Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] from " in BNC.

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1 The duties of a trustee may be indefinitely varied by the terms of the instrument which creates the trust , and may range from a mere duty to make a legal conveyance to the beneficiary at his request , and in the meantime to permit him to possess and enjoy the property , to extensive and onerous duties of management , sale , investment , and application of capital and income .
2 These privileges may range from the relatively inconspicuous one of being treated differently for insurance purposes to the ultimate extreme of contracting a ‘ marriage with a member of the opposite sex ’ — opposite , that is , to the adopted one .
3 It may range from one afternoon a week to full extension services opening daily , staffed by a paid worker and volunteers .
4 This may range from telephoning , letter writing or tribunal representation on the client 's behalf .
5 These may range from circular huts set in a farmyard , with small closes dating from the Ornamental Horizon of the Middle Bronze Age , through the hill-fort ‘ village ’ of the Iron Age , first-century Roman villa with outbuildings , to much later structures up to , and sometimes including , the twentieth century .
6 They may range from a brief mention of a thirteenth-century tithe barn near the manor house , to a fully detailed true-to-scale plan of a building as it existed in earlier times , but which is now changed .
7 The interview is basically a form of human interaction and may range from the most informal chat to the most carefully pre-coded and carefully systematized set of questions and answers laid out on an interview schedule .
8 For the searcher who goes on and comes to believe , this is the only possible starting point — a sense of need which may range from a mild discomfort to a deep conviction , but which spurs him to look for a solution beyond himself .
9 Depending on how much irreversible damage has , or has not , occurred , the results of homoeopathic treatment may range from minimal to spectacular .
10 The plans to deal with existing problems may range from straightforward co-ordination of arrangements for a person leaving hospital , to a much more complex plan with the social worker in the case manager/key worker role ( Davies and Challis , 1986 ) , as will be described .
11 Their prey may range from insects , snails and lizards to rodents , birds , birds ' eggs and small mammals .
12 It is widely thought that a turnover tax may range from between 15% and 20% .
13 Complaints may range from criticism of the architecture of the house to criticism of the methods available for doing housework :
14 In Britain every member of the population is registered with a doctor whose circumstances may range from working alone ( a single-handed practice ) to working within a large health centre consisting of several GPs working in concert .
15 These may range from the specification of shapes , finishes and material type through casting and mould details , to jigs and fixtures needed during production .
16 For example , on a gentle 5° slope , the possible speed may range from about 27mph to not being able to move at all .
17 It may be caused by an accidental or inadvertent release from an industrial plant , and the effects may range from annoyance ( e.g. odour ) through minor illness or discomfort ( nose , eye and breathing irritation , coughing , nausea ) to , in some cases , serious illness or even death as happened at Seveso , Bhopal and Chernobyl ( table 7.3 ) .
18 According to Jespersen ( 1933 ) , the imperative is used in requests , which according to circumstances may range from brusque commands to humble entreaties , the tone generally serving as a key to the exact meaning .
19 This may range from small areas of earthworks within or at one end of a settlement , to large areas of earthworks with only a few farms and cottages in use today .
20 This is no easy task when it is aimed at an entire work force and when the normal reading habits of the employees may range from The Times at one end to The Sun at the other .
21 The outcomes may range from complete correction to the professional satisfaction of the engineer , to an adjustment to the areas of responsibility between the parties which may result , in extreme cases , in the engineer contracting out of further responsibility or abandoning his or her engagement .
22 As the people from whom paper SPRs originate may range from software developers with an intimate knowledge of the software to users with only a rudimentary understanding of computers , it is advisable to route incoming SPRs through a single responsible authority , or one per project , associated with the LIFESPAN manager .
23 Studies of sulphate absorption using ileostomists have indicated that concentrations of this anion can vary considerably in diet and that amounts reaching the colon may range from 2 to 9 mmol.day - 1 .
24 The purpose of an experiment in fluid mechanics may range from direct verification of a theory ( as in Figs. 11.2 , 15.12 and 17.19 ) to a general exploration of the phenomena that occur in a given situation .
25 There still remains the primary need for all agreements , however limited in scope , which affect the partners to be set down clearly and exhaustively in writing to avoid subsequent dispute : such writing may range from the proper minutes of a partners ' meeting to a separate manual describing a firm 's management process as a guide , in the largest firms , to enable every partner and every employee to identify the person responsible for any particular aspect of the firm 's administration .
26 Such arrangements may range from full partnership down to " strategic alliances " designed for pooling resources and sharing expenses and generally spreading the risk between the member firms .
27 This state may arise from anger , a temper , being contradicted , feeling mortified o from physical pain itself .
28 Alternatively , the odour may arise from one works only but it 's actual point source or sources within the works is difficult to identify .
29 The referent or antecedent of an anaphor may arise from the sentence in which the anaphor occurs or from an earlier sentence in the text .
30 For others , the feeling of being trapped may arise from an early blueprint drawn up when they were literally helpless and unable to do anything about an intolerable situation or to get out of it on their own .
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