Example sentences of "[conj] were [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's the sort of establishment formerly called a List D school , a place for youngsters who have , for example , committed offences or were beyond parental control .
2 By 1922 the first three types had either disappeared completely ( the gentry ) or were at a very low ebb .
3 Developments had either been realised or were at least in the advanced stages of negotiation in the bulk of its area .
4 The book-collector can obviously fight his corner here with examples from well-known authors and historic figures who either drew the cheques or were at the receiving end .
5 What is clear is that for different reasons the Nordic states were disinclined to pursue closer economic integration wholeheartedly , or were at least following their customary practice of slow and cautious deliberation to try to pinpoint and resolve in advance any possible difficulties .
6 Those characteristics were known to that keeper or were at any time known to a person who at that time had charge of the animal as that keeper 's servant or , where that keeper is the head of a household , were known to another keeper of the animal who is a member of that household and under the age of sixteen . ’
7 Some of the men they knew had gone home to Ireland to escape being called up for the forces , but many more were serving in the Army , Navy or Air Force or were at sea with the Merchant Marine .
8 It was in thinly populated regions at or beyond the frontiers of settlement overseas , where shifting bodies of labourers were required , that such groups of genuinely unattached and floating individuals made their presence felt as a group , or were at least more ‘ visible ’ .
9 Provided they have at least one year 's service with the University by the expected date of birth , or have at any time been eligible to receive full-rate Statutory Maternity Pay or were at any stage entitled to the benefits of a previous employer 's paid maternity leave scheme , women are eligible for 18 weeks maternity leave on full pay , followed by up to 22 weeks unpaid maternity leave .
10 Many of these social friends had , or were on their way , to very high positions .
11 Most casualties ( 46% ) recorded involved people who were at the time of the incident standing in buses , but it is not always clear from the recorded data whether the passengers were standing due to the vehicle 's seating capacity being fully utilised or were on their feet moving towards a seat or the bus exit .
12 As far as the urban working class was concerned they may well have been better off in the fifteenth century than they had been previously or were to be later .
13 Reading the two clauses together , the quantification direction did , in our opinion , entitle the defendants to quantification on an indemnity basis but did not entitle the defendants to recover costs , charges and expenses that had been unreasonably incurred or were of an unreasonable amount .
14 Even the widespread belief that decisions on industrial location are ( or were before the introduction of the uniform business rate ) heavily influenced by the level of local taxation has been undermined by a series of research reports ( including Crawford , Fothergill and Monk ( 1985 ) which was commissioned by the Department of the Environment ) .
15 By the early 1970s , well over a hundred such projects had been completed or were in progress : the largest single number in the sciences , but with mathematics , English , and the humanities also scoring high .
16 However , I did n't think that the descriptions of Colin Ward and Sarah Baxter ( ‘ Chip butties and crème de menthe consumed to the accompaniment of the Beautiful South ’ and ‘ The thinking man 's Jaci Stephen ’ ) bore even the slightest relation to the truth , or were in kulcher-babble , come to that .
17 To summarise , again , survey evidence from Appendix 1 , people who had been educated to a higher level , who were more highly paid , or were in a higher social group , seemed more readily able than average to use APR or credit cost information in choosing among loan options .
18 The letter rogatory specifies those facts and circumstances causing the requesting party reasonably to believe that the requested documents are or were in the possession , control , or custody of , or are known to the person from whom the documents are requested .
19 Some of these electronics companies still had a family firm element , or had a shotgun marriage background , or were in some other way eccentric enterprises .
20 Initiatives aimed at addressing the needs of pupils in terms of independent learning and study skills were already evident in all four schools , and three of the four had developed ( or were in the process of developing ) reasonably spacious and attractive library areas .
21 The probability indeed is that the eastern Angles either had been or were in the process of being brought into a dependent relationship with Eadwine by the time of his marriage to Aethelburh or at least not long after .
22 A survey revealed that the majority of those who had voted against the clause had vested interests as they ran collective or state farms or were in local administration .
23 The end-products of this explosion are — or were until recently — all around us .
24 Students are provided with the possibility of detailed study of countries that are , or were until recently , under communist rule .
25 Some of the most spectacular examples can be found in Wiltshire , where not only do the names of separate elements remain or can be relatively easily traced , but frequently the individual churches attached to each hamlet are still in existence , or were until recently .
26 Invitations arrived from hunts that were off her direct route home — the Quorn , Earl Ferrers , the Meynell … even from the Bedale , well to the north of her destination .
27 Understanding in this sense means being able to perceive structure amongst a set of observations that were at first sight perplexing and confusing .
28 Joe Moss , however , was beginning to feel ill at ease as the rest of the band indulged in typical rock 'n' roll trappings that were at odds with Morrissey 's stated philosophy .
29 These books speak of betrayal — of betrayal of the ideals of a public library system , of the system of higher education and the education of our teachers , and , at the highest level , of gifts and endowments and the historical integrity of collections that were at the heart of the country 's literary culture .
30 I … despised most of the boys , that were at all near my own age — and before I was eight years old , I was a character — sensibility , imagination , vanity , sloth , & feelings of deep & bitter contempt for almost all who traversed the orbit of my understanding , were even then prominent & manifest .
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