Example sentences of "[conj] say [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In many libraries there is some tension between what users want ( or say they want , or think they want ) and what the librarian feels they need .
2 It 's up in what we call Cook Island House , where the three government officers work under Colonel Fawcett , or say they do .
3 I do n't know what the financial arrangements are but he has a double role , he attends the classes but he also does spinal manipulation and massage for those of Brand 's clients who need it or say they do . ’
4 We tell them to be quiet because we want them to look at television , or say it 's too wet to go out for a walk when they are wanting to wear their new wellies .
5 As enforcement of water pollution regulations places demands on polluters of time , manpower , and money , one of the basic premises informing routine pollution control work is the assumption that every discharger has a substantial economic incentive to evade enforcement : ‘ Everyone will try to get out of it , or say it was n't them . ’
6 Cos I can pick out his stuff or say I do n't like the look of that one and he 'll , he 'll chuck it in the back .
7 If you make a statement which gives a stated time when something happened , do n't be vague or make it up , give the exact time or say you do n't know .
8 I mean I I know various people by sight in the you know who are always lurking around , when you go to sometimes for an exchange or a something , or say you 've lost your glasses and have n't found them .
9 Yes , the words fitted by then , no matter who had written or said them .
10 If a politician has , or says he has , an opinion about ERM or about Ireland or about immigration , he stands to lose as many votes as he gains .
11 When he 's really crazy and violent or says he 'll kill himself , he goes into hospital — for about a month , usually .
12 or saying we could n't really take to their child ,
13 She , skilled in the ways of therapy , had after the first few sessions begun dissecting his own motives for him and Kevin , like an obedient dog , ended up nodding slowly as she told him clearly , fully , frankly what he meant when he said what he thought about what she or Henry felt , and how what he thought he thought about what they felt , or said they felt , probably was n't what he really felt any more than what they said they felt was really deep down what they really felt .
14 Thirteen per cent said that none of these factors made any difference , or said they did n't know .
15 Both him and Gore smoked dope , or said they did .
16 Fathers too may respond in a positive way , but I definitely felt that fathers tended to have a more extreme reaction of anger of hurt , or said they were ashamed of their daughter , and felt let down , and some refused to speak to their daughters for days or weeks .
17 The fact that Thucydides wanted to do this , or said he did , does not of course provide evidence of whether he actually did .
18 Or said he was : told Luke that .
19 Yeah when he 's eighteen but the trouble is I do n't know what 's happened I 've lost , I suppose mum 'll have to do it because erm Tom has sort of cut him out , or said he was going to cut him out , but I think
20 three or four times I had to speak to him last night , and you never said a word , you just pretended or said you did n't hear
21 Although most girls ca n't wait to leave the home for their own place to do their own thing , some always come back to show what they 've achieved , or to say it was n't so bad in the home after all .
22 Then , opening them again , she resumed her earlier apologetic furtiveness and , like a nocturnal animal twitching before a predator , begged her sister not to laugh , not to make fun of her , not to comment straight away or say she was an idiot or slap her down , but please , please , to let her have her dream about him just for a night .
23 The government says schools like Pate 's are better-off out of local authority control … but admit that the school has had it 's hands tied by the rules that say they ca n't spend more on teachers than the county council will allow.The governments proposing a review of the regulations system in 1994 but for teachers at Pate 's who 're facing redundancy and pupils a drop in educational standards this could be too long a wait .
24 It 's just that unfortunately C P O's are on a Home Office list that say they are suitable for civilianisation .
25 In the health authorities we have read reports that say they have misused the money .
26 I 'm not surprised , I 'd have done me fruit , if I was going around with somebody that , that say they 're gon na put the house on the market for me , want to make a go , a go of the marriage , a new baby , two other kids and then oh , but yet , yet wants to play around in a , you know a little sports car , that nobody but two people can sit in
27 But do n't be bullied by precise , conventional height-to-weight charts that say you should be 9st 6lb .
28 " He did more than say it , I can tell you .
29 The transport is also better , with the airport considerably closer than say it would have been in Manchester .
30 That he neither sees it nor says it .
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