Example sentences of "[conj] had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 too as you know ‘ full-circled ’ with her marriage to divorce ! & & had little in Sept. who is a delightful baby .
2 In many countries , prisoners were killed quickly if they refused to give information , or had no information , or had already revealed all .
3 Merlini , three attempts were made to serve documents on a defendant in Italy , trying three different addresses and two different names ; on each occasion the defendant could not be located or had already moved on .
4 No such route was possible or had probably ever been possible .
5 When the three of them had been together in the kitchen , the infant Camille crawling round with jam on her face and fingers , he had sat in a state of sullenness bordering on rage or had conspicuously moved about preparing food for himself , knowing quite well that his dinner was cooking in the oven .
6 He was at his strongest when he or one of his supporters discovered that the Movement 's workers had misinterpreted the wishes of refugee children or their parents , or had simply allowed inadequate foster homes to escape thorough inspection .
7 In seven cases there was acknowledged to have been a deterioration in the dependant 's condition , so that the principal carer accepted or had even requested institutional care .
8 She sometimes wondered afterwards whether Brigadier Smithson appreciated or had even organised the situation .
9 ‘ I NEVER ever went to a gig or had even heard of the term ‘ gig ’ before I joined the band , ’ says the little girl who owns pop 's most exquisite voice .
10 Since one main aim of the interventions was to delay the onset of smoking , never smoking was considered an appropriate primary indicator given the age of the pupils at baseline ( relatively few were current smokers or had previously experimented with smoking ) .
11 Had all four defendants committed the brutal crimes , or had just two of the brother perpetrated these heinous events , later to be joined by William who had done his best to abet them after the event ?
12 Perhaps he was still sleepy , or had just indulged in a stultifying beetle meal .
13 Only last week , I spoke to a garage owner who told me that almost every other customer was either losing a job or had just lost one in the past month or so .
14 When it ended in the mid 1960s , to be replaced in quick succession by sociology , anthropology , and linguistic theory , it turned introspective in its defeat , wasting its energies on the grimly unavailing task of seeking , and never finding , a theoretical basis for what it did or had once done .
15 There were no signs anywhere of Wolski 's background , of the fact that he spoke Polish or had once been Jewish , or of the God that had been present at his birth but on whom he had turned his back before the godlessness in a death camp called Sobibor .
16 The point is that if anything of that degree of complexity were found on a planet , we should have no hesitation in concluding that life existed , or had once existed , on that planet .
17 Although the land was largely champaign , some demesnes had never lain in common field , or had long ceased to do so .
18 Jeopardy had always known the future , or had perhaps chosen it himself that day .
19 While composers such as Pierre Boulez and Karlheinz Stockhausen condemned all manifestations of the museum culture , and Boulez suggested that opera houses should be burned down , the slender supply of new operas was left either to an older , impervious generation or to composers whose attitude to tradition was either complexly ambivalent ( Henze ) or had all but bypassed the modernist lineage ( Britten and Tippett ) .
20 Jaq , for his part , wondered whether he too was merely an iota , or had genuinely been promoted to become a moulder of destiny .
21 A person would only be liable as a constructive trustee of money he had received in payment of a commercial liability , and which had already passed through his hands , if it was possible to show that he knew that the money was misapplied trust money because he had actual knowledge of the breach of trust or he had wilfully shut his eyes to the obvious or had wilfully or recklessly failed to make inquiries that an honest and reasonable man would have made .
22 It was as though the creature had never existed ; or had only existed in Mungo 's imagination .
23 Many homes , especially the older ones , were wired for lighting only or had only one or two , low-powered socket outlets .
24 The employment profile of this group parallels that of the known sector but emphasises the fact that most had never worked or had only had a ‘ work experience ’ employment rather than lost their job because of heroin use .
25 I was struck by the fact that the majority of people visiting our stalls at summer shows had either not heard of us , or had only the vaguest idea about what we do .
26 Lord Brougham believed of Liverpool that : ‘ No minister ever passed his time with so little ill-will directed against himself , or had so much forbearance shown him upon all occasions . ’
27 In the present she mostly enjoyed herself , or had so far : ‘ I 've been sad so often yet from day to day I 've enjoyed everything that was going . ’
28 It is relevant to recall in this connection that Younger did envisage situations where mere observation could seriously impair privacy — where , for example , the person observed had a reasonable expectation that he would not be subject to observation , or had deliberately taken steps to prevent surveillance , but special technical devices , either optical or electronic ( bugging ) , were used to spy upon him .
29 Or had there ?
30 Many studies were too small , too short , or had too many drop-outs .
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