Example sentences of "[conj] he [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Silas led the way to the stables , where he unsaddled and attended to the horses ; then he turned to her and said gruffly .
2 Gould also works for the British Labour Party , where he co- ordinates The Shadow Communication Agency , the group of advertising and media professionals who have donated their expertise free of charge .
3 It was his second try at the London event , where he first ran in 1981 , and he was pleased with his performance .
4 And every Sunday after service he invited " a good number of his friends to his house , where he first reads over the paper , and then comments upon the text " .
5 The Olympic 800 metres finalist moved back up to the 1500 metres where he first made his name as a junior and led from gun to tape to win in 3 mins 39.58 secs .
6 He went back into the drawing room where he unbolted , unlocked and threw open the french windows .
7 Removal of the halteres in Calliphora has little or " no effect or he beat-frequency , amplitude and duration of flight but markedly affects the stability of the flying insect .
8 Society may not through its laws be able to protect the sufferers from addictive disease from the consequences of their addiction nor he able to protect itself from the consequences of their actions even if the law is applied universally to all addictive drugs including alcohol .
9 Although he chain-smoked menthol cigarettes , his hands — remarkably small hands — were un-stained and well manicured .
10 When Dr Maxwell came along a little later , I asked him about it , and although he pooh-poohed it a bit and said it was all a lot of nonsense , I did get him to admit it could n't do me any actual harm to go to the classes and do exercises .
11 The Liverpool boss has told Dons ' chairman Sam Hammam that he Centre-back Scales remains Souness ' priority , the Reds boss having snapped up Nottingham Forest midfielder Nigel Clough .
12 It was in Berlin that he first read Morelli 's work .
13 It was in 1761 , that he first wrote an account of one of the Salons , which was circulated with his other correspondence in the fashion of the time by his friend Grimm .
14 Raskolnikov turns to Sonya ; ‘ it was to her , Sonya , that he first went with his confession ; when he felt the need of a human being , he sought the human being in her ’ — which does indeed isolate for a moment , and emphasize , the mystic business of his alienation from the human family ; and for this moment the dross ( as it were ) of Sonya and of Raskolnikov is withheld ; the god in his humanity is looking for the god in hers .
15 Denis Brailsford , an inter-war spectator and a distinguished sports historian , recalled that he first went to football in the 1930s as part of his father 's extended family of miners and their wives , who made up the core of a group that regularly went to Mansfield Town 's home games .
16 It was in New Zealand , where he stayed for three and a half years , that he first entered the world of Bohemia and found himself getting on best with artists .
17 He still retains an affection for the place , perhaps because it was there that he first encountered the inspiring sight of human beings at odds with , and frequently overcoming , an unpromising environment .
18 It was at this time that he first came across some Nonconformist pastors from Shrewsbury and was deeply impressed and helped by the ‘ fervent prayers , godly conversation and holiness ’ of their lives .
19 All this assumes , of course , that the doctor 's duty demands that he first satisfy himself that the patient is capable of making a rational decision .
20 This was being built between 1831 and 1833 , and it was probably about then that he first met Gilbert Scott .
21 Graham served in the RAF during the Second World War and it was under the war-time ‘ guesting ’ arrangement that he first turned out for Palace .
22 It was on a visit to Ulverston that he first met Thomas West , who was working on his historical and topographic work on the area .
23 His first-class debut was for the Minor Counties against Oxford University in 1939 , but it was not until 1947 that he first played for Surrey , as an aggressive fast-medium bowler , who also liked to give the ball a good whack when batting .
24 It was at university that he first began to perform , and he later went to New York to study acting with Lee Strasberg .
25 It 's said that he first traced the outline for his ladylike creation around a tall woman friend .
26 Wordsworth has observed a primrose perched on top of a rock ; in the second stanza he remembers that he first saw it many years ago ( actually 1802 .
27 It was here that he first conceived the idea of being a peasant painter .
28 It was at TMcL that he first met his one and only ‘ accountancy ’ hero , James Dowling , the then senior partner — ‘ one of the finest men I have ever met and arguably the best accountant Scotland has ever seen ’ .
29 As it turned out , Mario was n't allowed to race at Monza because he 'd driven a dirt-track race within the previous twenty-four hours , and it was n't until Watkins Glen at the end of 1968 that he first drove in a FI race .
30 We need not bother with the details , save to say that it is quite certain that all the contemporary accounts of Balboa 's triumph — which mention that he first saw the Pacific at 10 am on Tuesday , 25 September — are wrong .
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