Example sentences of "[conj] he [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Very great odium T. Poole incurred by bringing me here … when Wordsworth came & he likewise by T. Poole 's agency settled here — You can not conceive the tumult , calumnies , & apparatus of threatened persecutions which this event has occasioned round about us .
2 He may have remembered St Mary 's Tyne Dock , where he freely sanctioned certain things that were illegal because the parish church council wanted them for purposes of devotion .
3 However , it is Laugharne which is most synonymous with Wales ' most famous 20th century poet and writer , where he simply ‘ stepped off the bus one day and forgot to get on again ’ in the spring of 1938 .
4 Wallace alos missed an absolute sitter when Dorigo came storming through ( maybe should have gome alone ) pushed the ball to Wallce 8yds out where he simply missed the ball .
5 He ended up in a thorn bush where he finally managed to break free from his billowing parachute .
6 From the very first page , where he both mistranscribes and then mistranslates further the opening of Terce in a Book of Hours , he matches marginal pictures with random words of text beside them , wildly associating words out of context with pictures near them in the margins , apparently grasping the flimsiest of puns and word associations .
7 McMurdo and Waugh paid their share but Johnstone prevaricated until 1989 when Sheriff Officers acting for the brewery issued arrestment orders ‘ freezing ’ Johnstone 's wages from his work in broadcasting and sports journalism , where he eventually found his niche as a witty and streetwise commentator .
8 Dryden spent his £13,000 redundancy money on the plot of land where he illegally built the bungalow .
9 She clung to him as he charged up the stairs and into her bedroom where he unceremoniously dumped her on the bed .
10 He was accordingly arrested and taken to Vine Street Police Station where he duly provided two specimens of breath in the intoximeter .
11 While not forgetting the observations in Black-Clawson International Ltd. v. Papierwerke Waldhof-Aschaffenburg A.G. [ 1975 ] A.C. 591 of Lord Reid , at p. 614f , Lord Wilberforce , at p. 629c–g , and Lord Diplock , at p. 637D , where he wisely warned against departing from the plain and natural meaning in favour of a strained construction , I am much impressed by the more adventurous but very logical pronouncements of Viscount Dilhorne , at pp. 622c–623e , and Lord Simon of Glaisdale , at p. 646e–g .
12 Marcus , thus present occasionally at Jack 's house , where he evidently felt his visits to be a matter of duty , inevitably encountered the women , who treated him with suitable respect and awe , and Jack , who was nervously affable , and even on two occasions Gildas to whom he nodded politely .
13 The last six months of his life were spent in hospital , where he rarely slept , if ever , and he suffered from disorientation , inability to concentrate enough to do the simplest task , and was totally unintelligible .
14 When they ignore the whole idea of pandering to a European market , they can be quite good , as in Tarkovsky 's Italian-funded productions , where he just carried on making the same film that had obsessed him for the past 30 years , only a bit more slowly .
15 I think Andrew 's was the funniest where he just jumps up , goes woof
16 Well perhaps it need n't where he just had plenty of porridge
17 ( 1937 , You 're in the Army Now in US ) , the improbable tale of an American hoodlum who takes on the identity of a murdered gambling companion and finds himself in the British Army , where he slowly comes to understand the habits of self-effacing Englishmen .
18 To this end a medical degree was essential , and he undertook his clinical training at St Bartholomew 's Hospital , where he again excelled .
19 However , he continued to hold her hand on the walk back to the main track , where he again drew her close to his side while taking her arm .
20 The team released him and he returned home where he soon married .
21 He then took his engineering skills into the Alfa factory where he soon discovered he enjoyed the organizing side of the sport more than racing .
22 It is in Britain 's interest for us to be at the heart of that Europe — where the Prime Minister said that he wanted us , but where he signally failed to put us at Maastricht .
23 This is noticeably similar to scene one where he repeatedly violates the maxim of quantity to avoid admitting that he knows nothing about Chetwyn : In both scenes , Anderson attempts to avoid divulging information which could compromise his academic credibility .
24 She burst into tears and Morse walked diffidently over to the settee , where he temporarily displaced the teddy-bear , put his right arm along her shoulder , and held her to him as she sobbed away the storm .
25 Alexandra now lifted him on to her lap , where he immediately settled , plugged his thumb into his mouth and gazed pityingly down at his brothers and sister .
26 Within the region of the Seine basin where Charles 's power was concentrated and where he most often stayed , the counts were of the " lesser " variety .
27 After a few years in atomic energy research he then discovered his vocation as teacher and enthusiast as a lecturer in chemistry at Birkenhead Technical College , where he also voluntarily taught about theatre , literature and music in a humanities section .
28 Prince 's adolescence was spent , by his own account , in daydreams ( of sex , of fame ) in the basement lair where he also learned his multi-instrumental virtuoso skills .
29 Time was , he remembered , when she had attended the Greek Orthodox Church , where he also had gone when small , but its splendour had palled when she had realized that more fashionable people belonged to the United Church .
30 Until he won the Paris Open earlier this month — where he also beat world No 1 Courier — he was n't even certain to qualify for this ‘ best eight ’ in the world ’ tournament , having fallen to 10th in the rankings for the first time in eight years , and failing to make a Grand Slam final for the first time in five .
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