Example sentences of "[conj] he first " in BNC.

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1 It was his second try at the London event , where he first ran in 1981 , and he was pleased with his performance .
2 And every Sunday after service he invited " a good number of his friends to his house , where he first reads over the paper , and then comments upon the text " .
3 The Olympic 800 metres finalist moved back up to the 1500 metres where he first made his name as a junior and led from gun to tape to win in 3 mins 39.58 secs .
4 It was in Berlin that he first read Morelli 's work .
5 It was in 1761 , that he first wrote an account of one of the Salons , which was circulated with his other correspondence in the fashion of the time by his friend Grimm .
6 Raskolnikov turns to Sonya ; ‘ it was to her , Sonya , that he first went with his confession ; when he felt the need of a human being , he sought the human being in her ’ — which does indeed isolate for a moment , and emphasize , the mystic business of his alienation from the human family ; and for this moment the dross ( as it were ) of Sonya and of Raskolnikov is withheld ; the god in his humanity is looking for the god in hers .
7 Denis Brailsford , an inter-war spectator and a distinguished sports historian , recalled that he first went to football in the 1930s as part of his father 's extended family of miners and their wives , who made up the core of a group that regularly went to Mansfield Town 's home games .
8 It was in New Zealand , where he stayed for three and a half years , that he first entered the world of Bohemia and found himself getting on best with artists .
9 He still retains an affection for the place , perhaps because it was there that he first encountered the inspiring sight of human beings at odds with , and frequently overcoming , an unpromising environment .
10 It was at this time that he first came across some Nonconformist pastors from Shrewsbury and was deeply impressed and helped by the ‘ fervent prayers , godly conversation and holiness ’ of their lives .
11 All this assumes , of course , that the doctor 's duty demands that he first satisfy himself that the patient is capable of making a rational decision .
12 This was being built between 1831 and 1833 , and it was probably about then that he first met Gilbert Scott .
13 Graham served in the RAF during the Second World War and it was under the war-time ‘ guesting ’ arrangement that he first turned out for Palace .
14 It was on a visit to Ulverston that he first met Thomas West , who was working on his historical and topographic work on the area .
15 His first-class debut was for the Minor Counties against Oxford University in 1939 , but it was not until 1947 that he first played for Surrey , as an aggressive fast-medium bowler , who also liked to give the ball a good whack when batting .
16 It was at university that he first began to perform , and he later went to New York to study acting with Lee Strasberg .
17 It 's said that he first traced the outline for his ladylike creation around a tall woman friend .
18 Wordsworth has observed a primrose perched on top of a rock ; in the second stanza he remembers that he first saw it many years ago ( actually 1802 .
19 It was here that he first conceived the idea of being a peasant painter .
20 It was at TMcL that he first met his one and only ‘ accountancy ’ hero , James Dowling , the then senior partner — ‘ one of the finest men I have ever met and arguably the best accountant Scotland has ever seen ’ .
21 As it turned out , Mario was n't allowed to race at Monza because he 'd driven a dirt-track race within the previous twenty-four hours , and it was n't until Watkins Glen at the end of 1968 that he first drove in a FI race .
22 We need not bother with the details , save to say that it is quite certain that all the contemporary accounts of Balboa 's triumph — which mention that he first saw the Pacific at 10 am on Tuesday , 25 September — are wrong .
23 It is unclear why he so suddenly dropped the idea that he first pushed forward with some vigour .
24 Dave Preece introduces a technique for laminating that he first used when shaping the curved runners on a sled
25 In three ways these complex diplomatic manoeuvrings had touched Richard closely : as Alice 's husband-to-be ; as overlord of western Berry and the Auvergne ; and finally as a future crusader , for it was probably in Normandy in September 1177 that he first heard a papal legate preach of the perils facing the Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem .
26 It may have been through this same intuitive process that he first decided to move towards the field of Art Education .
27 Although Hazel guessed that they must now have gone further from the warren than any rabbit he had ever talked to , he was not sure whether they were yet safely away : and it was while he was wondering — not for the first time — whether he could hear sounds of pursuit that he first noticed the dark masses of the trees and the brook disappearing among them .
28 It was probably here , too , that he first encountered Paul Odo Cross , the wealthy ex-ballet dancer who lived with the plant photographer , Angus Wilson , at Tidcombe Manor in Wiltshire , where they created a marvellous garden and influenced Cedric Morris with their growing and breeding of irises .
29 By 1917 , the year that he first came into contact with Sartre , the very year that Lenin was establishing a new revolutionary Soviet state , three years before the birth of the French communist party , this future activist of the French Left was in the throes of a major personal crisis brought about by the demise of his father .
30 The song ‘ You are my Heart 's Delight ’ from Lehár 's operetta The Land of Smiles ( 1929 ) was one of his most famous , and it was in this work that he first came to England in 1931 .
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