Example sentences of "[conj] few [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Wo would you like to try it for the next year , or few meetings ?
2 Analyses tend to stop at higher education ; they note that few working-class pupils or few black people or few women go on to university or polytechnic ; they fail to look at what happens to those who do .
3 For the few hours , the day or few days ' duration of the " event " , their labour force at the location in question increases many times in size .
4 There may also be a place for preserving a useful gall bladder in young patients with solitary or few stones , who may not reform stones .
5 During infancy children tend to be kept most of the time in the small , dark interior of their hut , where they are rarely allowed to crawl on the floor , rarely spoken to or played with ( though always kept near the mother ) , and where few objects for play are available .
6 The competition was , alas , horrific , as they had ill-advisedly placed themselves in a predominantly female quarter of the hall , where few boys were bold enough to venture .
7 This is of the form A-BC ( which would be meaningless at levels of more general affinity , and is excluded by the homogeneity of style at the unitary level ) , where some of the mosaicists responsible for mosaic A worked on B , and some of the mosaicists responsible for B worked on 6 , but where few mosaicists worked on both A and C. At each step in such a " distributed relationship " some craftsmen are " lost " .
8 It was also a vital information centre , where spies mingled with oilmen , where officials of the local security forces met heir hookers , and where the waiters brought valuable intelligence every morning from their homes in the rabbit warrens in the ghettos and barrios where few diplomats or reporters dared go .
9 Putting a value on this kind of thing is a notoriously difficult area and one where few precedents exist .
10 These openings can be found by ramblers who prefer daylight to darkness and , like me , like to wander in search of them , but the black labyrinth to which they lead , the complex network below ground , is reserved exclusively for those experienced in subterranean travel , hardy adventurers who risk rockfalls and flooding to satisfy an insatiable curiosity to go where few men have been before , to see what few men have seen before .
11 The deeper forests are virtually hostile territory where few humans venture .
12 There are , however , advantages in delaying entry , particularly in this faculty where few subjects form part of the school curriculum .
13 Moreover , how important you think it is to justify your assertions will depend partly on what sort of writing you are engaged in ; a film review in a newspaper , for instance , is a genre where few assertions are justified .
14 So that few minutes at the end is important for picking up these extra marks you 've been trying to throw away , okay , where you can do it , and the few minutes at the beginning is to look through and find that question wherever it was , that one on the last page .
15 Small wonder that few managers read on , or that most mainstream management academics see business ethics as a ‘ soft ’ subject .
16 Another frequent complaint is that few managers seem to add real value to the work of their subordinates .
17 And when her body rejected the organs brave Kelly faced death with a dignity and understanding that few adults ever achieve .
18 But experience shows that few companies will budge without vast incentives ; most firms recruit few local people ; some leave when tax holidays end ; and zones work only when there are few of them in any one area .
19 Sharon defended the decision , she argues that few companies have the resources to undertake the hefty capital investment needed .
20 It is perhaps because of the unpredictable nature of the outcome that few cases come to court on ultra vires conditions .
21 The new legislation made it possible for all South Africans to purchase freehold tenure to the 87 per cent of South Africa 's land hitherto reserved for the white minority , although it placed no obligation on white owners to sell , and commentators pointed out that few blacks had the means to buy .
22 It was designed as a more effective replacement for the Police Complaints Board ( PCB ) which the public appeared to have lost faith in due to the fact that few complaints were ever substantiated , and that all investigations were carried out by the police themselves .
23 The danger is that few firms will exploit the flexibility .
24 Television is excellent for this , and Chomsky for long has had that great domain in which to show how governments and the big businesses linked to most television powers are very , very careful to be sure that few views are presented which violate the currently useful consensus .
25 Nursing is still an occupation that few boys ever consider ; this fact must be addressed .
26 The general consensus is that few horses should be inconvenienced by the ground .
27 It has been said that few revolutions have been so complete in the British countryside as the start and end of the railway age .
28 It has become increasingly evident , however , that few institutions are content continuously to cross subsidise loss-making operations for the sake of customer relationships .
29 Open OLTP monitors , including IBM 's CICS/6000 , NCR 's TopEnd , AT&T 's Tuxedo and Transarc 's Encina , will be supported as part of the X/A Distributed Transaction support — no matter that few customers seem to have built many applications in anger with such products , Sybase says it just loves standards to death these days !
30 Open transaction processing monitors , including IBM 's CICS/6000 , NCR 's TopEnd , Unix System Laboratories Inc 's Tuxedo and Transarc Inc 's Encina , will be supported as part of the X/A Distributed Transaction Support — no matter that few customers seem to have built many applications in anger with such products , Sybase says it just loves standards to death these days !
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