Example sentences of "[be] done without " in BNC.

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1 The opposition leader Hugh Gaitskell pressed the point and eventually , on 14 May , Eden was forced to admit that an underwater spying operation had been carried out against the Russian ships by Crabb but that it had been done without official approval .
2 Between humdrum research and showpiece research , what the humanities scholarly community is really anxious to see is work which is both ( a ) respected as an original scholarly contribution within its own discipline and ( b ) could clearly not have been done without a computer .
3 However , of the studies I have mentioned it would be difficult to claim that more than a handful fulfilled the criteria I mentioned earlier : both ( a ) respected as an original scholarly contribution within its own discipline and ( b ) could clearly not have been done without a computer .
4 It was one of six in the same building , but because the conversion had been done without planning permission , it did n't officially exist , and they 're saddled with a mortgage of £39,000 .
5 And if I might just come in on this thing that 's always thrown up against Mrs. Thatcher about her rejoice , she said rejoice when South Georgia had been retaken and the rejoice was because it appeared to have been done without any casualties — that was what she was rejoicing for , not the victory erm
6 Even gentle exercises , such as Yoga , can put tremendous stress on the body if they are done without first dealing with the fundamental issues of end-gaining and faulty sensory perception .
7 Fortunately for frail elderly people , there are many who offer altruistic neighbouring acts , that is to say , they are done without assumptions of reciprocity ; the gratification which they obtain is in a sense their own private business !
8 Kathleen evidently ran things around here and nothing could be done without her say-so .
9 Here in the social services , which , in volume of resources involved , represent between one-third and one-half of the activities of the state , the question , it seems to me , can not be posed by disconnected , spasmodic pluses and minuses but by presenting a broad and large conception of the manner in which resources ought to be redeployed to meet modern realities , and this will not be done without soberly assessing but boldly facing the in-built obstacles to that redeployment .
10 Before the conversion of Granby House , it was not clear how this could be done without incurring enormous expense .
11 Some things can be done without it but we do need money .
12 They want ties that link them more to each other — through mutual defence pacts — and to the West , if it can be done without infuriating the Soviet Union .
13 Meanwhile , Mrs Hollidaye revealed to Dot how many things were to be done without even having to move from bed .
14 The need , however , was for a permanent body to deal with matters affecting Nonconformity , to encourage unity amongst the various denominations or at least to cut down on needless competition , to present a united Nonconformist ‘ witness ’ when required and to give a ‘ Nonconformist ’ answer to political questions whenever possible , that is , when this could be done without alienating the Methodists , especially the Wesleyans .
15 He would have preferred holding her back but that could n't be done without her getting frightened that something bad had happened .
16 Nothing can be done without the spirit of contradiction ’ .
17 But as far as efficiency is concerned the work could be done without nearly so many . ’
18 He taught us that it could be done without in normal circumstances .
19 What is more , it can be done without in any way making the exhibition more ‘ dull ’ or ‘ serious ’ than it would otherwise be .
20 But I put it at the bottom of the list and consider it can really be done without .
21 ‘ Would wish to have a number of super-numerary posts to enable training to be done without disrupting work ’ …
22 Another essential aspect of rabbit clearance when this is to be done without the use of guns is nets .
23 Obviously this needs to be done without undue pressure ; hammering is out of the question , and the stakes must not be broken .
24 The pastoral work of the church can not be done without adequate financial support and I am afraid the support we are getting at the moment is simply not enough for all we are doing . ’
25 See what can be done without filtration if you have a pollution-free source of water and can make one or two water changes a day .
26 John Ostrom points out that most dinosaur nasal passages bypassed the mouth cavity , so chewing could be done without breathing , very typical of creatures with high respiratory rates ; i.e. endotherms .
27 TODAY does not believe in merely telling the Government that something must be done without being able to suggest positive moves .
28 The army captain and the naval navigator practised swimming ashore at night , taking turns to act the part of a sentry while the other stalked around the acting guard until this could be done without the swimmer being detected .
29 Nathaniel Houlton , a widower living in Bristol , itemized the details of his coffin in a will drafted on 26 May 1767 : ‘ First , It is my Will and Desire ( if it can be done without being Offensive ) to have my Body kept for the space of One Week at the Least after my Demise , before my Coffin ( which I direct shall have a Double or false Lid , as my late Wife 's had ) , be closed up ; …
30 But this could not be done without noise , especially the last , and hearing it the defenders lit first torches and then large beacons along the walls and opened up with their guns .
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