Example sentences of "[conj] at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Where at work he is harsh and business like , at home he is a gentleman .
2 This will apply.not only to mathematics and English , but also to areas such as science and arts , where at present progression and continuity are particularly weak .
3 This makes one coherent line of argument , where at present there are half a dozen .
4 A second map , however , shows the controlling factors which include areas where no fieldwork or air survey was possible — in other words , areas where at present it is impossible to assess whether sites exist or not .
5 Unlike England [ where at present GNVQs in Tourism and Leisure also encompass Hotel and Catering and are therefore very broadly based ] . ,
6 The pace of the building quickens towards the E end , where at gallery and later at clerestory level , gesticulating putti balance on Rococo vases , turning towards the High Altar .
7 They took it down to the burning gha where two rivers meet in a rolling pool of green and white , and where at night the restless spirits of the dead wall to the roar of the crashing waters .
8 It was even more frightening when we reached the cooler highlands , where at night people would huddle on the road for warmth , barely visible and apparently asleep , yet able to leap dexterously out of our path at the last moment .
9 There is a great deal of evidence and experience as to the effects of anoxia ( oxygen deficiency ) in the later foetal stage or at birth in the incidence of mental subnormality and cerebral palsy .
10 Then , or at home looking at a map of Britain , the West calls , out of Wiltshire and out of Cornwall and Devon beyond , out of Monmouth and Glamorgan and Gower and Caermarthen , with a voice of dead Townsends , Eastaways , Thomases , Phillipses , Treharnes , Marendaz , sea men and mountain men .
11 I rarely made a comment on what someone was wearing ; we would sit in a park or café or at home discussing image , beauty , fashion and advertising , and skirt around the more obvious , immediate issues of how we both looked , how we were dressed .
12 Training is redefined as learning , and learning can take place with or without a tutor , in training rooms , in a bureau or at home , formally or informally .
13 Parents working at all levels in businesses can begin to establish empathy with the school work of their children and contribute to it in the workplace , or the school or at home .
14 ( Some children will find that English books work differently from those read in the mosque , synagogue , or at home . )
15 I was not missed that day either at school or at home .
16 The horse 's trainer Robin Dickin said : ‘ It could have happened at any time , on the racecourse or at home .
17 Constance remembered the many times she had seen her mother and him alone together either in the village street or at home ; she had been uneasily aware of their absorption in each other .
18 Many old people spend long hours alone and many are increasingly fearful ( rightly or wrongly ) of violence in the street or at home .
19 However , almost all of them can equally be done by the student working independently , either in a language laboratory or at home .
20 Workbook , containing additional exercises for use in class or at home .
21 A variety of dialogues , drills and exercises are provided for use in the language laboratory , in class or at home .
22 Each pack contains a book , accompanying cassette and parent/teacher notes , giving full instructions on how to integrate the cassette with the book either in the classroom or at home .
23 We can not ( either at school or at home ) isolate children from the impact that technology has made upon our everyday lives .
24 On the other hand , if a mature woman is sexually assaulted by a stranger in daylight or at home , then she has not been raped by a man but a monster .
25 Or at home , when there is an unresolved issue distorting a relationship , a good row can clear the air , releasing tension and allowing the couple to deal with their differences .
26 An assertiveness training programme involves a number of stages : first , understanding the underlying principles of the approach ; second , recognizing different styles of communicating ( passive , aggressive , assertive ) , third , identifying specific situations where we would like to be more assertive , whether at work , in public , among friends , or at home ; fourth , to prepare , rehearse , or role play a different , more assertive response ; and fifth , to transfer that behaviour back into the real world .
27 There is substantial evidence that social support , at work or at home , may provide an effective insulator or buffer against the effects of stress .
28 The largest group works full-time outside the home , while others work part-time or at home , or run their own businesses ( 8% ) , sometimes from home .
29 The book will remain a valuable source of permanent reference , whether in the store , in a museum , at auction or at home .
30 ( 4 ) The limiting words ‘ in his capacity as an officer or servant of the Crown ’ leave the court free to order a witness to give evidence notwithstanding that at the relevant time he was an officer or servant of the Crown , if the matters in respect of which he is to give evidence did not come to his notice in that capacity , for example , the civil servant who , when on holiday or at home , happens to witness a road traffic accident .
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