Example sentences of "[conj] do she " in BNC.

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1 Was she being stupid on purpose , or did she really mean it , Mungo wondered ?
2 Did she , or did she not , murder her second husband , Henry Stewart , lord Darnley ?
3 Was she raped by James Hepburn , earl of Bothwell , and forced to marry him , or did she connive at her own abduction ?
4 Or did she have some other ‘ Thing ’ to invoke ?
5 Had she seen a plastic brick floating , or did she have to think of a name for her wavy line and enclosed shape ?
6 Or did she not think at all ?
7 Or did she use her an' all ?
8 Was her decision to play music on a full-time basis thought out — or did she just happen into it ?
9 The main point was , did she or did she not think that the whole ghastly superstructure should be brought down and got rid of , root and branch , once and for all ?
10 ‘ How did she take it — orally , or did she snort it ? ’
11 If the purpose of the law is to protect women from acts of sexual intercourse to which they have not in fact consented , whether by reason of force actually applied , physical or other threat , or fear induced by the accused or by others , then the relevant question would appear to be : Did this particular woman , in these particular circumstances , submit to this particular man ; or did she in fact freely consent to have intercourse with him ? … if the law deems the woman to have consented to the act despite ample evidence of threats which rendered her submissive but non-consenting , then the law can not be said to be serving its true function of protecting individuals from the imposition of non-consensual sexual intercourse . ’
12 Did she consent or did she not ?
13 Was it imagination , or did she really sound colder towards him ?
14 Or did she say he 's going for an interview in June for the Met , or something , anyway .
15 Was there any more or did she just give you these ?
16 Well he does , sometimes she sa did she say him or did she say
17 Or did she have to go back for something .
18 She 's asked was that in school or did she go to your house ?
19 But can she allow herself to get in touch with that needy infant inside her adult self , or does she always have to be the carer , the non-greedy adult , leaving Bob Halton to express all the emotional greed for them both ?
20 Does she dive straight to the point or does she circle around , feeling for what she wants to say ?
21 ‘ Does she ask who it is first or does she just use it as soon as she hears a man 's voice ? ’
22 And there is no pleasure left in the life of the rich : for who can tell lumpfish from caviare any more , and caviare is cholesterol-rich anyway , and forbidden : and when the rich grow old and hired nurses dab away the dribble , can you trust the nurse to love you , or does she hate you ?
23 Or does she object to the coloured races in general ? ’
24 Embroidery , for example , or does she collect ceramics ?
25 Although desfoutre is a perfectly proper grammatical construction , it is , of course , in real-world terms impossible to be " unfucked " , except perhaps in the mind of a naive woman who imagines that a second foutre can annul or return the first … or does she ?
26 What comment has the minister to make on this example of corporate ethics or does she like the Prime Minister believe it 's no matter for her ?
27 Or does she talk different because she 's on the phone ?
28 Or does she still go ?
29 She does n't , or does she ?
30 Is she alright now without them or does she have to wear them part of the time ?
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