Example sentences of "[conj] she come " in BNC.

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1 That victory followed on from success in the Dewhurst International in March , where she came through from being a reserve qualifier to reach the semi-finals .
2 Like everyone else in the village , he knew who she was and where she came from .
3 And if people remembered her they would not have known where she came from .
4 Where she came from , where she was going to , or what her name was , nobody knows . ’
5 ‘ So you do n't know anything of Mrs Marr 's background , where she came from , who her friends were ? ’
6 Neil , Andy and Alyson all made it to the semi-final , but only Alyson made it through to the final , where she came fourth and received a medal for her achievement .
7 Where she came from , the Gates of Heaven Ajar were the finest tribute , floral or otherwise , that she could offer .
8 Needing a moment 's breathing-space , she took a side-step or two away , and had a brief inner tussle where she came close to telling him that Travis was not her boyfriend , and had never been her boyfriend .
9 Tomorrow , she assured herself , as she brushed her teeth , she would wake up with total recall of who she was and where she came from .
10 Where she come from ?
11 ‘ I told him the first thing he has to do is establish who she is and where she comes from . ’
12 ‘ See , where she comes apparelled like the spring .
13 Many judicial review cases concern situations of immediate importance to ordinary people — whether the Home Office could prevent people buying a new TV licence before their current one had expired in order to avoid a licence fee increase ; whether an immigrant will be allowed to enter Britain or will be sent back whence he or she came ; whether a landowner will be allowed to build on his or her land .
14 On the questionnaire form , the pupils were asked to guess the age and sex of each speaker , his or her background , and where he or she came from .
15 Apart from an explanation of the reason for the survey , how he or she came to be selected , a guarantee of anonymity , etc. , each question must maintain the respondent 's cooperation by treating him or her with courtesy and gratitude — a few ‘ pleases ’ and a ‘ thank you ’ are essential .
16 Let me add that the Leninist theory of nations on which the USSR ( and Yugoslavia ) was subsequently constructed was essentially the same , though in practice — at least in the USSR — supplemented by the Austro-Marxist system of nationality as an individual choice , which every citizen has the right to make at the age of 16 wherever he or she comes from .
17 The sufferer 's disease gets back into " the driving seat " and he or she comes to believe that life can be managed alone and that is questionable , despite all previous evidence , whether he or she truly has addictive disease after all .
18 How could we use this what are the benefits of doing this or the disadvantages of doing this so that you 've got people within the group who could as a plant and know what to do with those ideas he comes up with them or she comes up with them do n't know what to do with them just comes up it 's up to the rest of the group and monitor evaluate you know the person that 's always putting things that never work .
19 Although she came from a financially privileged background , her education was superficial , governesses being followed by day-schools , a brief interlude at King 's College , London , where she possibly read Latin , continental history , mathematics , and elementary science for two terms , and a year in Dresden .
20 ‘ But I made it absolutely clear how frail you were … that it was imperative that she come here … ’
21 So why had he insisted that she come ?
22 Well one year it used to be that she come to us at dinner time
23 Had three she went into erm Tracey placed that she come out honours and Lisa highly commended .
24 And the little old girl he says , you got ta bear in mind , he said she 's only nine he said so she ca n't do none of that she come up and she could get her leg up , she went like this !
25 Whatever it is , now the moment 's here that she came for , that she half foresaw , she wo n't tell .
26 It was only when she went to America , headlining for the first time , that she came across the curious racial classification with which music there is compartmentalised .
27 And thus it was , that February evening , that she came to be standing at the top of the monumental sweep of the staircase , under the huge doorway , pausing for a moment , offering tribute to herself and all her gods .
28 And thus it was that she came to be , that February evening , standing at the top of the tower block staircase , leaning against the wall and panting a little from her climb , pausing for a moment and thinking gloomy thoughts about life and death .
29 And thus it was that she came to be , on that February evening , poised at the very crown of the hill in Kensington Gardens , looking down the hill , with her back to Bayswater and home and trembling with the fear that she had at last grown up .
30 All she knew was that she came to lie on a garden bench and it was dark and the stars overhead were piercingly bright .
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