to say , I wo n't be here tomorrow , I will be down south , and then for him to say , Yes , it was a quick trip and I flew all night and I came back and I have n't slept for 48 hours , always complaining about how busy he was and how terribly overworked .
13 Between 1270 and 1300 , for example , the accounts of the Justices of the Forest north of Trent were presented only four times , and then for comparatively small sums .
14 In 1940 he had been quite prepared , if need be , to serve in a dangerous capacity in the ranks because he felt he could be more useful in such a rôle at that critical moment in the country 's affairs , rather than go through the extra time and training there and then for a commission .
15 ‘ I did an area in Washington , as far as drugs , called the Graveyard and then for the prostitution I did New York and Washington DC . ’
16 If we can only slip inside Germany we can make for the autobahn and then for the Black Forest area . ’
17 It is not a bad idea to say ‘ thank you ’ every now and then for the good things in your life .
18 He was soon posted to England and then for a short period to Brussels before leaving the Bank in 1975 .
19 The stout man ran into the cottage and phoned for the police and then for other keepers to come to Smiling Meadow .
20 And then for my main course I tend to choose
21 Sir Daniel Macnee , Scotland 's leading portrait painter of his day and President of the Royal Scottish Academy , painted boxes at Cumnock as a young man , and William Leighton Leitch who worked first in Cumnock and then for the Smith brothers , later found fame in London as a water-colourist and for over 20 years visited Buckingham Palace and other royal residences where he taught painting to Queen Victoria and her family .
22 In fact I had never even imagined life without fat so it was something of a challenge to create a very low fat diet for myself , first of all , and then for my slimmers — a diet which at the same time as being very low in fat included all the necessary nutrients .
23 It is usually noticeable that when a masochist has for years felt hard done by , often over-controlled by their partner , and then for some reason the tables are turned , he or she metes out punishment as if this has to go on for the same length of time that the masochist 's suffering was endured .
24 The men were ambling along , stopping every now and then for rests , biding time until their turn came round .
25 Under the Debtors Act no one could be imprisoned except ( and then for only twelve months ) for default in payment of a penalty ; default by a trustee ordered to pay a sum in his possession ; default by an attorney in payment of costs ; or default in the payment for the benefit of creditors of any income which a court ordered or any other sums .
26 New sayings are on everyone 's lips for a few years and then for no reason they disappear , becoming as dead and as dated as the dodo .
27 The wicker industry began with the manufacture of copies of cane furniture — popular at that time in Germany and Britain — for the British families , and then for the hotels in Funchal .
28 The Plan B mentioned last year was for the All Blacks to make only a fleeting visit to Australia , thus opening the way for the South Africans to make a short tour to Australia and then for the All Blacks to go to South Africa .
29 We 'd have to put the data into the customer model , run those calculations , then rearrange the data for lamp type , and then for group .
30 The intention , says D , is to nurture new performers and broaden the scene 's support base : ‘ It 's up to us , the established people , to bring this thing further and then for the next wave to strengthen it even more . ’
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