Example sentences of "[conj] even [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Entities , being elements of a specifically linguistic domain which we shall call the intensional level , may or may not have a referent in some real or imaginary external world ; we can certainly talk about an entity while uncertain of the existence of any related " thing " in the world about which we are speaking , or even while explicitly rejecting such an existence .
2 This has nothing to do with reference to any particular dog , or even whether dogs actually exist at all .
3 This revolutionary conclusion , which is perhaps the most important for the general reader of The Origin , is one easily supported by modern anthropologists although they might disagree with him about what exactly will happen when the change comes or even whether this kind of change can be predicted .
4 I do n't know exactly where this came from , or even whether or not they really were fat .
5 They thus occupy a rather special place in the spectrum of infectious human disease , since , without being able to find the germ responsible , it is not only rather difficult to be sure that the disease is present in the first place , but , having given a treatment for which there can be no de finite evidence of efficacy , since no organism has been eliminated , it can be very difficult to tell whether the infection has resolved or even whether the patient is better .
6 When she first begins to talk , she uses two different types of speech : egocentric speech , a kind of monologue , when she chatters on without bothering to know whom she is speaking to or even whether they are listening ; and socialized speech , a sign of growing maturity and decentring , when she tries to carry on a conversation , reacting to what the other person says .
7 The strange behaviour of systems that exhibit quantum effects seems often to challenge common sense , raising questions as to whether quantum theory provides only an incomplete account of nature and some other theory is needed at a more fundamental level , or even whether our concept of reality needs adjusting .
8 By what route the technique got into West Africa — or even whether it was independently devised there — can not be ascertained until we have discovered more sites of the first millennium AD , and earlier in West Africa .
9 Many disabled people could not travel to the polling station , and few knew beforehand whether it was accessible , or even whether they could get into the booths .
10 To start with , it 's not at all clear these days what people mean by it , or even whether it exists any longer .
11 The sociology of religion certainly can not tell us what we ought to believe — or even whether any particular belief is true or false — except , perhaps , in so far as the belief makes empirical claims or predictions — but , even then , we must remember , religions do deal in miracles , and they do celebrate paradox .
12 The underlying structure of the international system , crucial for Neo-Realism , is offered as an explanation of behaviour so strong that it no longer matters how , or even whether , the actors understand the world about them .
13 There is a dispute about which units matter , or even whether units matter at all except as dependent variables .
14 It is , I think , misleading to ask whether it was made of the patient 's own free will , or even whether it was voluntary .
15 He had no idea what a tropical island cost , or even whether one was available , but it would be fun to investigate .
16 What stories he had beaten the great Stanford Roberts on , or even whether Stanford Roberts had been great after all ?
17 She wondered , as she washed the dishes and Memet lay on the sofa with his feet on the cushions , whether some ancient warlock had ever discovered a truth drug while digging around among his herbs in the dark of the moon or even whether there was not some artificial chemical compound which would produce the same result and cause her lover to come clean about his dealings with women .
18 Thus our very existence could be regarded as a confirmation of grand unified theories , though a qualitative one only ; the uncertainties are such that one can not predict the numbers of quarks that will be left after the annihilation , or even whether it would be quarks or antiquarks that would remain .
19 Unfortunately I have been unable to trace any documents after the survey , and so do not know exactly why the scheme fell through or even whether the bill was ever presented .
20 One of the difficulties in the procedure for the institutions was the constraint on planning of not knowing — often for long periods of time — when or whether courses would be able to begin , or even whether they would be allowed to continue .
21 Agricultural statistics take no account of such changes because an old hay meadow may be recorded as permanent grassland both before and after a sudden change in management practice ( e.g. a one-off large inorganic fertiliser dose ) or even after one cultivation provided its agricultural use does not change .
22 And yet six years into the new administration , or even after it , the nature of Gorbachevian socialism remained frustratingly elusive .
23 After all how many artists have time to explain what they are doing while , or even after , they are doing it .
24 As soon as you have a date fixed , or even before you hear , it is a good idea to start gathering background information about the job for which you have applied and the people for whom you would be working .
25 In the run-up to the interview , or even before if you have the time , it is a good idea to try a few practice interviews .
26 It is only by alleviating frustration immediately , or even before it becomes experienced , Robarchek argues , that the Semai are able to be so non-violent .
27 This may be given by reference to time elapsing after the date of issue of the document , and it is quite possible for the time-limit to be passed before the document can be served or even before it is received by the Central Authority .
28 Probably this same crisis led to the failure of the Clun Railway before building commenced or even before the Act was passed .
29 Or even if there was any plan at all .
30 If A has been disturbed in his possession by a trespass committed by B , or even if B has deprived A of possession , A's claim to legal protection or redress against B can not be met by B's plea that C and not A is the true owner .
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