Example sentences of "[conj] by [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The laird of Lethem 's motive , as interpreted by Lord Elphinstone , was to serve his own interest , for it appeared that Aucheneen was ‘ a bankrupt maltman who broke sixty pounds in Mr. Dundas 's debt , & by getting Mr. Buchanan chosen collector of the cess he expects to opperate his payment ’ .
2 A society where by limiting our demands on nature and sharing our resources between all peoples we can overcome the divide between first and third worlds .
3 An example was cited where by cutting back on BSB claims and by adjusting his grain acreage slightly downwards , a farmer could gain very substantially by making his farm eligible for extensification premia through having a lower stocking rate .
4 My way is to burn a hole in using a soldering iron , or by heating up a similarly shaped piece of metal on the gas oven and slowly easing it through .
5 These orders of marine creatures have evolved feeding techniques which rely upon their food coming to them , either by strong water movement or by farming microscopic algae in their tissues which can harness the radiant energy of the sun to manufacture nutrients by photosynthesis .
6 Plant pests are herbivores , eating foliage or sucking the sap , while predators are carnivorous and live by feeding on plants pests , directly or by laying their eggs among colonies so that their larvae have a ready supply of food .
7 They are treated by curetting or by digging a sharpened orange stick dipped in acid or phenol into the centre of the lesion .
8 By making the flow of information between people or machines more effective or by automating a production process ( for instance by making possible a computerised technique in a factory ) IT can increase the efficiency or simply the flexibility of many organisations .
9 The failure properly to deal with troublesome residues among the masses , such as by allowing circulation of elites or by meting out violence where appropriate , may lead to the growth of ‘ Paretian tension ’ in the masses , civil unrest , revolution and ultimately the entire replacement of the decadent elite by a new governing elite .
10 Any substantial shortfall in the nature of training may be made up , at the option of the applicant , by a period of supervised practice or by passing an examination .
11 The academic stage of training is satisfied by completion of a qualifying law degree containing the six core subjects or by passing the Common Professional Examination .
12 I understand that if a bookshop were not registered for VAT it would still be charged VAT by its suppliers but would not be able to reclaim either through Customs & Excise or by passing the charge on to its customers and therefore would face very heavy pressure on margins .
13 Those students who had entered their degree course through an Access course qualification or by passing a specific matriculation examination were recognised as ‘ access entrants ’ ( AEs ) but were also included within the NSE category .
14 In Galatians 3.2 , Paul asks : ‘ Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law , or by hearing with faith ? ’
15 ‘ Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law , or by hearing with faith ? ’ asks Paul of the Galatians who were being tempted to go back to legalism ( Gal. 3:2 ) .
16 This can be dealt with either by fitting the natural curve and the formula curve so that their departures from each other are minimised through the whole length ; or by fitting the curve obtained from the formula to the lower parts of the segment of the river on the assumption that grade would be more nearly perfect in this reach ; or by refining the formula until it becomes very complicated indeed .
17 The new LEAs took over the responsibility to provide adequate facilities for elementary education and in addition were authorised to provide ‘ education other than elementary ’ , either by setting up new secondary schools or by aiding existing ones in their area .
18 Offer photographs to other publications by phone or by stating on the release that photographs are available on request .
19 Crafty commercial banks have tried to win a bit of the business by repeatedly rolling over short-term credits to companies ( though they have had to charge higher rates than long-term lenders ) , or by buying long-term lenders of their own .
20 From Table 3.2 we know it could do this by lending to banks or by buying government securities from them .
21 Favourable movements in share prices may be secured for up to 9 months by buying put options in the relevant securities or by buying put options in the FTSE index .
22 These sprays can be delivered either via spray heads positioned strategically in the tank or by rotating jets .
23 Grey and brown are obtained either by using undyed wool or by dyeing the yarns with extracts from nutshells and oak bark .
24 Legends such as the tale of the Land of White Water ( belovodie ) drove them onwards away from Europe into the dense forests where serfdom was but a memory until a voevoda 's troops stumbled upon them , making them pay taxes by growing grain for the troops or by carting goods — one of the harshest occupations in this severe land .
25 They help the patient by easing the symptoms or by replacing substances such as hormones or vitamins which are deficient in the body .
26 ( iii ) an anomaly which can be cured either by changing one or more closed set items or by replacing one or more open set items is semantic ( albeit with grammatical implications ) if the open set replacements are distinguished by the possession of certain semantic properties ; otherwise , it is purely grammatical .
27 More information from travel agents , or by ringing 0272 244 744 .
28 Tickets for tonight and tomorrow range from £9 to £7 ( with a pound off for pensioners and youngsters ) and are available at the door or by ringing 0914773600 .
29 It allowed and encouraged these local authorities to extend provision of secondary education , after the minimum leaving age , either by giving rate support to voluntary grammar schools , or by establishing rate-financed grammar , technical and/or ‘ higher elementary ’ schools .
30 But in certain circumstances , the defendant may exculpate himself from liability either by raising doubts as to whether he had such an intention or awareness , or by establishing on a balance of probabilities the defence that he lacked mens rea .
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