Example sentences of "[modal v] work [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 So it ought to work out twelve and a six month
2 Additions equally probable anywhere This is both the most usual case and the assumption the designer should work on if no information is available .
3 CAIRNS for Franklyn Stephenson , who should work off some of his frustration to Sussex 's considerable advantage , will not be an immediate gain .
4 In addition , you should work out your contributions , as an employer .
5 Nor would he accept that he should work out the sum due by looking at the cost of providing a type of car which Mr Shove ‘ might reasonably be expected to acquire in his present circumstances ’ .
6 The trainee , together with the in-bureau tutor , should work out and carry through a tailor-made course of study .
7 You should work out what your needs are and compile a list of suitable filename extensions .
8 Of course , the marginal revenue of Division A is simply the transfer price as it can only sell to Division B. So we should work out A 's marginal costs at the required level of group activity and set the transfer price equal to that .
9 For instance , the planners should work out if it is in the organisation 's best interest to move into an existing building and whether such a building needs any refurbishment or , whether premises should be custom built .
10 Anything else he needed , he should work out for himself with Hurley .
11 ( f ) Deposit arrangements If possible , you should work out with your client buyer how much money will be available for the payment of a deposit at the outset of the transaction .
12 That 's us and that 's what we must work on . ’
13 I must work round to the subject gradually .
14 Again , you must work out what suits you best .
15 Look at the question in Figure 2A ; you are asked to work out the transfer price , but first you must work out what volume the group should operate at .
16 Therefore , each church must work out for itself the best way and time to measure ‘ membership ’ which most accurately and helpfully reflects their situation .
17 That is why we must work out our strategy .
18 Then it must work out where the money will come from .
19 Gifford , though he gave advice from his own experience , told him to take nothing on trust , but ‘ to cry mightily unto the Lord that He would convince him of the truth thereof ’ : he must work out his own salvation .
20 The planners must work out in which order departments , functions or sites move and who will be responsible in each for overseeing the removal process .
21 She must work out something shorter .
22 You must work out your personal pattern so as to suit your individual conditions .
23 Or or some vague question like that er for which you must work out the answers .
24 He must work in , ‘ a government of separated institutions sharing powers ’ , and he will accomplish little without the cooperation of the legislative branch .
25 But even within the current constraints which we must work in , our success stories will still emerge as we redefine the areas of our future growth .
26 I have my first sittings at 8.30 am , and then I have my meetings ; I dictate in the afternoon to my secretary , and I might work on till midnight .
27 I could give many other examples , but those are three which the Home Secretary might work on straight away .
28 He might work off his lust on her body and she could despise him for that .
29 We have looked at some of the types of jobs involved in retailing , and at the different sorts of shops you might work in .
30 Some teenagers are deterred through fear of hurting the feelings of their adopted parents and others may have too many doubts as to how the encounter might work out .
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