Example sentences of "[conj] it [noun] " in BNC.

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31 But what is more important is that it outlines the links between casual work and the formal economy , setting these out in terms of declining significance .
32 Notice that the square-wave generator must sink more current than it sources : it charges the capacitors in series , but discharges them in parallel .
33 I think it may give the Reader a worse Idea of her Person than it deserv 'd , which was very far from being shocking ; tho' there was nothing extraordinary in it .
34 It claims more originality than it packs , but it is still a primer in the gap between actual virtue , and the official kind .
35 It was like a dream , so it wis . ’
36 ‘ Then tomorrow , you can take it down to the oven and tell them to put it at the bottom , so it -cooks really slowly , to keep it moist . ’
37 In its strict sense , biological control means the use of one plant or animal to control another and it exploits predator-prey and parasite-host relationships , either by introducing new predators and parasites or by artificially increasing the proportions of existing predators and parasites by their mass production and release .
38 React with it and it bubble Heat up .
39 The masses of the jovian planets are now known accurately from the Voyager missions , but in the past they were not , and much of the speculation on Planet X has been based on residuals from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory 's ephemeris DE200 and it predecessors , which used a Neptune mass in error by 0.5 per cent .
40 Such a view is found in partial form in Calvin , and it surfaces again in the nineteenth century in the thought of both Edward Irving ( who was wrongly convicted for heresy for believing it ) and the great Anglican churchman , F. D. Maurice ( 1805–1872 ) .
41 A few more dives and it surfaces with a larger fish which , judging from its colour , is a sea-scorpion .
42 It makes even worse reading and it distresses me to have to bring it to the attention of the House .
43 There are some private initiatives which suggest that such people do exist in Italy , such as Signor and Signora Baracco in Naples who have founded Napoli 99 to work for the revival of the town and it monuments .
44 Well it 's just it 's not the the grease the make up or the cream it 's the fact that you 're you 're putting so much muck on your skin all the time and it clogs up pores and causes spots .
45 And it s not much good keeking in the kitchen .
46 It 's like a recipe — you leave out this or that ingredient and it kind of tastes the same , but not exactly .
47 And for me , it represents an opportunity to complete the kind of Freud-Darwin synthesis I 've been working on really , for the last ten years , and it kind of represents the completion of the synthesis , as it were now completely merged in my mind into a single , the single kind of entity that I , I know call psychoanalytic .
48 The assessments continue after membership has been approved , and it companies fail to meet the association 's high standards , their membership will be withdrawn .
49 The laird , Macleod , asked Johnson therefore to define ‘ the particular excellence of Burke 's eloquence ’ , and Johnson 's reply summarises not only Burke , but all men of such gifts , and it hymns education and the acquisition of learning : ‘ Copiousness , and fertility of allusion ; a power of diversifying his matter , by placing it in various relations .
50 The rest of the time can be spent exploring Svaneke 's winding streets with museums , half-timbered houses and lush gardens , or taking a boat trip to unspoilt Christianso island and it navel fortresses .
51 Other triterpenoids such as oleanolic acid ( 2 ) 4 ( Calendula ) , ursolic acid ( 3 ) 5 ( Psychotria adenophylla ) , taxaxerol ( 4 ) 5 ( Taraxacum officinale ) , lupeol acetate ( 5 ) 5 ( Spilanthes ocymifolia ) and sericic acid and it glycoside sericoside ( 6 ) 6 ( Terminalia sericea ) have antiulcer properties but these compounds have not been developed commercially in the West .
52 And it perversion is , as we have argued ( and in Freud 's own terms ) , what potentially subverts sexual difference ( Chapter 11 ) , the silence of psychoanalytic advocates of sexual difference theory on this topic is both significant and damaging to their project .
53 JB Weld works on iron , steel , aluminium , bronze , brass , copper , pewter , all woods , ceramics and plastics , and it applications are endless — mechanical , automotive , plumbing , around the home , and around the garden .
54 In the context of this chapter , however , it is particularly important to deal with the corporatist perspective on the politics of organised interests since it provides some kind of challenge to the pluralist perspective ( even though pluralism and corporatism share a number of basic assumptions ) , and it fleshes out elements of the left critique of pluralism ( even though much corporatist theory is hostile to a Marxist theory of the capitalist state ) .
55 The affected fish had previously been swimming on its head and it spine had become deformed due to its awkward position .
56 We was carrying this ta erm table up the stairs and some boy knocked it and it fire alarms , everyone was , water started pouring down cos they have all the water as well , like , if it is a fire it was pouring
57 It does not stretch as much as nylon or polyester twist and it knots easily .
58 Its toes are strong enough to hold it on the bark , no matter which way it is facing and it hops about in all directions with sure-footed nimbleness .
59 And it sodomy signified diverse types of evil , so too might evil itself infiltrate civilization through diverse subject types .
60 Ah , winter came and it rain much colder , snow fell and covered everything Pink
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