Example sentences of "[conj] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You will have seen , with as much surprise as pleasure , a child of nine play the harpsichord like the great masters ; & what will have astonished you even more was to hear from trustworthy persons that he already played it in a superior manner three years ago ; to know that almost everything he plays is of his own composition ; to have found in all his pieces , and even in his improvisations , that character of force which is the stamp of genius , that variety which proclaims the fire of imagination & that charm which proves an assured taste ; and lastly , to have seen him perform the most difficult pieces with an ease and a facility that would be surprising even in a musician of thirty … .
2 With respect to the embalming [ of ] Bodies , the methods that were commonly practised could , I know , have no effect ; at that time I read a good many Books upon ‘ Balsamation ’ but got very little instruction from reading these : according to my own Idea the best way would be to preserve the Body for some time that putrefaction should hardly be able to take place , & that it should gradually get rid of its moisture , & that , when it dried , it should have such imbalming juices in it , that it should resist putrefaction , & the insects at the same time be either kept off or destroyed : I set out with this Opinion & thought that something must be thrown thro' the whole Body : the when the Body was preserved , my Idea of getting rid of moisture was , to place the Body in some strong absorbent substance , & that substance which proved best I thought was Paris Plaister & I thought I could lay in a common Coffin such a quantity of Paris Plaister as would take out all the moisture & then I thought the Body should be rather in a wooden case than a leaden one because the Wood would assist the Absorption .
3 As I was no longer going out to work , I had plenty of thinking time … even a holiday with , , & that Autumn to U.S.A / Bahamas ( retirement treat ) was blighted .
4 13 1775 & that Body is vastly improv 'd the longer it is kept & the little remains of fat shine a little more thro' & it is now very much the colour of Indian Copper , i.e. it is very near the colour of finished work 'd mahogany & is really a beautiful mass , the Legs are now perfectly dry and from the Beginning to the end there is nothing of putrefaction .
5 The Board is entitled to require you not to attend at any place of work and they may otherwise suspend you from the performance of your duties under this appointment where that course is a necessary precaution in the public interest or otherwise in the interests of the Board pending the outcome of criminal , disciplinary or other investigations or proceedings and where no alternative course is reasonably appropriate .
6 Each defendant calls a witness who has also submitted a statement with the facts of his or her life , particularly where that life crosses that of the defendant .
7 All behaviouristic theories of cognition are viciously third-personal , where that expression signifies , first , that they can not be applied to the first-person perspective and , second that our ability to apply them to the third person really rests on our bringing to bear first-person knowledge : as with rats in mazes , where my plain and unreduced apprehension of the rat 's environment enables me to see its grasp of that environment in terms of its behaviour within it .
8 In London , there were both areas of strong support for the strike , like Battersea , and areas where that support was extremely limited — although far fewer in number .
9 Now where that centre of that V is where the black ball will go .
10 Few there be , are there few that be saved , well what does the bible say about this , first of all it teaches abundantly clearly that all may be saved , God is not partial , God has no favourites , he does n't love you more than he loves any body else , he does n't love me more than he loves you or you more than me , he does n't love you more than he loves ah any other racial group or any other ethnic group , he loves us all the same God so loved the world that he gave his only son Jesus Christ , here in his love , not that we love God says the apostle but that he loved us , the old testament profit reminds us that he has loved us with an ever lasting love , who , this was one of the hang ups that the Jewish nation had , they thought that they were the cats whiskers , he chose them , but he in fact did n't love them any more than he loved the , the hitites , the parasites , the gergasites and all the other ites , he loved them all the same , God is not partial in his love because he is love , if there was any body that God did not love he would actually cease to be God because love is not something that , that God does , you and I do it no matter how loving you are , or how loving you think you are , you are not love , you choose to love somebody and you love them , there are times when that love goes very thin sometimes , perhaps because of events that have happened , it can actually come to an end where that love dies , you withdraw your love God ca n't do that , God loves us as we 've said with an eternal love , a love that will go on throughout the endless ages of eternity
11 Use this where your employee has not entitlement to SSP or where that entitlement has run out but he or she is still sick .
12 Where that girl is concerned I have nothing on my conscience .
13 I hate it where that girl is !
14 Knowledge Linked to the power acquired through the control of information is that acquired through the possession of some specialised knowledge or skill , particularly where that knowledge can not be easily substituted .
15 ‘ That was a monastery , where that field is now , ’ he told me .
16 In this respect , s14(5) of the SGA provides : The preceding provisions of this section apply to a sale by a person who in the course of a business is acting as agent for another as they apply to a sale by a principal in the course of a business , except where that other is not selling in the course of a business and either the buyer knows that fact or reasonable steps are taken to bring it to the notice of the buyer before the contract is made .
17 Knowing what is supposed to make a sentence correct , and where that sentence ends , though it may be important and worth teaching and learning , is clearly not enough .
18 Those characteristics were known to that keeper or were at any time known to a person who at that time had charge of the animal as that keeper 's servant or , where that keeper is the head of a household , were known to another keeper of the animal who is a member of that household and under the age of sixteen . ’
19 ‘ I was employed , sir , ’ said the captain , ‘ on secret orders , and to sail this ship where that gentleman ordered me to sail it .
20 He was mad , mad where that child was concerned , and he meant what he said .
21 In this passage , Paul reminds his readers not only that that they should be at peace , but also where that peace will have its origin .
22 Truth can not be confined to traditional religions , nor can any particular religion claim to have a monopoly of Truth , for where that kind of particularization of the Ultimate takes place , we are face to face with what Tillich calls demonization .
23 The basis of these systems was the allocation of credit points to parts of courses so that candidates could move from one course to another or from one centre to another and carry credit for past achievement , where that achievement was relevant to the new course .
24 Consent will be needed where there is a clear express prohibition in a relevant contract or where that contract is " personal " .
25 Where is it clear that reliance may be placed on our association with the preparation of financial information , and where that reliance is not justified by the nature of the association , we should take every opportunity to make the nature of our position clear ( for example , in discussing information , prepared but not reported on by ourselves , with a client 's bankers ) .
26 We must consolidate our expertise and where that expertise is not evident , we must create it .
27 The obvious intention of this provision is to override the Court 's case law and empower Member States to legislate on matters covered by Community legislation , at least where that legislation is enacted under Article 100A .
28 In the event of an insurance company which is a party to the Agreement withdrawing therefrom or ceasing to transact business , it will under the terms of the Agreement , notify individual bank branches/organisations branches from whom they hold notices of interest where that insurance cover has been terminated .
29 But it can not be used as a way of endowing anyone with authority where that person had none .
30 Newly inserted s.20A(a) of the SEA 1934 gives a private right of action to any person who trades contemporaneously with any person in securities of the same class where that person has violated any provision of the Securities Exchange Act 1934 or any regulations made thereunder .
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