Example sentences of "[conj] she so " in BNC.

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1 Above all , increasing attempts are being made to provide the lay visitor , if he or she so desires , with a genuinely worthwhile educational experience .
2 The Law Society holds hearings in private but allows the defendant the right to opt for a public hearing if he or she so wishes ( the prosecution also has the right , but only in public interest cases ) .
3 Er Madam Speaker , I understand the position you ma you the point you make about er ministers det er determining whether they 're going to make a statement by an oral statement or by a written parliament question , but surely the speaker does have power if he or she so determines to summon er a minister here and particularly if there 's pressure in parliament to require a minister to come here and make a statement , that must be right .
4 Yet the most important innovation of her era was the televising of Parliament , under the kind of controlled circumstances ( no snoring MPs , no empty backbenches ) that she so approved of .
5 But in Crathie Church next Saturday , the only concern should be that Anne is finding the joy that she so richly deserves .
6 She could quite happily spend a few days here , just remembering her own childhood : the train set , the beautifully designed doll 's house , the football game … it made her sad that she had no children of her own so that she could cling on to that childhood that she so often missed .
7 Dexter distrusted the whole concept , fearing that Blanche did not just operate at the rational level of searching for evidence and reassembling facts , but that she so thought herself into the mind of murderer and victim , that she communed with spirits .
8 Is n't it marvellous that she so well
9 The American politician and robber-baron , the biggest and richest rogue in the States , and she so free with her charms before marriage that marriage to her was neither necessary — nor desirable . ’
10 It was he who arranged medical care , arranged the hospital — even arranged for an adoption ; but once I 'd had the baby , and she so soft and little , so lovely , I could n't do it .
11 And I said oh that 's right , he said and I , I 'd come up and see her the first we 'll either take her out for a drink afterwards , I thought that does n't seemed to mix in one glass , and I going to a pub because she 's , but there you are , and she so 's erm , can I bet you 'll stay a bit , she said oh , I think December is your like it to be , well obviously it 's getting him settled you must n't over , she must off pushed him and then he 's said erm , I , I 've told mum and dad that if they want to go as well , they can go .
12 Ms Donovan worked for a local authority and , during the course of disciplinary proceedings , was told that she would be permitted to terminate her employment on the last day of the year if she so wished .
13 She can , if she so wishes , create a warm and friendly atmosphere in her home , or a cool artistic quality .
14 There was her jewellery , the Grenfell emeralds that had belonged to her mother , they were hers , hers to sell if she so chose .
15 The wife , if she so wishes , will be able to claim half the allowance as of right .
16 Social occasions are now more flexible , so that the bride or bride 's mother can speak if she so wishes , and sometimes the best man can be a best girl !
17 If she so please , I will take her home with me , and provide her an altar as rich as yours . ’
18 Scarlet felt foolish and rather jealous : she knew that if she so much as failed to pay a parking ticket , the full force of the law would be upon her like a ton of bricks .
19 Roxie could do that if she so wished .
20 She had the feeling he would swallow her whole if she so much as rippled the surface .
21 The beautiful if bemused Dr Moule , invited to stay if she so wished , took a seat in the front row .
22 Had it been Alex Household who had been shot , the situation would have been different , because she so patently disapproved of him , but with Michael Banks as the victim , it was difficult to cast her in the role of murderer .
23 Princess Mathilde was obliged to travel in a carriage with Eugénie 's mother since she so detested her brother , Prince Napoleon , and her father , ex-King Jerome , that she refused to travel with them .
24 Marie Grubbe could not take offence at the insults and the brutality to which Søren , her third husband , subjected her when she so thoroughly understood herself and him . …
25 And in another matter he was right : she had possessed no knowledge of the rigours of the task when she so confidently proposed it .
26 But she could n't do it , could n't turn away from him now when she so desperately needed the reassuring warmth and strength of his embrace .
27 She had left him , just as she so often threatened to do .
28 Fortunately she retired just in time ; and saw his dark eyes , which had been so sympathetic , gleam for a second behind his little round glasses with amusement , with a kind of mockery , as she so promptly retreated .
29 In the meantime , as she so sweetly says , through her tears , to those who have over many years tried to gently persuade her to go straight away and live the rest of her life in comfort .
30 It was hard , travelling home in that bus , and surrounded by the immense , evident , and varied liberties of people and land , to believe in the small impossibilities of her own home , and she felt , as she so frequently felt , the will to believe it to be different : the truth was too grotesque and too unnatural , and her hopes were so strong that she carelessly let them wander a little , giving them a little leeway , letting them sniff and pry and explore .
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