Example sentences of "[modal v] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Eisenhower himself feared that a permanently mobilized nation must in time change its way of life for the worse .
2 We recommend that most desktop PCs should in time connect to a single Ethernet network , with appropriate security for sensitive data , such as Personnel records .
3 It was often commented , however , that the proposal should in time be extended to include all firms .
4 Well we should in time for tonight .
5 Mr Major told MPs that the awarding of honours had been a valued part of British life for centuries but the system must from time to time be reviewed .
6 If he can o if we can offset , if we can use all , if he 'll out time type of thing
7 If the consultant withdraws and the residents come under the care of a general practitioner , who might from time to time call in a psychiatrist , the home is called a nursing home in the community .
8 Nobody could keep up with all the chemists nowadays , for example ; though someone might from time to time attend enormous congresses of chemists , he or she would go to papers devoted to his or her special branch of the subject .
9 The agreements usually obliged the " licensees " , as they were called in the agreements , to share occupation with other persons the landlord might from time to time nominate , each to bear responsibility for part of the rent .
10 Stern appeals to principle might in time have closed the dollar gap in Britain 's trade with the United States had not cancer removed this economic dictator-by-consent , greatly weakening the Labour government 's authority in 1951 .
11 This is to pick up changes in the cells on the cervix ( neck of the womb ) which might in time go on to become cancer .
12 There were several reasons why Adenauer pursued such a line of argument : it might be a way of helping the new West German state to achieve equality in the international order ; it might placate West German annoyance over the role of the International Ruhr Authority ; and it might in time offer an opportunity for West Germany to regain sovereignty of the coal and steel producing Saar , which still remained in French hands .
13 Well , making his room fit to live in was just possibly a better way to go about it than writing him twelve-page letters , as dearest Tessa might in time come to realize .
14 It was becoming a habit , and might in time become a tradition .
15 He was one of the first , in response to developments in Europe and the Far East , to conclude that German and Japanese expansion might in time threaten the interests and even the security of the United States .
16 The depreciation of sterling should help to bring this about and , although there might in time be scope for some further slight fall in interest rates , it is doubtful if there is much more that the Chancellor can do .
17 The depreciation of sterling should help to bring this about and , although there might in time be scope for some further slight fall in interest rates , it is doubtful if there is much more that the Chancellor can do .
18 If the heir 's family or friends objected , they might over time persuade the king , or his heir , to a change of mind .
19 Outside the political arena , where the spirit of Samuel Plimsoll could from time to time be induced to prevail , Wilson could claim few successes .
20 But he did say there was a possibility that and could in time be made into a parish of their own .
21 Mr French conceded that that could in time be a major issue with taxpayers but he thought that they would be willing to accept the principle provided the countryside was well looked after .
22 As a shop assistant you may from time to time need to be helpful , tactful , firm or sympathetic !
23 In order to achieve this they may from time to time have to change the form in order to preserve the meaning .
24 15.1 has imparted and may from time to time impart to certain confidential information relating to the Licensed Software , or up-dates or enhancements of the Licensed Software or other software owned , marketed or supported by ( including specifications therefore ) .
25 18.1 Any notice required or permitted under the terms of this Agreement or required by statute , law or regulation shall , unless otherwise provided for , be in writing , and shall be delivered in person , sent by registered mail or air mail as appropriate , properly posted and fully pre-paid in an envelope properly addressed , or sent by telefax or by telex to the respective Parties as specified above or to such other address , telefax or telex number as may from time to time be designated by notice hereunder .
26 4.3.3 The other Non-academic Parties agree to provide to the Lead Organization , or direct to the Secretary of State , as may be most convenient a copy of their respective latest audited accounts , unless previously provided , together with such other financial and technical information as the Secretary of State may from time to time properly require in relation to the procedures governing claims for payment .
27 6.4 Payments shall be made by cheque in US dollars to the bank account of , details of which are set out in Schedule 5 , or to an account at such other bank in England as may from time to time nominate for the purpose .
28 Although one may from time to time admire people who hazard their entire company on one major throw , it has to be a risk that for most of us would be , hopefully , both an unnecessary one and certainly an undesirable one .
29 In some cases longer detention would be requisite , and there may from time to time be murderers who can never be released .
30 It makes sense to see what the crucial contribution of the teacher is , and to test other models of the learning process which may from time to time be proposed to see what help they can give .
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