Example sentences of "[be] now see " in BNC.

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1 Come to think of it , if Major had revealed the side of himself we 're now seeing , the result would also have been different .
2 And er th there will be an increase the ra accident rates that are orthopaedic related er inside the remainder of the pits because we 're now seeing the drift towards er longer working hours , more time at the coal face .
3 This reflects a change in attitude , the power cars are now seen as separate locomotive units .
4 The chances of the man who was seen as a contender for the presidency until a few days ago , the former leader , Mr Alexander Dubcek , winning the post are now seen as receding .
5 Because of the speed increases that these induce , together with lengthened journeys that they cause , these are now seen as being quite at variance with traffic calming principles.Thus former one-way carriageways were made two-way and all were narrowed , typically from over 6m to 4–5m .
6 Madeira once had its own peculiar forms of transport , but most of these are now seen only on display and not in use .
7 In the light of this passage we can interpret one of Wordsworth 's gnomic sayings — ‘ The Child is Father of the Man ’ — and can understand what the attractive childhood episodes are doing in Books i and ii ; they are now seen to be similar ‘ spots of time … enshrined … for future restoration ’ .
8 Thanks to its huge IDV wines and spirits division they are now seen as a cheaper way into the international premium-branded booze market than those of rivals Allied-Lyons and Guinness .
9 The mid-'70s are now seen as something of a cultural wasteland for rock and it is no exaggeration to say that Wednesday 's NME was the highlight of the musical week for a generation .
10 Although the details of their theory are now seen to be clearly wrong , their insight , that different parts of the brain are responsible for different processes , has stood the test of time and research and informs much of our current understanding of the brain .
11 The figures are Dataquest estimates of what a buyer actually pays after standard retail discounts , as opposed to list prices.Prices are now seen to be about 10% higher in Europe than in the US , against 25% a year ago .
12 The two longer transients are now seen , one as an exponential decay and the other as an asymptotic exponential rise with 265-day time constant .
13 The power of United States federal courts to take evidence in aid of foreign proceedings was first introduced in 1855 but as a result of a series of what are now seen as misunderstandings fell into disuse .
14 However , all the important branches of physics are now seen as engineering subjects in their own right and are often taught without much of the underlying physics .
15 Loyalty and commitment — the leader and the organisation are now seen as ‘ family ’ by the individual .
16 The chronology of place-name developments was rejected by place-name scholars after seminal research by John McNeal Dodgson in 1966 and , to the extent that it has been replaced at all , place names are now seen to represent the hierarchical status of places in the landscape with no particular significance attached to when they are first recorded .
17 Representative government , parties and elections are now seen increasingly as providing an essential framework but as inadequate by themselves to establish a democratic society in the more radical sense of government by the people .
18 At the meeting on 18 November , will there be a clear discussion about the eight-day tie-up regulations which , one year on , are now seen as the most hated and despised aspect of the conservation policy , bringing financial hardship , fear and life-threatening situations to our coastal communities ?
19 The difference between the short run and the long run is important for the political business cycle models which are now seen as a more central feature of a public choice perspective .
20 In this case the developer would probably say to the local authority , I want this site and it 's all or nothing , which then puts the local authority in a dilemma and in the sense its allocated sites are now seen to be some form second status .
21 Indeed what we are now seeing in some cases as ‘ the genuine article ’ are quality brewery refurbishments dating from the 1920s and 1930s , good Brewers ‘ Tudor , maybe , but hardly the stuff of the ancient , inglenooky world that the modern myth-makers — the brewers and the tourism industry — would have us believe still exists .
22 We are now seeing real improvements in our education system .
23 The sport , he added , gives an enormous amount of pleasure to a lot of people , ‘ We are now seeing the second generation enjoying our facilities — youngsters whose parents used to ride around our tracks . ’
24 We should be clear about what ‘ allowing market mechanisms and incentives to do their job ’ means — the consolidation of the two-thirds society ; the perpetuation of the spiral of poverty , by which we are now seeing a generation of young adults emerging whose parents have never known regular employment , and who no longer expect — or even seek — it for themselves ; the creation of a permanent underclass , its anger turned in upon itself , its hope for the future devoured in poverty , crime , violence and despair .
25 We are now seeing the non-niche players entering the market with EIS-type products like Lotus Notes . ’
26 ‘ We sincerely hope that the increased sales we are now seeing will be sustainable , although we must all be aware that the recession remains deep and we are still vulnerable to market conditions . ’
27 We are now seeing the economy turn round .
28 We are now seeing the first signs of recovery and all forecasters expect to see our economy growing again in the coming year .
29 We are now seeing the economy turn round .
30 One asks whether we are now seeing tools being fashioned which by some future , perhaps less scrupulous , Government may be used to weaken the independent administration of justice and so undermine the rule of law .
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