Example sentences of "[conj] make you " in BNC.

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1 Reading Alison and Freya 's stories may worry you , puzzle you , or make you wonder whether your feelings about your body , or constant dieting or guilt over food , makes you obsessive , or verging on an eating disorder .
2 Also , do n't think that it will put you into a trance or make you say or do stupid things .
3 Now tell my why I should not have you killed or make you into slaves . ’
4 Your dad 's always tried never to tell you lies , or stories that would scare you or make you superstitious , but — ’
5 So assertive is just being clear in what you want being prepared to keep going until you 've got something along those lines rather than letting people dismiss you or make you feel as though they 've dismissed you and your point not being considered i.e. your point not being heard or going away feeling that your point you did n't have a fair crack because you did n't give your point properly .
6 Constructive dismissal includes demoting you , reducing your salary or making you do demeaning chores without actually sacking you .
7 However , this only happens if your debtor wants to defend the action or makes you an offer which you can and do refuse .
8 If a toothbrush tickles or makes you gag , try the new A/Mano tongue cleanser ( £6.95 , Harrods ) .
9 Do n't get side-tracked too far , but on the other hand , follow any interesting lead , note down comments on usage of a word , and know when to stop an investigation that is not fruitful or makes you confused .
10 ‘ You was worried about her , Isaac , same as all of us , ’ said Peg , and she gave Pa one of those nice smiles that made you feel warm inside .
11 It was the kind of sound that made you think of the noise lambs probably make when they can smell the mint being brought in from the garden .
12 Though they also put stuff in the air that made you passive .
13 Was there anything that you remember at that stage that was unusual , that made you suspect something was going to happen ? ’
14 Now that you 're down to an average of 68 pages , why not run back up to 84 with the features that made you great .
15 ‘ Perhaps you were thinking about Finn 's hand and that made you think you saw a hand ? ’
16 And I mean that made you feel bad as well .
17 He looked at her with his blue eyes that made you feel you were in the far distance and he was bringing you into focus gradually , like a ball magnetised to drop into his outstretched hand , be clasped by his fingers .
18 He thought he could hear voices now ; silvery , gentle voices , dark voices , that made you think you might be being watched .
19 The pale blue tights , moulded over bulging thighs , of the male trapeze artists , that made you think about the flattened bulge between their legs .
20 ‘ No reason , ’ she said , ‘ just the same polite curiosity that made you ask all those questions about Simone and André .
21 I 'd like to think that it was remorse that made you come sobbing into Adam 's arms that way , but I 'm not so naïve as to believe it .
22 I was never much use at school work , but he said that did n't matter , what was important was finding something and doing it so that you became good at it , better than the others , and that made you a person , gave you something they did n't have .
23 You seem to have an emotion , that made you resent making a sacrifice to your brother , and , and presumably , would have stopped you making it , if you 'd been free to choose .
24 And er that hurt and that made you much more determined to improve and be able to make a proper load as quickly as possible .
25 Exactly how he achieved this I can not explain except to say that he had a kind of eloquence that made you think he was speaking to you personally and the gift of a born story-teller .
26 ‘ What was it that made you come after me ? ’ she asked , curious to learn the truth .
27 She watched every video you ever made , trying to analyse just what it was that made you so special , so different from all the rest . ’
28 You said , do you actually eat the products that made you allergic Paul ?
29 ‘ I 'm so fed up with restaurants that have really bright fluorescent lights everywhere that make you look green , ’ she says .
30 As you start to think about the things that make you anxious you realize that the passage is telling you not to be anxious but to pray with thanksgiving !
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