Example sentences of "[conj] the number " in BNC.

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1 In addition , the exact Ea copy number of the transgenic mice from other groups is not known , and/or the number of mice tested was not large .
2 By the early sixties … it was clear that neither the efforts made in the first post-war decade nor the developments outlined in Mr Butler 's White Paper were reducing — or were likely to reduce — the volume of crime or the numbers of persistent offenders .
3 It is surprising how often this simple request is ignored and the spaces left blank or the numbers put down in any order but that asked for .
4 No differences were detected between case and control parents with respect to their own health or the numbers of diagnostic radiographs they reported before their child was conceived , or habits such as swimming in local rivers or canals , or in the children 's histories of being breast fed , their preschool activities , allergies , or viral infections .
5 For example , the numbers of people living together , or the numbers of people attending a day centre or place of work , should be as small as is consistent with the successful functioning of the facility .
6 Changes in synaptic connectivity between one neuron and another as a result of learning along hebbian lines might involve the dendrites increasing in length , or changing in branching pattern , or the numbers of their spines might alter .
7 The conditions are not limited to such matters and the timing of the procession or the numbers who may participate , so long as they are referable to the purposes mentioned .
8 Neither figure displays the within-group variation or the numbers of subjects within each stratum , both of which are necessary to assess the meaningfulness of the between-group differences .
9 of sixteen without regard either to the size of the area with which they were concerned or the numbers of the population .
10 She must wait months , if not years , for an interview with an Entry Clearance Officer at a British diplomatic mission on the Indian subcontinent , go through endless interrogations about such subjects as the colour of the family 's goat or the number of rooms in the house she lives in or how many guests there were at the wedding and what happened on the wedding night .
11 During the night the police sealed off the hospital so that no one might know precisely who was wounded or the number of casualties .
12 Large geographical areas have thus been classified as being ‘ less favoured ‘ and individual farmers qualify for supplementary assistance no matter what their financial position may be or the number of farms which they own .
13 However , if the score is less than five , you will need to increase the amount of time spent or the number of times a week you practise it .
14 Once you are a policyholder , premiums will not be increased on account of age or the number of claims made .
15 The indicators that are traditionally used are the money spent on health care or the number of health workers per head of population .
16 Indeed at secondary level the timetable of the week seems to blind one to considerations of the length of a course : the number of periods in a week or six days is debated , rather than the length of a period or the number of hours in a course .
17 ‘ It does n't matter how beautiful the catalogue , how important the cause , how many people have been tortured in Iran or the number of pandas left in southern China , ’ says Paul Hawken of Smith & Hawken , a California gardening-supply service .
18 No estimates could be made of the number of systems or the number of applications involving personal data — guesses ranged from 50,000 to 350,000 .
19 NatWest refuses to disclose any figures for its Tessa accounts or the number of holders .
20 For example , if Keith destroys ten brick towers and stabs six dolls with a plastic sword during his play therapy and subsequently attacks only one child during one day at nursery school , are we to record the number of towers , the number of stabs or the number of attacks ?
21 In most cases there is no limit on the number of individual models , or the number of units , other than that imposed by the points values .
22 In most cases there is no limit on the number of individual models , or the number of units , other than that imposed by the points values .
23 In most cases there is no limit on the number of individual models , or the number of units , other than that imposed by the points values .
24 Lasswell ( 1960 , p. 195 ) sums up this scepticism about the rule of law : ‘ The number of statutes which pass the legislature , or the number of decrees which are handed down by the executive , but which change nothing in the permanent politics of society , is a rough index of the role of magic in politics ’ .
25 It 's not yet clear whether the size of garden or the number of rooms with taps would be taken into account .
26 In the case of a one-man company an independent auditor must be appointed , and if the registered capital exceeds 20 million forints or the number of members exceeds twenty-five or the number of employees on the average exceeds 200 , a supervisory board must also be created .
27 In the case of a one-man company an independent auditor must be appointed , and if the registered capital exceeds 20 million forints or the number of members exceeds twenty-five or the number of employees on the average exceeds 200 , a supervisory board must also be created .
28 I 've lost count of the number of late-night movies we 've watched in this way or the number of dawns we 've seen together . ’
29 It would be rather pointless , for example , to count the number of nouns per sentence , or the number of intransitive verbs per noun : these frequencies would be difficult to interpret , because the result would be affected by independent variables , namely the length of sentences , and the frequency of nouns respectively .
30 Wordsworth , Blake , Chaucer , George Eliot , she knew well , but not the name of the capital of Chad or the number of trade union-sponsored MPs in the House of Commons .
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