Example sentences of "[conj] we go " in BNC.

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1 I know pretty well where we went . ’
2 If I 'd thought it noisy where we were , where we went made talking impossible .
4 At one end of the town was a bank where we went on our first day to change some money .
5 GUIL : ( Quietly ) Where we went wrong was getting on a boat .
6 The afternoon was very energetic since we travelled up to Doncaster Dome where we went ice skating .
7 He also warned us that , once we were back in London , we were to be careful where we went , to whom we talked and what we ate and drank .
8 I 'll probably have to do me tour of the quayside to start at the beginning where we went
9 Where we went ?
10 no where we went was the erm well where we went first was the Dunkirk , did n't like what we hear in there , so we went from the Dunkirk and tried to get in the erm Smithfield hotel , we were unable to do that
11 where we went .
12 But , that where we went to that pub that time with Geoff , that 's the first time I 've been up there .
13 things , I mean where we went
14 where we went
15 Where we went was
16 Well I 'm sorry but where we went it was great
17 At the BBC , we try to reproduce sounds as accurately as possible , particularly in wildlife where we go to great lengths to find the right noises to fit the locations and species .
18 I often get ten minutes with her in a corridor , and sit quite near her table in the cafeteria , and there 's a stairwell where we go and kiss — where we breathe into one another .
19 Where we go from here . ’
20 We 're in town , just in town does n't matter where we go , does it ?
21 Well , it does n't matter where we go to eat does it ?
22 If there 's a mass exodus or we go down the drain , no one will admire you for decolonisation . ’
23 Once I get them up from their rest , we go off to the lake and feed the ducks or we go to friends .
24 We stand there with two choices : either we turn back the way we came — which may be safer but ai n't gon na get us far — or we go straight ahead past the police van , pretending we are lawfully about our business .
25 It 's two thirty or we go now or we go in about an hour but we ca n't go later I should think , can we ?
26 It 's two thirty or we go now or we go in about an hour but we ca n't go later I should think , can we ?
27 My survival plan spun into action the other week with that hard-fought point against Northtown , and although we went down 4–1 against Clansford United I was not unduly worried — every well-oiled engine needs a little fine tuning .
28 Although we went a goal behind , they were very vocal and got right behind us .
29 This is because , although we go through the movements of looking , we do not actually see what is there .
30 Although we go out quite a lot , we just go for walks .
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