Example sentences of "[be] show that " in BNC.

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1 Interesting buildings are not confined to the ancient , ornate or foreign ; we are shown that there are plenty of ideas on our own doorstep !
2 However , we are shown that success does n't only depend on technical skill , but in selecting just the right view to paint .
3 Nucleotide positions of parthenogenesis and incompatibility bacteria are shown that distinguish the two sequence subgroups .
4 Among the 48 cosmid clones isolated with this YAC , five are shown that form a contig flanking the GLA locus .
5 Through the witness of the apostles and the witness of the Spirit ( now seen as Accuser ) , men are shown that they are wrong with their moralistic ideas of sin : sin is essentially the refusal to commit themselves to Jesus , God 's saviour .
6 Over the first nine pages of the book , George appears to be mean and irritable towards Lennie , and seems to treat him very heartlessly , but throughout the book we are shown that the two men depend on one another very much , and they have a very strong relationship .
7 Within the cochlea , for example , it has been shown that there are endings that respond preferentially to sounds of high rather than low pitch .
8 ( 5 ) Very recently it has been shown that transplants of the SCN can be used to pass rhythmicity from one animal to another .
9 It has been shown that , in some animals , one of these is that lithium slows the free-running period of the body clock .
10 Following a series of projects in which it has been shown that mills and large warehouses may satisfactorily be converted into dwellings , some interest has been shown in the possibility of treating redundant factories similarly .
11 However , with recent advances in information technology it has been shown that automation of all or some of these processes will provide an effective way forward .
12 However , it has been shown that this is not the case .
13 It has been shown that during the period there is flow of menstrual products backwards up the fallopian tubes and even into the abdominal cavity .
14 It has been shown that inactivated herpes virus is more capable of inducing cancerous change in certain cells than the normal virus , and the possible risks attached to such vaccines vastly outweigh any dubious advantages .
15 It has been shown that the best time of year for such exams would be in March or April when temperatures are lower .
16 It has been shown that many additives are responsible for behavioural problems among young people , such as irritability , clumsiness , excitability and aggressiveness .
17 It has been shown that only physiological concentrations of insulin c. 30–40 μ U/ml are required for such an effect ( De Fronzo , 1981 ) .
18 Using these techniques it has been shown that thromboxane A 2 is a potent contractor of isolated vessel segments from several species including coronary arteries from pig and cattle , human umbilical artery and rabbit aorta ( Moncada & Vane , 1979 ) .
19 In addition to the findings that vascular prostacyclin production may be decreased in diabetes , it has been shown that platelets obtained from diabetic subjects show diminished sensitivity to the antiaggregatory effects of prostacyclin in vitro .
20 It has been shown that one of the basic criticisms of ‘ boy labour ’ was the ‘ decay ’ or ‘ decline ’ of ‘ old-style ’ apprenticeship under the impact of excessive specialization of process which resulted in a ‘ dilution ’ of apprenticeship proper .
21 For example , It has recently been shown that a new drug ( misoprostol ) , if used prophylactically , can reduce the incidence of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ( NSAID ) associated ulcers in those patients taking these drugs for their arthritis ( Graham et al , 1988 ) .
22 It has been shown that decomposition of small mammal carcases proceeds rapidly , and the bones are then subject to environmental stresses ( Dodson , 1973 ; Korth , 1979 ) .
23 In tundra habitats , it has been shown that lemmings can eat up to 50 per cent of available vegetation and destroy a lot more during peak years , and as a result of lack of food the rate of decline of lemming populations can be as rapid as the rate of increase ( Batzli , 1975 ) .
24 It has been shown that different habitats have highly characteristic patterns of species diversity ( Fleming , 1973 ; Krebs , 1978 ; Andrews , Lord & Evans , 1979 ; Avery , 1982 ) .
25 On the other hand , it has already been shown that the tawny owl produces higher levels of modification than other species ( Raczynski & Ruprecht , 1974 ; Lowe , 1980 ) , so that caution is needed before generalizing too far on what owls do or do not do .
26 Conversely , it has also been shown that in the absence of another meal , the previous one may be kept in the stomach for more than twice as long as usual ( Chitty , 1938 ) , presumably with a gradual increase in stomach acidity , and the bones in this instance are likely to be strongly modified or even totally destroyed .
27 It has also been shown that , for all colliding plane wave solutions , coordinate singularities necessarily occur in regions II and III .
28 It has already been shown that the new solution obtained using a Geroch transformation will automatically satisfy the required boundary conditions if these are satisfied by the initial solution .
29 In particular , it has been shown that the proper time between the collision and the subsequent singularity is inversely proportional to the square root of the amplitudes of the impulsive components of the approaching waves .
30 In the Bell-Szekeres solution , it has been shown that the hypersurface on which the opposing waves mutually focus each other is a Cauchy horizon rather than a curvature singularity .
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